harry styles imagines back pain harry styles imagines back pain

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harry styles imagines back painPor

May 20, 2023

Youre gonna be a fighter, the best mum ever.. You sigh into his touch before you smile at him. Tell him. He brushes one ringed hand across your forehead, pushing your hair from your face. All the praise should go to Y/N though, shes the one that created her in her stomach for the last 9 months. He moves one hand down to your now smaller stomach, patting it affectionately. You go rest, its been a long day. Leaning forward, you gave him a peck on the lips before opening the fridge as he walked into the living room. Love, Not really in the mood at the moment.But baby.. he whined. Harry Styles Imagines @harrystylesanus. I dont know what came over me. He brought his hands up to wipe the tears from your face as you stared down at your hands. She was telling herself, its Harry! But she cant not tell him. She began whispering profanities to herself, wishing she could have planned better and could have packed more extra clothes instead of just the dress she wore the night before and the pajamas she was in now. Harry was in the middle of attacking your face with kisses, huge laughs leaving your mouth, when you heard a loud banging on the hotel room door. OMG YOU ARE SO SWEET!!! Liam was due home in a few minutes and you knew you werent going to hear the end of it if he saw the stain on the rug. As the nurse walks her over to a table to start cleaning her and get her weighed, you turn your head to look at Harry. Thank you for this request, I absoulty loved it so I hope you like what I came up with!! xx, #newnewnew Im scared. You confess to your husband as you lay in a hospital bed, gripping at his hand after you had yet another contraction. He smirked, flipping off the switch as he reached the bedroom door, Sweet dreams, love.. Owwwww!Babe? Wiping your face, you unlocked the car and he opened the door to face you. The ten hour flight ahead of you didnt sound appealing in the slightest, but at least Harry would be by your side for the whole thing. You wanted to know where he was and you wanted to know how his meeting went. Most know what it means to be civil, but there truly is a fine line between sweet and sour.. Your heart rate was speeding up as you thought more about what was about to happen. Time had escaped everyone and it had reached to about four in the morning. You smile at her, glancing back at your long haired husband who was smiling down at his daughter, swaying her gently back and forth in his tattooed arms. Harry wont be mad. Must have also been because of the bright light from outside that flooded the room.Yes I know, thats a shame really. Mhhm, I know., he stretched out his left arm and slid it carefully under my head so it laid on top of his tattoed arm.So what do you wanna do today, since we finally have this day to ourselves and only ourselves? he asked me while his fingers sightly slid down my left arm, tickling me a bit.Can we just lay here for a moment? This along with his freshly shaved face made him appear much younger, his chocolate colored hair a messy mop on his forehead, pointing in all different directions. What what if something bad happens to me o-or the baby?, Nothing is going to happen. He whispered, Ill make sure of that., I just- She whispered, I wanna be a good mom and Im so scared Im not gonna be, isnt it a bad sign if Im that scared of j-just having him?. Kath laughed at your both as you tried to defend yourselves. Im not mad about the stupid stain on the rug, all of that stuff is fixable. The man gently reached up and softly taking her hands and pulling them away from her face, pressing soft kisses on them. There is the final part of this imagine! Seeing Harry angry is something you will never get used to, even after dating him for three years. I wanna spoil you.. Ill get it replaced. You were frantic, knowing he was about to go crazy. She giggled softly to herself, biting her bottom lip and shaking her head, wondering how on earth she was lucky enough to have him as her boyfriend, be so lucky to have him be in love with her? The time to push was now. It was kinda rushed but it all came to me at once so Im sorry about any error and I also hope its not complete shit!!! They should kick in soon.". "Harry, the only way for you to take it away is to get me pregnant and I'm gonna have to pass on that for awhile, if that's alright.". You feel the tears flowing from your eyes as you look down at the crying face of your newborn. Closing the door behind you and sitting on the edge of the bed, the shift of the weight on the surface caused Liam to sigh. Ya think Im sexy? He smirked, digging his fingers into her sides. I like waking up next to you. You wont listen to me! You tried to sound strong, but the tears streaming down your face and the stutter in your voice made you sound so weak. She felt completely out of place, walking through the luxury store with Harry wearing an ensemble costing close to three thousand dollars and she was wearing a dress from one of her favorite online shops costing her around $60, with that being a splurge. Thats not the point, Y/N. That bloody machine is always broken when we go there. He chuckled, nodding toward the homemade chocolate milkshake she gripped with both hands. Come back to bed, need cuddles.. The fans - they had been outside the hotel all day and all night. :D, Votes and comments are very much appreciated. Nothing, I uhh- You stuttered out as you could feel the anger in Harrys body rise, worried that if you told him what happened he would lose it. You are everything to me, I couldnt do any of this without you. I havent even held her yet! He exclaims. Your grip on Harry tightened as you peered out the window at all of the fans and people that were out there. The girl jumps at the sudden voice, pulling her back to reality and she turns to look at him as he is standing directly behind her, a large smirk covering her face as she takes in his appearance. You ready? Harry asks you but you cant answer as you try to focus on taking deep breaths. It would never fully click. She shook her head faster, breathing picking up as panic filled her, every possible thing that could go wrong flashing through her, sobs racking through the pregnant womans body. You were electric tonight, Bubby! you smiled at him when he ran off the stage, sweeping you up in his arms and carrying you as the band quickly loaded up the bus, gripping onto him tightly as loud laughs came past your lips. It would be marvelous if some scenes took place in Japan, if that's possible. This one he began, is breathtaking. You took one of your hands and ran it through his hair, an action that always calmed him down. Baby, whats wrong? Of course he was a normal person, feeling the occasional doubt and worry about not being a good parent but he knew with Y/N by his side he could do anything. His eyes widen even more, staring in fascination. I really hope you like how this turned out! Good job, Harry. She compliments her brother, smiling down at her niece. I overreacted. We can try and get it repaired. Birth is a big thing, of course its normal to be nervous. You tried to push him away while angrily huffing."Let go of me. Reaching for his discarded clothes, you decided you were going to try and wash them anyway. I love you and I am happy we finally have our own place. Breathing a sigh of relief, you allowed yourself to sink further into the bed. I just, I miss you. Your voice cracked and you sighed, wishing that you didnt sound so broken. You could already feel the tears forming in your eyes. :D x. His fingertips danced lightly over my skin.He began pecking my cheek, I felt his hot breath on my face. I asked after a while, getting a soft sigh/moan from Harry in response. He deserved to feel some of the pain you were going through. He took it everywhere and now, it might not even be able to get fixed. Im really so-. The two of you got ready in silence, before packing up your suitcases and following Paul down the empty hotel hallway for the airport. The pain was bad enough even with it. Harry pulled you into your lap, you back leaning against the car door as you tried your best to keep it together. Harry would get her a thousand dollar bag and a matching diamond earring and necklace set. Never again did you want him to kick you out, it being the worst possible feeling in the world. And even then, he didnt want a new one. He kisses the girls forehead a few times before pulling away, taking her hand and leading into the bathroom. I lovingly smiled at the sight of him before turning the lights off and snuggling into his side, sighing in contentment when he, even in his sleep, adjusted his position and wrapped his arm around me. Are any of you single? Well get through this together. She did poorly on an exam, struggled at work and even got in a small fight with her roommate and it was all just piling up with all of the stress she already had, so her date with Harry has been the thing helping her get through the week, Harry always knew how to make her feel better. :) Tip Jar | Masterlist, Up we go. Harry chuckles, gripping his wifes hands and helping her up from the yoga mat, her large belly bumping into his making him chuckle, this was a good one, yeah? You couldn't imagine doing this without an epidural, honestly. They ate in a comfortable silence, the only sounds being words of praise and admiration coming from Y/N towards Harrys cooking, just making Harry blush and mutter a soft thank you, his heart swelling at the beautiful girl sat across from him who, even after all this time, still gets his heart pounding. Of course not. You got hurt because of me. you cant keep showing up like this! Just one more week. Harry whispered to you as you held the cell phone to your ear, clutching it as if it was about to disappear into thin air. "Thank you" he softly said while looking deeply into my eyes. I am a brand new 1D imagines + preference blog so make sure to check it out! His jaw tenses and his shoulders rise up and down at a slowed pace as he tries to keep his breathing steady. Its gonna hurt so badly and birth class today just made realize I really cant do it! Harry's voice souded from the door, followed by clinging of the keys as they hit the counter. You got him for a whole year this time. You got the sweetest little heart. He chuckled, pressing quick kisses up her neck before leaning their foreheads together, Youre the best thing to ever happen to me, no gift can top that Although I do really love those rings you gave me., Hey! Ive got some bath bombs and bubble bath under the sink. He began, facing the girl and softly pressing her lips, Ill throw the sheets and your clothes in the washer and go get you some stuff do you like pads or tampons better? There are a lot of things in life that arent okay, but shit happens. Harry Styles Imagines on Tumblr - #harrystylesimagine Was he regretting the move? You tried to push him away while angrily huffing."Let go of me. You knew that even through all of your mistakes, Niall stilled loved you and that was what was most important. Let me know if you think it is worth writing the other two! Harry wraps his arm around Y/N's shoulder until they are safe inside. . Darling! He laughed, rushing over to her and trying to pry the cookie dough away, but the laugh coming from her was too gratifying to actually take away, that was supposed to be a surprise for when we get hungry later.. ly :), love this idea bc I also dont have much experience so i may be projecting here lolololol. I just dont know how I got so lucky. You tell your mother in law who smiles and reaches down to squeeze your hand. Once again, thank you for your work. Just go, Y/N. and you two have been together for two years? Shes perfect. He looked so sad, so hurt and you honestly felt like throwing up. The guys have already left for the airport, they are just waiting on us. He grabbed his light purple jumper from his luggage, tossing it your way to give you something to wear. Harry laughed at my choice of words and got up, starting to walk over to me. His eyes were dark from the lack of sleep, his hair unruly and pajama bottoms on his legs. She truly looked at him like he hung the sun, moon and stars. I wanted to be home with Y/N, I wanted to be able to console her. Come on, love! Harry exclaims as you let out a loud groan. Rubbing your eyes, you wondered if you were dreaming until you realized what it was. Thats not the point. He'll tell you that you're being silly. As someone who is normally such a pleasant and warm person, seeing Harry mad is one of the worst possible things imaginable. You dont even have to try babe, haha. I love seeing what you guys think of the writing! Y/N bit her bottom lip hard, staring at the man as her eyes welled up with tears as her mind sped through the past few weeks, let alone her emotions having been a complete rollercoaster the past hour after being surprised by both Nick and Harry in the short time span. All I ever want in this world is you and you alone, okay?, She nodded, burying her face in the crook of his neck pressing a kiss to the warm skin before pulling back and looking into his eyes, Okay. She sniffled, I-Im sorry, I am- Thank you, Harry. Harry nods, wide eyed, and releases your hand to do so. There is nothing wrong with being afraid Im afraid too. He explained, Y/Ns eyes shooting up at his confession, Were gonna learn what this little guy likes and doesnt like but well figure it out.. You didnt expect it to happen the first day you moved in. He gives you a small smile, gripping at your hand. Were almost there! Harry urges you. How are you doing, babe? You asked lightly, knowing by how tense he was that it had been a long day. I only hoped his night would be tranquil. Thank you for requesting and thank you for all your kind messages. The next part will be the last, so let me know what you think! Harry, its pouring down rain out. He couldnt look at you. Thank you so much for requesting . It doesnt happen often though. he said with his really raspy yet quiet morning voice.I looked in his beautifully green eyes, which seemed a bit more lighter than usual. "Of course. You, my love, will be the best mother in the world. My preferences arent going to be frequent because I am in the middle of writing a new Harry Styles fanfiction on Wattpad that you all should check out here. Im so sorry Ive been MIA for a while, Ive been really struggling mental health wise but Ive been trying to push through it so here we are! As soon as the door shut behind you, Harry sped off down the road, disappearing into the rainy haze of the night. She slowly peels the covers off, remembering back when Harry and her were eating a pizza they ordered in his bed and he ended up dropping a slice and finding a stain remover in his bathroom that got it out after letting it sit and rubbing at it with a wet washcloth. Harry heart flutter as he heard her laugh, grabbing her wrists as he went to push his chest, gripping them and pulling her close and quickly throwing her over his shoulder, spinning around a few times before having them both fall on his bed, the pairs laughing loudly and leaning into one another. Thank you for doing all of this for me. She whispered, sliding off the counter and heading to the table where they sat across from one another. Can you just text me what you use?, Im sorry. He remained silent, pulling your notebook out of his back pocket and flipping through the pages, his long fingers trailing along them as you could see his lips move, silently reading them to himself. The girl leaned into him, arms going around his shoulders as his meet her waist, pulling her onto his lap, moving her hair out of the way and kissing her shoulder. It was another tour for the books. Dont you think youve done enough? The words stung as they left his mouth before he turned away from you and continued to get ready. Are we ready to begin then? The doctor questions after he walks into the room and checks all of your vitals and the machines. I should have protected ya, not fucking kicked you out. He stared down at the bed, ashamed at the thought of what he had done. Y/N stirred awake, the sunlight peaking through the blinds. You give him a small nod, quickly being cut off with a shriek as he tackles you to the bed, pinning you down, pressing kisses all over your face, should I give my baby a baby now?, You better put a ring on it first, you giggled, hands coming up into his hair, but is it a deal breaker if I want a boy first?, What! Harry dramatically gasped, fingers tickling at your sides before falling down and laying next to you, A boy?! Instead of disappointing fans and leaving the show, the singer manages to perform through the pain. Also! By the time you were able to process what was happening, you were being taken from the safety of your bed and thrown against the wall, something that had happened to you so many times before. Y/N was surprised by his sudden move, shakily setting down the milkshake before her arms go around him, tangling in his hair, letting out a soft whimper as she feels his tongue slip into her mouth and she instantly grants him access. I-I would never do something like that, but he was drunk and wouldnt listen to me. There you go then. Y/N giggled, happy to have won the petty bickering, leaning back on the sofa and looking up at him. "That would be Paul." Harry whispered as he untangled himself from you and jogged lazily to the door where the hefty man in the black vest stood. You grip at Harrys hand tightly and do as you were instructed, taking in deep breaths when you could. Anne was in the middle of talking about how she was looking forward to having some time off to relax and you instantly thought she was referring to the vacation to Barcelona her children had planned for it. He wouldnt look at you. She was calm now, peering up at everything. Until now, you had promised Harry that you were getting better. You didnt know what to think. You laugh before he leans in to press his lips to yours. You really do look beautiful. He added, intertwining their fingers and bringing her hand up to his lips and giving it a quick kiss, missed you so much, lovie., I missed you too. She replied, her free hand going around his bicep and leaning into him, pressing a soft kiss onto his ship tattoo, So, so much.. Stirring a bit and smiling as she sees him, his long eyelashes resting against the tops of his cheeks. "y'all are too cute," Kath interrupted. She softly leaned in and quickly pecked his lips before burying her face in the crook of his neck, snuggling into him as his arms go tight around her. He then checks how dilated and effaced you were. So you two worked together, hours passing as if they were minutes as you huddled together at the piano, thighs pressing together as Harry practiced different melodies, the sound of his voice calming you further. Just fucking ruin everything weve worked for?. Wiping your tears away, you sat in your car, too upset to even pull it out of the garage. Now, Niall had a lot of guitars, but you knew that this was the one that meant the most to him. I really a-. I can can wash everything, or-or but you knew sheets-., Nonesense! He suddenly exclaimed, making her jump and let out a soft giggle as he continued, Its normal darling, nothing gross and nothing to be embarrassed about, okay? She needed to be beside me, but she had an obligation to finish the school term and then she would be with me. He felt his arms would protect her from the chaos around her. You could feel Pauls strong presence behind you as he, and the rest of security, guided you towards the car. You squeeze a bit tighter as the pain increases. Something abt Y/N getting her period at H's place and she panics bc she accidentally bled through his sheets and she's embarassed and her cramps hurt. Y/N, are you alright? Nialls voice of concern echoed through the place as footsteps were heard coming towards you. And Im sorry it took so long but I just got the inspiration for it and all just came to me at once! Harry laughed as he watched your jaw drop. What am I supposed to do now? :) ! He shouted suddenly, startling you. The warmth of his lips against yours settled your emotions for a minute as you tried to gather more words to say. Liam: We Never Change - I wanna live where the sun comes out.. Darling, could you grab whats left in that last bag please? Harry called out from his closet, putting away his new sweaters and trousers. There is, I just have a bad habit of taking long breaks : ( I'm sorry. harry styles imagines back pain - Los Feliz Ledger Heard Gem say once bath helps but I also picked up a heating pad if you want me to grab it., Im so in love with you and Im so so lucky.. She whispered, kissing him softly, feeling their heartbeats syncing as they laid together, thank you for everything, Harry. I wrapped my arm around his lower back. It tore him apart seeing her cry. Louis:How could you do this? I highly suggest listening to the tracks while reading each part - Ill put a link to each song with the preference! You stood there frozen in place as you stared at the guitar laying on the ground. The door slammed with so much force that it shook the walls as you passed, a shiver running down your spine. If you have a different shirt you can wear, let me wash the pants really quick. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it. You stood in the corner of the hotel room, feeling completely helpless as Louis continued his rampage. I felt his tongue on my neck and he began licking and sucking lightly.I swiftly wriggled out of his arms and turned away. Would daddy like to cut the umbilical cord? The doctor questions. The sound of the guitar crashing to the ground played over and over again in your head. Why dont you go stay at your friends or something tonight? And with that, he slammed the door. So just leave me alone.. I just want to say thank you for all of the feedback, I am so glad you are enjoying my writing! It was an accident. It would be great to get some comments, feedback and votes on it! You fell to the ground, the blow to your body radiating up and down your arm as you clutched onto it, tears falling harder than ever. Its alright, sweetheart, mummy and daddy are here. Harry coos to her, leaning over you to run his large finger over her small and soft cheek. Harry absolutely loved pregnant Y/N, except times like this. This was it, he was going to end things with you. You leaving? He softly asked, wiping a stray tear on her cheek, I truly am so sorry if I made you uncomfortable or pressured you, that was never my intention. Im sorry Harry, that wasnt intentional I swear., I grinned.How are you feeling now? Realizing that there was no getting through to him tonight, you wiped the streaks of tears from your face and walked out the hotel room door, wheeling your suitcase down the hallway. I-I need to cool off. Liam threw his hands up in the air before walking up the stairs, the sound of your bedroom door slamming coming soon after. "I've never really done it before, but I'll try. I found him bending down as he tried to take off his shoes, but soon he straightened up - his back probably didn't want to let him. Just as you felt one coming on, he told you to push. Stopping right in front of the bus stop, Harry cut the engine and stepped out of the car. ANYWAYS! Harry and Gemma had been hard at work planning a surprise vacation for him mom and Robin and within two seconds of you speaking, you had spoiled the whole thing over Sunday roast. It was overwhelming. Life has been a bit crazy lately but Im trying my best to push through and get back to normal! I have some more ideas for lyrics but you are the musical mastermind.. Did something happen?. His eyes were soft and the frown lines on his forehead were dark on his beautiful face. The tears falling from your eyes mixed with the rain drops on your face as frustration overtook your body and you sat down at a nearby bus stop to shield yourself from the rain. Imagines: Meet Me Backstage - You grab Harry's attention in the crowd and he shows you a good time after the show Stress Reliever - You had a bad day, but Harry makes it better Praise Kink - You know exactly what to say to get Harry riled up Eyes On You - You show up to an interview in a sexy dress, and Harry can't keep his eyes off you This is my lucky suit, I have to wear this one, Y/N. Looking at him, you noticed that the coffee stain started halfway down his white shirt and onto his black slacks. I called, putting the book I'd been reading down on the table, and made my way to Harry. How could you just ruin everything over some random guy in a club? I-I just feel really bad about what happened and when you kicked me out last night, I thought we were over for good and I dont want that because I love you. Your voice was muffled against his shoulder, but you knew he understood every word as he began to rub your back. I just decided to ignore it and moved on with fondling his beautiful chest.All of a sudden I felt his hand slip under the covers and beginning to caress my naked thigh. Can we talk, yeah? He asked quietly as you moved to the side so he could step inside the hotel room. Youre right Harry, its not okay. Y/N, I dont really want to talk right now. He mumbled, tiredness and sadness present on his voice. Abruptly the pain in my lower stomach came back and rushed through my body. I got SO SO SO carried away doing this and it ended up not being too angsts so I really hope you still like it! Come on, Y/N, answer me. Harry whispered into your ear, his hand continuing to run through your hair. You cant be serious right now, Y/N! Zayn raised his voice at you as you stood in shock, almost dropping your mug of coffee entirely. Harry had left only two weeks ago for tour and you were already going insane. Oh god. You breathe, anxiety taking over your body as you realized this was it. Ay, come ere babe. You felt his arms wrap around you as you began to cry into his shoulder. Me too. The girl nodded, one hand resting along her stomach as the other intertwined with his, thanking the instructor before they left the building, soon entering the warm car. Did the meeting go well at least? Biting your lip, you waited for his response and when he nodded his head, grinning from ear to ear, you began jumping up and down. Ive been in a Coldplay vibe and decided to write some preferences based on a few of their songs. Christ. Louiss face was the deepest shade of red you had ever seen, his eyes nearly coming out of his skull. Harry looks over at you, smiling. I know. Not just a few hours or a few days, this was forever. "Y/N?" These are all incredible!

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harry styles imagines back pain