daily prophetic word fathers heart daily prophetic word fathers heart

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daily prophetic word fathers heartPor

May 20, 2023

Old wineskins are meant to hold the wine of past seasons. That we will know when to look forward, when to turn our heads and confirm our allegiance to the Father and for us to receive the banner that flows over us, the anointing for mental health. and allow yourself to be hemmed in from all sides. And the King of glory shall come in. I declare, the Father is freeing up a people who will represent His Heart to the Nations! When you look toward the throne says the Father your cry should be "Thy Kingdom Come". I see the chains of addition and mental illness and disease falling from individuals who have been considered unreachable and too far gone. Divine decrees are being released. The Girdle of the Lord is being released upon the Intercessors in Canada! The Word and the Spirit are flowing as One. The train of the Fathers mercy is being released to sweep many souls into the Kingdom. A collective body of mighty warriors/roaring lionesses rising up to prepare the way for the Fathers plans in the nation of Canada. A new wineskin is emerging in California, and its ready to receive an infilling of fresh new wine! In the bible, Elizabeth and Mary were the mothers of a new Era on Gods spiritual timetable. It was divinely organized, intentional, strategic and perfectly timed!Then I saw specialized Holy bombs being loaded onto what looked like an array of specialized aircrafts. She stepped out with the whirlwind propelling her forward. I saw Monarch butterflies being released represented the kingly anointing, the Apostolic anointing rising and being established! You are emerging as mighty WOMEN of VALOR! Micah 2:13. I see an increase and a rising up of the healing balm of Gilead. The injection of truth will first untangle and then transform this big mess into a powerful message of reconciliation and restoration. We want to be the Prophets in your life! They were trying to push and prod him up from below with a long pole and some were even trying to throw buckets of Oil up onto him. Text "FHM" to 2012776097 to join our free SMS Texting List! It felt overwhelming.I asked the Lord, What are these traps? One of the traps was suddenly zoomed up close to my eyes and I was shown that it was the 'trap of offense'.I discerned that these people had become offended (with others, with God etc) and had been caught and trapped in the sin of offense.As I stood and wondered how to help these people get free, I saw the Fathers plan unfold for a mighty unclamping of these traps. As I read, I saw a rising up of leaders in Canada who possessed this gift of wisdom to discern, organize and set people and places and things into proper order- according to the blueprint of Gods divine order. I heard him say"I will not go to the religious, for they have dis-graced the name of Jesus". I Decree to the State of California- today the chains are coming off your Gates and today you are being set free from the assignment and the agenda of the enemy! I hear the Lord say that in this season- nothing shall be impossible for those who believe! I see a firm backbone being infused into the body of Christ, a strengthening and a straightening of your spinal cord, I see a rod being inserted into your spinal cord to keep it upright and in perfect alignment with the Fathers plans. I would never keep this nation from being born, says your God. Just as God told Abraham to go, when he wasnt sure the outcome--- so the Lord has similarly called many to go to Ottawa. I see Canada standing before Nations and I see Canada stengthening the weak hands and making firm the feeble knees. I hear the Father saying "I want all my kids at my right hand". Only that which is of Christ will be anointed and appointed in this hour. Watch now as the Father reveals the new thing that He has been preparing in the secret place deep within you. Redemption is meant to redeem the whole man. Father God, fill my heart with your love and compassion for my brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. Acts 3:6-8 Then Peter said, Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. Sealed, I decree Malachi 4:2-3 over you which reads But to you whofear My name, theSun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. They birthed John the Baptist (the spirit of Elijah) and Jesus (the Son of God), respectively. 2 Samuel 16:13. As she stood upon the citadel, she opened her mouth and let out a battle cry and it resounded as a mighty ROAR!!! They had been positioned by the enemy to immobilize the people of this land. When we engage in the attack of our own spiritual body- we align with the principality of sabotage and as a result, we have no authority to release healing into the physical body that is suffering with autoimmune disease. Their emotions full of bleeding sores. It was like a brand-new baby had being birthed! As I looked closer, I saw these clamps contained jaws and teeth with attached coils. Even the creation is waiting in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed (Rom 8:19). I could see that this was the time of Birthing! Quebec, I hear the Father say that He will be to you, like a mother, in this season, He will soothe and heal and restore you into His image! The wealth of the nations will flow to her. Nations are waiting for Canada to release them into their Destinies. It says Zechariah was muted because he spoke in a way that revealed that he did not believe the Words of God. In the Spirit, I see God is rolling out the red carpet for the Queens in the Kingdom! In the Spirit, I saw a train emerging from a long tunnel, into the open and moving full steam ahead. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire. No more lukewarm or carnal or self-sufficient or worldly or secular! SCRIPTURE: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me. I discovered that it was a fortress, typically on high ground, in an elevated place, protecting or dominating a city. We are not called to partner with the world, we are called to lead the world! I see the Spirit of God undergirding many who have felt weak and helpless in the past season. Drink deeplyfor it is through a unified sucklinga coordinated unity that our thirst and hunger releases the let down of the Holy Spirits presence and power. Royalty does not exist without kingship. Its on course, its on track and its right on time! Immediately I knew it was the womb of the Holy Spirit. I could feel the despair and anguish of the souls living in this place. As in the days of the 1948 revival and the Toronto revival, God is beginning a move of God right here in Canada as he did before that will be exponentially greater than either revival. Jesus demonstrated Son-ship and we are invited to enter into it. He opened the diamond up like you would a locket and placed theheart inside the diamond and closed it up and said to me,"Love is the greatest Power on heaven and earth, love never fails". In this season, I am releasing the fullness of that mantle of Healing that I have bestowed upon you Canada says the Lord for I am going to use you to wreck havoc in the enemys camp upon the earth and you will be known as force to be reckoned with! Sealed, California- I Decree- the name of the Lord is a strong tower and those who run into it will be safe! I instinctively knew these kings represented wickedness in high places, religious and political spirits, demonic powers and principalities. There is a readiness to receive a readiness to receive the Fathers Love. This speaks of being stationed on the high places! I see a mighty untangling taking place in the spirit. Sealed, Quebec, I decree the enemys assignments are being identified, nullified and removed from your land! Today I choose to release all of these ones to you and to trust you to sort everything out. Every week I take some time to listen to the Father's heart to receive a prophetic word of inspiration for those who are part of this community. There is an establishing, a rising into destiny. Definition of mangled to disfigure- to deeply wound, to beat, to bruise, to cut up and to convulse. The Lord is healing the wounds of the fathers and mothers. I heard the Lord say,"I will compel them with my Love, for this is My Heart. We will realize God's ultimate goal is not healing but what healing produces a person who isn't sick! New wine must be poured into new wineskins. Daily Prophetic Rhema Words from the Lord to support, encourage, and strengthen your daily walk with Christ. We are to be mindful of what we speak because life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). A girdle is scripturally referred to as a belt or a sash and it is what Jesus wore in Rev 1:13 as both the ascended Priest and King! I hadnt realized I had ventured into the yard because it had happened so quickly and in such a subtle way. I see foundations are being built upon. Use this form to subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. I saw that wherever I went, this helicopter and spotlight would now be shining directly on me (the Bride). Your email address will not be published. And the Father says its time for the women- its time for Canada! And Canada shall be called a protector and nurturer of her household. Life has a way of beating us down but God's heart is to lift us up. I knew, it was not about going higher, it was about going wider- it was about the discovery and revelation of everything in this space, this realm.In my spirit I knew, I was standing on the threshold of the Throne Room. There has been a washing; now comes a conditioning, a smoothing out of knots and tangles- the remnants of the orphan spirit being displaced by the spirit of sonship- by the Fathers Love. My husband could not explain, but said he felt a strong sense that we needed to remove our shoes. After it was finished the Lord spoke to me and said this: This belly cast is both prophetic and symbolic for I am about to birth a womens movement across this Nation that will take down the movement of feminism and these women will rise up in a warrior anointing like that of a Deborah. And I looked up the story of Deborah in the book of Judges and it said and then I Deborah arose a mother of Israel. When God occupies us, the enemy can no longer touch us. All other fears are being swallowed up as the Fathers perfect love manifests through His sons and daughters throughout Canada! They are preparing the way! I ask that you would touch them in a supernatural way and reveal your heart to them. New! You have felt empty and void, but know this, says the Father, I am in that void. Apostolic Mothers that will lead the charge and through their obedience, through their holy warfare, they will shift regions, cities, and entire Nations to turn to the Father-heart of God! I hear the Father say- I am bringing a Resolution to start a Revolution within the community of Resolute Bay and to light up Canadas Arctic and the entire Arctic region with my presence and my power!. It took my breath away. The fresh oil of evangelism and outreach is being poured out across the province of Manitoba. Come! The captives dont see the army either. Maggie Baratto/ Posted: January 15, 2022. The Father Says Today: April 30th, 2023 - Fathers Heart Ministry As she ascended, I watched her garments miraculously transform into complete military attire! So, what is the culture God wants to create through the Healing Rooms? 137 Smith Street P.O. What sticks out to me the most is the determination of those marching. Use this form to subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. Mothers over cities, mothers over regions and mothers over nations! To root out everything that has hindered and blocked us from receiving and walking in the fullness of His Resurrection Power. We need to be ready for this next move. Daily Prophetic Word by Doug Addison | Doug Addison It's time for authority , it's time for Your majesty, it's time for the Kingdom of our God to be revealed! A place of totally yielding to Me. They were together face-to-face, in the very beginning." The fear of the Lord came upon me in the dream because I knew the only safe place would be in the house, so I ran into the House. They are being sent to restore and release Canada into her God given Destiny. Re-newed Vision for provision. This demonic stronghold was likened to the biblical persona of Abimelech- the King of Shechem. They are sons/daughters who will walk in the authority of fathers/mothers. I see these feet are being shod with the gospel of peace and the anointing for power! I saw that GOD has LAID THE AXE TO THE ROOT of trauma in your life and Hes not going to eradicate and remove the trauma rather He is going to heal the pain located in the trauma and uproot the lies connected to the trauma and shift the narrative that is tied to the trauma! What the enemy sought to destroy you with, will be transformed into a platform for My Glory, says the Lord! Freedom is the cry that will be heard in your land. The mothering aspect of the Fathers heart will release the fathering aspect of the Fathers heart.. It is a generation of sons/daughters who are fully surrendered to the Lord, seeking to fulfill all of their Fathers will and they will not love their lives, even unto death. The return to true femininity shall reshape a culture and bring many prodigals home. Identity shall give rise to vision and vision shall give rise to destiny. Today, the strongholds of shame and hopelessness are being uprooted and removed from your generations. Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and your vine-dressers. The manger reminds us how the glory of God shines the brightest in the most lowly and humblest of places. Some of the others were professing Christians who were totally unaware they were eating at the table of Jezebel. I decree and declare to New Brunswick out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. Fathers Heart | The ministry of David Wagner Thank you for partnering with us through your love, prayers, and generous support. Do not be dismayed or disheartened by what you see but look with My eyes and see what I am doing! I see that its the Lion of Judah rising up out of Canadian soil. He began to add onto that revelation. I see all doubt being removed and displaced with the gift of Faith and I see mountains falling as you speak to them with divine confidence! Your captivity is being taken captive in this hour! Our Father is digging deep, deep into the soul of the body of Christ. Align yourselves with the Father-heart of God. I hear the Lord say "It's Time! California, I declare that the old has passed away! Its like they dont have a real HOME. Prepare your hearts, prepare yourselves, for I will do a work in my body and in this nation that will astound many. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you might prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. The gift of Son-ship has been given to every Orphan in the church! There is power in the prayer of agreement. The marriage represents living as ONE. 1 Samuel 2:10. I want the dustpan that is filled with the things you consider as wasted, shattered, and broken for these are the VERY things that I am looking for in this hour! (1 John 4:4 TPT). The Daily Prophetic Word is prophetic insight into what God is saying or doing right nowtodayto strengthen, encourage and comfort you. Therefore, the revelation of Son-ship hinges on the revelation of Jesus Christ the Son of God (Matt 16:13- 19), the firstborn among many brothers and sisters (Rom 8:29) and the One who gives us the power to become children of God (John 1:12-13).As we behold Jesus Christ the Son of God, we clearly see who our heavenly Father is and what He is truly like.Jesus prays to the Father for us in John 17:21 - that all of them would be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. I am taking the stones that you stumbled upon in the past and Im transforming them into precious jewels for your future! Today, I am strengthening you with my mighty right arm for I am your glory and the lifter of your head! I arrived in a stablein a barn and I shall even once again raise up My plans and purposes from the stables and even the barns of this nationthe places and people of no status and no reputation.

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daily prophetic word fathers heart