pathfinder crossbow dex to damage pathfinder crossbow dex to damage

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pathfinder crossbow dex to damagePor

May 20, 2023

| Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD When wielding your chosen weapon one-handed, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a swashbucklers or a duelists precise strike) and you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapons damage. Gravity Bow should do the trick. I don't think this should upset the balance too much, but instead allow crossbows to be a more viable and fun build option with the proper investment. Same wonkeyness with throwing axes. PHB pg 177 under 'Attack Rolls and Damage' gives you all the detailed rules you would need on adding Dexterity modifier to ALL ranged weapon attacks. In fact bows added Strength to damage with a bunch of limitations. Here are ways to get your Dexterity score into your damage numbers! Armor is presented in the order in which you should acquire it, rather than alphabetical order. She counts as having the Dervish Dance feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites. This ability alters swashbuckler finesse. Mini-Guide: Dex to Damage in Pathfinder. - Ugh. It also provides some bonuses for players using the feat with Panache classes. Special: Starting at 6th level, a ranger with the archery combat style may select Line the Sight as a combat style feat. - Pitzy Nov 1, 2015 at 4:53 2 @Pitzy, or maybe not. Benefit: When using Weapon Finesse, you may also use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on your damage rolls. Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type piercing Range Increment 80 ft. (projectile) Category ranged Proficiency simple Weapon Group crossbow Load: Loading a light crossbow is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Forums: Advice: Throwing Weapons with DEX to damage? - Paizo Benefit: When shooting with a crossbow, you add your dexterity modifier to damage. Pathfinder The Crossbowman Fighter Handbook, support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content. Anybody found a way to make this work? If you would like help with Pathfinder options not covered here, please email me and I may be able to provide additional assistance. you will need to invest in your other saves. Benefit: When shooting with a crossbow, you add your dexterity modifier to damage. Swordlords can add their Dexterity bonus to damage rolls made with an Aldori Dueling Sword. The rapier must be one appropriate for your size. [PF] DEX to Damage for an Archer? - A swordlord can add his Dexterity bonus (if any) to damage rolls made with a dueling sword instead of his Strength bonus. I know its a simple weapon but its so much more feat heavy to be good with a crossbow in D&D. Alright, awesome. Or will it only work with non-Composite Longbows? Understanding how you can best use your Ability Scores will improve your overall experience with the game. You dont? | ACK-SRD Int: Your skills are garbage, and you dont I am aware of the focused shot feat but frankly, as written, it sucks I am thinking of allowing him to take a feat for crossbow only that would allow dex to damage within 30 feet, same restrictions as sneak attacks. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. your critical hits wont be spectacularly often, but they will be better than You can dump 3 abilities and probably wont even notice. They also get to use perfect strike with the bow, rolling damage two or three and taking the better result on one attack per round. For a regular medium size longbow you only add dexterity to hit and add in strength only if it's negative. All of those Rogues and Ninjas are going to be very scared. At 4th level, a whirling dervish can use her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier on melee damage rolls when using her swashbuckler finesse. When using Weapon Finesse, its essential to know that you can use Weapon Finesses bonus on any action that uses your weapon so long as its a light weapon; the Disarm, Sunder, and Trip actions can all use your Weapon Finesse roll. Skills: Fighters only get 2+ skills, and very alive. Prerequisites: Int 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. If your GM allows material from 3.5e, then you can take both Crossbow Sniper and Improved Crossbow Sniper. The most important thing for any game is that the Dungeon Master and their players are having fun! | PF2 SRD Benefit(s): When wielding a rapier one-handed, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapons damage. That way its less a feat and something they have to work towards. For a better comparison, check out the Half-Red Dragon Veteran, who has +1 Dex mod, wields a Heavy Crossbow, and has a +1 bonus to the Heavy Crossbow's damage. I hate it so much. Now you can use your crossbow in melee for some reason! However, you can shoot, but not load, a light crossbow with one hand at a 2 penalty on attack rolls. Can you feel the depression setting in? Benefit(s): You may add your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier when wielding a light weapon or a weapon that gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat (such as the rapier) when determining additional damage inflicted upon a successful attack. You do have one of those, dont you? Dex to Damage : Pathfinder_RPG - Reddit you took Improved Critical. Crossbow, Light - d20PFSRD All that this archetype can do is damage, and it doesnt even do that very well. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! 5 yr. ago Buckle ALL the Swashes! Bonus Feats: The main reason to play a Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. However, it does not make the weapons finesse-able. let you get past their AC. Note that this only applies to ranged weapon attacks. Dexterity. depend on dexterity for AC, so this will rarely help you hit. Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with scimitar. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition. A rogue with this ability can severely hamper her foes, giving her a much-needed boost to her offense or defense, depending on the situation. Prerequisite(s): Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). Pathfinder 2e Has Made Being A . shortcoming, and even a little bit of Wisdom goes a long way to keep you Cookie Notice A weapon imbued with the Agile trait must be usable with Weapon Finesse. A dervish of dawn gains the Dervish Dance feat as a bonus feat. All of those were no biggie for my character to meet but he sees feats more generalized, so if one feat allows something for a specific weapon, one should be able to do the same thing with similar types of weapons, or make a unique story reason for it. Do Drow add their proficiency bonus to hit along with their racial trait bonus for short swords and hand crossbows? No? However, it prevents you from using things like Safe Shot (Ex): Saves you the trouble of You get to use your whole Dexterity bonus for damage now, which is nice, but thats probably like 3 or 4 more damage than you were already doing, so its not a big deal compared to the extra 4d8. I think a feat like this could help making the crossbowman a viable choice. I have a player who elected to go with flavor over optim. They also get to use perfect strike with the bow, rolling damage two or three and taking the better result on one attack per round. Weapon Finesse has two feats that you can take at a later level, Deadly Agility and Weapon Finesse (Mythic). I ready a vital strike for when it inhales. It gets more attacks than just about any Archer Build out there, and it deals a whole lot of damage! The idea being, if you're too weak to properly draw a bow, your arrows will not fly as far or strike as hard. | Monad Echo SRD I want to badly for this archetype to be fun and playable, but it really just isnt. (Pathfinder, 3.5, AD&D, etc.). | d20HeroSRD Would it be possible to unpack where your "instinct" comes from? For anyone else struggling with this, current workaround I've found is to equip her, save, and then load and it should function correctly. | Everyday Heroes SRD Question: Which is added for light crossbow attack rolls, strength or dexterity? exciting, but its fairly difficult to set up, and its certainly not reliable Does crossbow expert add modifier? | Starjammer SRD Applying half of your dexterity to damage is nice, but its hard to You also must have the regular weapon finesse feat to take fighters finesse weapon training. Your choice of doesnt matter much. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). I assume you have a belt of dexterity. My GM allows us to make up certain feats, with his approval, that do the same thing if we make it similar. Traveller SRD Some spells also require an attack roll. That's because fighter's finesse isn't a feat. I nabbed it on Regill for his Gnomish Hook Hammer and he hasn't had any problems (and that weapon sure ain't light). While most melee damage in Pathfinder is dealt with the Strength Ability Score, there may be situations where players want to use their Dexterity score to deal damage. Damage. After getting Greater Deadshot at level 11 or Safe Shot at level 13, you might consider dropping out of Fighter and exploring another class instead. Longbow, Composite - d20PFSRD Even broadening that to "All pre-4th D&Ds" would be helpful, if that's what you're referring to. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Swashbucklers Finesse gives the effect of Weapon Finesse with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons. Unchained Rogue starts being able to directly add their Dexterity score to their damage rolls with one player-selected weapon at the 3rd level. Direct Dex-to-Damage and Panache buff, but for Starknife. Prerequisites: BAB+6, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved precise shot. Are there any feats, traits, weapon properties or magic items that allow you to add your Dex mod to damage to your ranged weapon? This still isnt. Ranged spell attacks usually don't use Dexterity. For attacks with ranged weapons, is the attacker's Dexterity bonus I mean use Dex for Damage (like how Weapon Finesse Mythic does). They've way simplified the composite longbow rules. The Mythic feat seems to exist for weapons that aren't light, otherwise you'd just take a normal feat. Youre out of feats for which you qualify and which we actually want, so take Dodge, Toughness, or Iron Will. Is this suppose to be like this or is something not working properly? and our We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. However strength penalties (negative modifiers) will apply to all bows, composite or regular. your heavy armor, you are very durable. Each point of Strength bonus granted by the bow adds 100 gp to its cost. The only difference between longbows and composite longbows is that composite use strength for their damage, whereas longbows use no stat at all for damage. proficiencies of any class. alright, this seems to be a bug. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Its depressing that this is the best we can do with such a high level feat. Top 5 Archer Builds Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Guide Wisdom are nice because they make the Crossbowman nice and durable, and the 3 more damage between Crossbow expert and Weapon Specialization. Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Bow Damage? :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Discussions - Steam Community Bow damage should not be incresed by dexterity, only the bonus to attack (hit) is affected by it. Are there any good feats I can take to increase ranged damage? Yes, because it's not Two-Weapon Fighting. viable than bows, the extra feat is very important. Damage from this feat is precision-based damage, so creatures immune to precision damage are immune to this extra damage. Vital Strike, which might mean you sacrifice damage for reliability. At least one of these levels should be Barbarian (Hurler) to take advantage of the 10 foot bonus range on thrown weapons. The scimitar must be for a creature of your size. Traits dont really matter for this build. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. In addition, with some classes their ranged attacks will benefit from their sneak attack, and so the extra damage from strength is pretty negligible. All bows already use dexterity for accuracy. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Crossbow damage still isnt great, but every Ability Scores are one of the first mechanics in tabletop gaming that people will come across. Also note that many colored items are also links to the Paizo SRD. Half-Orc: Flexible ability bonus and This is a +1 Composite Longbow. #2: Dervish Dance - This feat is for scimitar only. Wizards wind up Incanatrixs/Ultimate Magus/Whatevers. You have learned to turn your speed into power, even with a heavier blade. One more point to hit, and your dexterity should be 20 or 22 before your belt now. In addition, if you have the panache class feature, you gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against attempts to disarm you of your rapier while you have at least 1 panache point. That way its less a feat and something they have to work towards. Do Crossbows add Dex to damage? - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange It allows players who choose to take the feat to use their Dexterity scores when making melee attacks with light weapons, rapiers, whips, and spiked chains. There are several ways to increase your damage in Pathfinder, including adding Dex to your bow. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You get tons and tons of Archery related Feats, and it just cranks out the damage from the very beginning of Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. Thread: Mini-Guide: Dex to Damage in Pathfinder. When I hear "long-term RPG instinct" it makes me think that you're referring to something broader than two systems. I've got Arue with a Composite Longbow equipped and the Weapon Finesse Mythic feat and she's using Dex for damage. 1d10+4 damage is more than a composite bow will probably do, and youre more likely to hit, but you only get one try so dont mess it up. Went to take Fighter's Finesse on a Fighter I was trying it on to see if that got rid of it and the feat wasn't there! The weapon must be one appropriate for your size. Simple. It says you need Dexterity for bows So I Have a charcter with 18 dex and it says I have +8 Bonus Damage to attack yet my bow still only does 1 to 7 damage. You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 1.0 Weapon Finesse Feats 1.1 Weapon Finesse For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, The whole system for Mythic Finesse seems wonky. Special: Starting at 2nd level, a ranger with the archery combat style may select Focused Shot as a combat style feat. Meteor Shot (Ex): #1 chester.longdon Oct 14, 2021 @ 3:28pm I mean use Dex for Damage (like how Weapon Finesse Mythic does) #2 chester.longdon Oct 14, 2021 @ 3:34pm Valve Corporation. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. I do believe I should have posted this in Suggestion/homebrew oh well, Crossbow feat allowing to add dex to damage. Gunslinger (no archetype) gets it at level 5, 9, 13 and 17 each for a different firearm type. But, like Jake said, normally Dexterity is used to calculate ranged hit chance and Strength is used to calculate melee hit chance. Nothing? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. the big thing with a crossbow is you can dump strength and not take a hit to damage, and you can still eventually get all the rapid-shot stuff like a normal archer would. Crossbow Expert (Ex): Weapon training with Most other users of the Heavy Crossbow have +0 Dex mod and so have no damage bonus, but the Half-Red Dragon Veteran (p.180) has a +1 Dex mod that applies to the damage roll of the Heavy Crossbow. Gnome: Nothing we want but Constitution. All we really need is a bonus to Dexterity. Everything a fighter would want to take is a combat feat, and there Human: The ability bonus goes into At 4th level, Whirling Dervishes get an upgrade to get direct Dex-to-Damage with all their Swashbuckler weapons. Creatures immune to critical hits and sneak attacks are immune to this extra damage. | True20 SRD Those are good enough and i dont believe those are OP!! Archived post. with a bow. Penetrating Shot (Ex): I certainly hope Armor, Natural Armor, and You can shoot a light crossbow with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two light weapons. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! | OGN Articles Thats beyond stupid, why are bows the only damage type that needs to flippin stats? 9 BAB + 7 DEX + 1 SIZE + 1 Weapon Focus (We'll assume the character has this) + 1 enhancement bonus ( +1 Agile Dagger) = +19 attack with one dagger. | Fudge SRD What are the advantages of running a power tool on 240 V vs 120 V. | d20PFSRD You can use hurricane bow with a crossbow. Also, 18 would be +4 dex bonus, not +8. much, but they might help your allies. While not a great option, the Crossbowman Fighter gets half, eventually upgrading to full, Dex to damage on crossbows when used for readied attacks. Composite bows add your strength to the damage. | Cairn SRD Strength Bonuses (positive modifiers) for bow damage only get applied for composite bows. It doesn't seem to add my bonus damage to it at all. New Pages She must not be carrying a weapon or shield in her off hand to gain this benefit. Unchained: While much of the unchained rogue will be familiar to those who have played the original rogue, there are a number of new class features that greatly enhance the power and flexibility of the rogue. Combined with Penetrating Shot, this might see a fair bit of In 3.5 & Pathfinder they did not. The Knight has +0 Dex mod, and thus cannot be compared to the Veteran, who has a +1 Dex mod. You're right that the difference seems to happen more with monsters that wield crossbows. So yes, for a character with 15 Dexterity (i.e., +2 modifier), they would normally calculate the crossbow's damage roll as 1d8+2. Do you add your strength modifier once or twice to an unarmed strike? Lann has the +1 Entrapping Longbow equipped. @ Drakkiel I like the archetype suggestion and will mull it over, its very powerful as a "free" feature. | Open Fantasy SRD However, Deadly Agility is used by dual-wielders as it also allows the player to add their Dexterity bonus to their off-hand weapon in place of their Strength bonus. Whenever the wielder of this +5 thundering heavy crossbow makes a ranged attack with it, the crossbow creates a sonic wave along the path of the projectile. nice, but Stealth isnt a class skill for you, and the archetype doesnt add If youre only going to get one attack off of a prepared action, Why did US v. Assange skip the court of appeal? Applying half of your dexterity to damage is nice, but it's hard to make it match up to the huge damage gap provided by using a composite bow with rapid shot. This is where the build stops being a cruel joke. Getting dex to damage on a crossbow I don't think is that big a dealI would personally make (or use a pre-existing) archetype and throw it in as a class feature instead, kinda like gun training for gunslingers. Your anatomical insight adds deadliness to your shots. You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied. Manage Settings the game. make it match up to the huge damage gap provided by using a composite bow with Your dashing style and fluid rapier forms allow you to use agility rather than brute force to fell your foes. Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. It's an advanced weapon training. The Crossbowman is remarkably SAD compared to most fighters. What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? For more information, please see our Devastating strike is a nice bit of extra damage, and at this level you can afford to be permanently Enlarged and to purchase a large +1 Impact Heavy Crossbow. RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. It doesnt make any sense on a Fighter. When wielding a weapon in your off-hand, Deadly Agility will add the same fraction of Dexterity as you normally would for Strength. intelligence. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Because crossbows require more feats to be I go finesse on Aru and then mythic feat with a crossbow. Being small hurts our already poor damage. Pinpoint Targeting: Pinpoint Targeting is As follows: "you add your dexterity modifier to your attack roll and damage roll when attacking with a ranged weapon (gives you some examples that include but are not limited to those listed)". Shields are the sorts of bonuses which a typical tank relies on, and this will Damage - Rules - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? UPDATE: the MM has a few other examples that are not consistent with "Dex on damage", but in general, most are accurate. | Dungeon World SRD Weapon Finesse does not increase your damage directly. Now you can start doing what this build was meant to do. Other abilities dont really get us much. I had a dagger wielder that got dex to damage, but I had to have 3 ranks in perform, weapon finesse, the new feat, a dex of at least 15 (duh), and at least a 13 Int. taking Point Blank Master. Damage values with Enlarge Person active at Level 20 Zen Archer. Good thing about fighters build is that you get +8 extra damage from weapon training and weapon specialization feats. Heavy Crossbows | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki Does the monks dex bonus to attacks/damage stack with finesse weapons? But it should not work. Hit Points: Between your d10 hit points and All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The answer below seems to back my findings, crossbows do add Dex modifier to damage. UPDATE 2: the MM errata (2015-12) corrects the Veteran example. Does it break anything to say that ALL Crossbows and Firearms add Dex to damage by default? Cost 35 gp Weight 4 lbs.Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type piercingRange Increment 80 ft. (projectile)Category ranged Proficiency simpleWeapon Group crossbow. Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, you add your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls made with a crossbow or firearm for which you have the Weapon Focus feat. All users of the Light Crossbow and Hand Crossbow in the MM apply Dex bonus to the damage roll. small damage boost for Deadshot. Finally! 1d10 (Piercing) +5. (Not administered by or affiliated with Paizo Publishing in any way). Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence? If you had sneak and our You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied. Deadly Agility is another upgrade for the Weapon Finesse feat introduced in Path of War. Monster stats sometimes bear some similarity to the way PCs operate, but that's far from universal, and it's generally not possible to reverse-engineer game rules from their stat blocks. Do you add Dex to crossbow damage Pathfinder? penalty to a good stat. Requirement: This special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse. good, and the Half-Elf has lots of great options for alternate racial traits. capacity. Essentially, the Crossbowmen depends on readied actions. Saves: Your fortitude saves are good, but I also strongly encourage you to read my Practical Guide to Vital Strike, as I plan to use it extensively. are enough options that you never have to play the same fighter twice. We will assume the 25-point buy abilities suggested above, but the other suggested abilities can also use this build without any problems. For more information, please see our Then you have to do it again. It's a known mechanic in the tabletop game. Its not much, but its all that you have going for you at the moment. How can I consistently deal bludgeoning damage with DEX, WIS, INT, CHA? Alright, I'm with you so far Players Hand Book! 2 more damage. Sweet. Thats an average of 42 damage before you even look at your normal damage bonuses from enhancement, weapon specialization, etc. | 13th Age SRD fighter. | Forge Engine SRD - dex 15 or 17 in Focused Shot and maybe upper (lvl 6th+) for Rangers. On a successful check, you hit and deal damage. It wouldn't matter if it were 100% to 0%, the two just don't follow the same rules. Deadshot (Ex): This ability defines how the He has a ranger crossbowman. Archers, including other crossbow builds, typically rely on making numerous attacks in order to deal damage. You must be within 30 feet of your target to deal this extra damage. at least on par with the Human if you plan to use one. The potential examples are astounding and so wont be listed here, but if you tried to build each Monster Manual entry on a PC character sheet, you are going to notice the majority have inconsistencies.

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pathfinder crossbow dex to damage