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irs relocation guidelines 50 milesPor

May 20, 2023

Per diem for en route travel ends, whether the arrival is prior to or subsequent to the date on the approved relocation authorization. Arranging for a professional carrier to pack, load, ship and store the employees household goods, unaccompanied air baggage (UAB), and POV, if applicable, and preparing the Internal Revenue Bills of Lading (IRBL) for authorized services. If the Commissioner determines that the separation was beyond the employees control and acceptable to the IRS, the employee will be relieved of all indebtedness normally arising from the early separation. To request reimbursement for residence sale and purchase expenses the employee incur for residence transaction, the employee send the claim for reimbursement and documentation of expenses to the approving official for review and approval. The IRS allowed these moving deductions only when the person was moving for job-related reasons. There are other charges that the employee may be responsible to pay the carrier when the IRS determines that the employees actions produced unnecessary expenses. The reimbursement will be based on the standard CONUS per diem rate. All reimbursable expenses for short distance moves are taxable income and cannot be waived. A copy of the lease (if applicable) is required for reimbursement. The move must be made within one year of employment. Shipment of a POV within CONUS when the distance is 600 miles or more after approval by the Associate CFO for Financial Management. An overweight household goods shipment and overweight household goods storage payment has been paid to a moving company and must be collected. The IRS pays the total charges and will bill employees for the cost of transportation and other charges applicable to any excess weight. Reviews are conducted to ensure vouchers and invoices are processed according to regulatory requirements and to ensure the expenses are included in gross income for tax compliance. Employees may receive an advance of funds for shipment and emergency storage of a POV not to exceed the estimated shipment and storage costs. The maximum number of POVs that the approving official can authorize for en route travel is limited to the number of authorized licensed drivers, including the employee and immediate family members. Reviewing approved relocation authorizations for basic moving expenses, and relocation authorization amendments for basic plus moving expenses and obligating funding where necessary. The brokers fees or advertising charges are not in excess of those customarily charged for comparable services in that locality. If the advance is not liquidated, a billing document is established. The technician prepares a Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, for each employee to whom payments were made for moving expenses no later than January 31 of each year. Eligible travel costs include: Gas Oil Parking fees Tolls 3. Accordingly, the 2020 IRS standard mileage rates are: 57.5 cents per business mile 17 cents per mile for medical or moving 14 cents for charitable reasons. (11) IRM, Relocation Debts, Updated section for clarification. If the travel to the new official station is an integral part of the new assignment, payment of per diem is not allowed and the beginning date of the travel is considered the employees report date. As an eligible SES career appointee who meets the conditions for a separation retirement may be reimbursed for relocation expenses which include the following: Upon separation, if the employee elects to reside in a different geographical area which is less than 50 miles from the official station, they will not receive reimbursement. Relocation authorizations must be approved and obligated before expenses are incurred to cover anticipated relocation expenses. They must contact the carrier within 75 days from the date of delivery to notify them of any loss or damage and to request a claim form. The requirements for classifying it as a job-related move included: This section provides responsibilities for: The CFO and Deputy CFO are responsible for the oversight of the IRS relocation program and also for: Overseeing policies and procedures and employee compliance with relocation allowances. There are disallowed household goods items and restricted articles transported by the carrier. A TCS is a relocation to a new official station for a temporary period while performing a long-term assignment, and subsequent return to the previous official station upon completion of that assignment. For example, in remote areas or when conventional facilities are in short supply, because of an influx of attendees at a special event, such as the Worlds Fair or international sporting event. To avoid inequity to the employee for additional expenses, the approving official may extend the period for storage at their discretion depending on the employees circumstances. The carrier is required to acknowledge all claims within 10 calendar days after receipt of a properly completed form. Employees are required to use their government travel card for themselves and authorized family members, househunting trip and en route travel in accordance with the rules governing the mandatory use of the government travel card. (6) IRM, Allowance for Househunting Trip Expenses, Updated section for clarification. CFO relocation technicians are responsible for: Reviewing and paying relocation vouchers and invoices submitted for reimbursement. The IRS will not reimburse the employee for the cost of comparable conventional lodging in the area or a flat rate amount. This includes parking fees. Form 9803, Transportation Agreement, (for non-foreign OCONUS travel) - requires the employee to remain at that POD for a period of two years from the date the employee arrives, unless the employee's tour is interrupted for a reason beyond the employee's control, and acceptable to the IRS. If an employee is separated from the government before completing one year of an agreed tour of duty, under circumstances that appear to be beyond their control, the facts should be presented to the Commissioner. Meeting all prerequisites for use of the basic plus relocation program such as marketing the residence for the specified time period before requesting the service. P.O. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. 1.32.1 IRS Local Travel Guide | Internal Revenue Service Providing employees with a signed relocation authorization for basic moving expenses and relocation authorization amendment for basic plus moving expenses if necessary. This guide applies to all employees authorized by the IRS to relocate to a new official station in the interest of the government. The nature of the assignment may not be related to the new position. Employees and their authorized immediate family members are entitled to UAB allowance if the employee is transferred to an OCONUS location. This section provides IRS guidance and instructions to supplement FTR Chapter 302, Relocation Allowances, Part 30216, Allowance for Miscellaneous Expenses, including: If an employee elects the standard allowance rather than itemizing miscellaneous expenses, the IRS will reimburse the following amount without support or documentation: $650 or the equivalent of one weeks basic gross pay, whichever is the lesser of the amount, for employees relocating without an immediate family; $1,300 or the equivalent of two weeks basic gross pay, whichever is the lesser of the amount, for employees relocating with an immediate family member. However, the IRS will pay for property management services if approved by the Associate CFO for Financial Management. The employee will make all arrangements for the move without the involvement of the institution. Expenses for rental cars may be authorized; however, the rental car cannot be used for personal travel and the approving official may impose limitations on the total mileage reimbursed. For example, if the old official station is three miles from the current residence, then the new official station must be at least 53 miles from that same residence in order to receive relocation expenses for residence transactions. The employee must include a Debt Collection Repayment memo with their payment. IRS will not reimburse the cost of additional insurance purchased by the employee to cover authorized family members. Use of the travel card for temporary quarters is encouraged but not mandatory. Employees may not receive a travel advance for a last move home. Travel Policy and Review will provide the approval or disapproval request to the business unit and the CFO relocation coordinator electronically via email. Travel Policy and Review will forward the request to the Associate CFO for Financial Management for approval or disapproval. 5% of the actual purchase price of the employee's residence at the new duty station. For a lump-sum househunting trip, the expenses are reimbursed as follows: If an employee performs a househunting trip and their spouse does not, or if their spouse performs a househunting trip and the employee does not, multiply the applicable locality per diem rate by 5.00 (see ). The maximum calculation is based on the standard CONUS rate and is reduced after the first 30 days of the TQ period. The employee must be relocating by a distance of more than 50 miles. Notifying the CFO relocation coordinator of any requirements to perform temporary duty at another location or locations en route to the new official station or while occupying temporary quarters. The distance test is met when the new official station is at least 50 miles further from the employees current residence than the old official station is from the same residence. A copy of either the lease agreement under which a charge for settling an unexpired lease was levied or the legal citation that provides for the lease settlement charge. Employees can obtain lodging from family and friends for TQ, however, the IRS will not reimburse employees the standard CONUS rate for lodging when obtaining TQ with family and friends. When an employee itemizes miscellaneous expenses, instead of requesting reimbursement of the standard allowance, all receipts are required justifying the employee expenses starting with the first dollar amount incurred. Under the Basic Plus Relocation Allowances Program, the IRS may pay the following additional relocation allowances: Employees must receive authorization for basic relocation allowances on, Relocation Authorization for Basic Moving Expenses, before requesting the basic plus relocation allowances on Relocation Authorization Amendment for Basic Plus Moving Expenses. When an employee does not file a claim, the IRS assumes that the RITA amount is zero. Relocation allowances are determined by the type of assignment as a new appointee, student trainee, transferee, overseas tour renewal employee, separating employee or an employee performing a temporary change of station. (4) IRM E), Transferred Employees, Added that for transferred employees returning from foreign or non-foreign OCONUS official station to place of actual residence for separation, IRS must pay or reimburse RITA. Employees may use the government travel card to pay for TQSE. Signing and verifying information in the service agreement. This is to protect employees in the event that they decide to use the Relocation Services Program. The RITA reimburses the employee for the federal and state tax withholdings on taxable relocation travel expenses. 6.575.1.1.1 (03-03-2020) Background Recruitment, relocation, and retention incentives (3Rs) are compensation flexibilities available to help Federal agencies recruit and retain a world-class workforce. Documentation requested may include, but will not be limited to: The current schedule of closing costs which applies to the area in which employee is buying or selling, Information concerning local custom and practices with respect to charging of closing costs which relate to either their sale or purchase and whether such costs are customarily paid by the seller or purchaser, Information on the local terminology used to describe the costs specified in paragraph (b) above. If an employee dies before the separation retirement travel is completed, the IRS pays moving expenses for the family even if the family chooses a different destination other than the one chosen by the employee. This authority may be redelegated, in writing, by the business unit head of office to the director, Strategy and Finance or their equivalent. 1. The technician emails the RITA package which includes the instructions along with the necessary forms for filing a RITA claim. Shipment of a POV within CONUS when the distance is 600 miles or more after approval by the Associate CFO for Financial Management, 4. A family member's age or physical condition requires special accommodations. The authorized time period for extended storage of household goods is the duration of the assignment. IRS forwards the relocation Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, to each eligible employee by January 31. All requests for shipment of POV within CONUS must be approved by the Associate CFO for Financial Management. Transport -- A system or means of conveying people or goods from place to place by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship. It is understood and agreed that regardless of whether or not an offer is presented by a ready, willing and able buyer: Itinerary invoice for common carrier transportation reflecting method of payment, Rental truck/towing equipment contract and receipt, Transportation Agreement (Posts of Duty in Non-Foreign OCONUS), Overseas Transportation-Service Agreement, IRS Relocation Travel-Cost Comparison Worksheet Driving vs. The IRS will pay transportation costs to return the POV from the OCONUS post of duty, if the employee was authorized to ship a POV to an OCONUS post of duty. A statement of the transfer date if such date cannot be otherwise verified. Employees must submit each relocation voucher to the approving official for approval. The amount of the moving allowance will be included in boxes 1, 3, and 5 of the employee's W-2. See IRM 1.32.13, Relocation Services Program, for additional information. The CFO relocation coordinator will assign a mover within the GSA CHAMP program to perform a pre-move survey, pack, load, ship and store the household goods based upon the transferees individual needs. If the employee needs to occupy TQ more than 60 days, they must request an extension of TQ. The authorized methods for transportation, movement and temporary storage of household goods include actual expense method and do-it-yourself moves. An employees request for relief of the service agreement for failing to effect the transfer is denied and must be collected. Shipment of a POV to a foreign or non-foreign OCONUS location after approval by the approving official. 2. The employee is authorized to begin their travel, including transportation for the family and household goods after receiving an approved relocation authorization. Expenses for permanent quarters or TQ which become permanent are not reimbursable. 4. Employees must be occupying their residence at the time they are notified of the transfer to be reimbursed for expenses incurred for residence transactions. $191.82 (the rate for distances between 1,001 and 1,500 miles) by 100 (10,000 pounds of goods divided by 100 to get the CWT weight), for a reimbursement amount of $19,182.. Relocation Income Tax Allowances (RITA) A relocation advance becomes 90 days old. Employees have the option of beginning TQ alone or at the time their family vacates the old residence. Employees must process their TDY expenses in the electronic travel system. Centrally Billed Account (CBA) - An account set up for travelers who do not have a government travel card for official IRS travel expenses, such as airline and train tickets. Extended storage may begin 30 days before the tour begins and end 60 days after the tour is completed. Employees may obtain additional value protection at their own expense from the carrier. Give employees a job relocation package that explains how and when moving expenses will be reimbursed by your company. Program Goals - The goals of this IRM are to ensure that IRS employees receive clear guidance and comply with the IRS relocation policies. The Basic Relocation Allowances Program also includes discretionary allowances as prescribed by the FTR: Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses (TQSE) for up to 60 days, Extension of temporary quarters for an additional 60 days not to exceed a total of 120 days, Shipment of a POV to a foreign or non-foreign OCONUS location, Extension of temporary storage of household goods within CONUS up to an additional 90 days not to exceed a maximum of 150 days and whenever there is an OCONUS origin or destination up to an additional 90 days not to exceed a maximum of 180 days. Also allowed when instead of being returned to the former non-foreign OCONUS area official station, an employee is transferred in the interest of the government to a different non-foreign OCONUS area official station from which transferred when assigned to the non-foreign official station.Column 1, item 4: Also allowed when instead of being returned to the former CONUS area official station, an employee is transferred in the interest of the government to a different CONUS official station. TQSE for 60 days and an extension up to an additional 60 days after approval by the approving official, 3. P.O. Per diem en route to new official station, 4. Employees may transport up to two POVs within CONUS to the new duty station provided each transportation is advantageous and cost effective to the IRS. The basic plus relocation allowances program must be authorized on the relocation authorization amendment and approved by the business unit head of office or their designee. Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) for additional information on foreign and non-foreign OCONUS relocation. Excused absence may only be approved if the cost of relocation (travel and transportation of household goods) is paid by the IRS. Employees must notify their technician if they have any change of their tax status such as an amended tax return or tax audit that would change the information provided for calculation of the RITA. (See IRM 1.32.13, Relocation Services Program for additional information on marketing requirements and use of the Relocation Services Program). The CFO relocation coordinator is responsible for making all the necessary arrangements for transporting household goods, PBP&E and temporary storage including, but not limited to: Pickup/delivery including debris pickup within 30 days of delivery. The business units must submit the request for basic plus relocation allowances to Travel Policy & Review, *CFO Relocation Basic Plus mailbox for review. Employer-Paid Moving Expenses: Are They Taxable? - The Balance Use of the government travel card for TQ is not mandatory. Extensions may be authorized by the approving official for subsequent service or tours of duty at the same or other overseas stations if: TQSE are not authorized in a foreign area. Employees should pay separately for personal expense items so that receipts submitted for reimbursement do not include non-reimbursable or unauthorized items. Approving requests for basic plus allowances for shipment of privately-owned vehicles (POV) within the Continental United States (CONUS) and use of the Relocation Services Program. Employees must submit copies of all grocery receipts and any other reimbursable expenses, such as, an individual meal or dry cleaning that is $75 and over. All aspects of the relocation must be completed within one year from the report date of the transfer or appointment, including settlement of real estate transactions. Delegation Order 1-3, Authorization of Employee Relocation Allowances and Approval of Relocation Reimbursements, for information on approval of relocation activities. Travel Policy and Review will forward the request to an IRS Deputy Commissioner for approval or disapproval. (7) IRM, Allowance for Househunting Trip Expenses, Added paragraph to include provisions and calculations for lump-sum househunting trip expenses. Expenses for the use of a taxi are limited to transportation to airports, or other carrier terminals, and places of lodging and may not be used to seek permanent residence. W2 workers can no longer deduct this due to the new tax laws in effect. If the employee extends their two-year period, they must sign the tour renewal portion of the form in order to continue to receive allowances until they return to their U.S. post of assignment. The following acronyms apply to this program: Employees should review the following IRMs: IRM 1.32.4, Government Travel Card Program, for information on the Travel Card Program and the Centrally Billed Government Travel Card Program, IRM 1.32.11, IRS City-to-City Travel Guide, for information on city-to-city travel, including domestic, foreign, invitational and emergency travel, IRM 1.32.13, Relocation Services Program, for information regarding the use of the relocation services contract. The approving official may authorize the use of more than one POV if the employee meets one of the following circumstances: One POV cannot reasonably transport the entire family together with luggage. Upon written request, the initial temporary storage period may be extended OCONUS for up to an additional 90 days for a total of 180 days under certain circumstances when approved by the authorizing official. In advance of the employee's travel, the family must travel to the new official station for acceptable reasons, such as enrolling children in school at the beginning of the term. The technician will establish a receivable for the excess WTA, as the IRS overpaid federal taxes on the employee's behalf. Submitting signed and approved Form 8741, Relocation Voucher, to the technician, with receipts and supporting documentation within 15 calendar days after completion of the relocation activity and ensuring claimed relocation expenses are correct. The IRS can reimburse an employee the cost of other types of lodging when there are no conventional lodging facilities in the area. Employees are allowed per diem for a round trip between the new and old stations to handle personal matters related to the transfer or to complete unfinished work. If authorized, an employee and their immediate family can occupy TQ for a period not to exceed 60 days. Family members are not covered under the government rental car agreement, therefore, they are considered unauthorized drivers/passengers, and will not be insured by the government. 2. What documents will I need to prove that I moved over 50 miles for (See DSSR, section 242.2). The employee should immediately return to the old official station and begin their relocation. This rate has remained steady for years You can deduct these costs if you're self-employed. Documentation to show the date the employee was informed of the transfer and the date the employee informed the lease holder, if timeliness of notification to the lease holder is a factor in the settlement charge. If the employee did not ship a POV, then the employee should contact their assigned CFO relocation coordinator for assistance. Depending upon the type of expense employees are claiming, documentation includes, but is not limited to, the following: Vouchers submitted with missing receipts may be elevated to the Travel Policy and Review office for review and approval. If the employee travels by any other mode, the IRS will pay the employees transportation expenses, not to exceed the cost of transportation expenses by the authorized mode. Relocating employees are entitled to all mandatory payments allowable under the basic relocation allowances program. This section provides IRS guidance to supplement FTR Chapter 302, Relocation Allowances, Part 302-6, Allowance for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses, including: Temporary quarters (TQ) refers to lodging obtained from private or commercial sources to be occupied temporarily (with the intent of moving to permanent quarters at a later date) by the employee and/or members of their immediate family who vacated the residence in which they were residing at the time the transfer was authorized. Shipment of POV from OCONUS if employee was previously authorized a shipment of POV to that OCONUS location, 7. (9) IRM, Allowance for Temporary Quarters (TQ) Subsistence Expenses, Added paragraph to explain the calculation for lump sum TQSE payments. Travel Policy and Review will provide copies of the approval or disapproval to the CFO relocation coordinator. The IRS requires the reporting date to be the date on which the employee physically reports for duty at their new official station. Such activities may relate to locating living quarters at the new POD (if a househunting trip was not authorized); sale of property; transportation and delivery of household goods; and securing utilities, driver's license and automobile tags. Reviewing Form 14564, Request for Approval for the Basic Plus Allowance Shipment of Privately-Owned Vehicle. Reading all furnished materials carefully to understand responsibilities; if employees are misinformed by a government official, the IRS has no legal basis to pay an unauthorized claim. Authorized family members under age 12 receive up to 175 pounds each. Reviewing relocation reimbursements and reconciling payments annually to ensure tax withholding and taxable income are recorded properly. An employee detailed to duty at a temporary duty location (TDY) location is not entitled to per diem at such place on and after the date they received notice, formal or informal, that the temporary station was to become the permanent official station.

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irs relocation guidelines 50 miles