that winter the wind blows ending explained that winter the wind blows ending explained

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that winter the wind blows ending explainedPor

May 20, 2023

cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access This is one drama that defies logic. (maybe the real one, since they were going in the same direction?). My first reaction to the ending was Soo is dead and all is in Young's head (because I'm a sucker for apparently, the traditional melodrama ending - I've been so out of it, I didn't know open ending or happy ending is an option!). I wont even get into how robbed I felt of FINALLY seeing Jin-sung break away from his astounding sense of loyalty, because it would have been an amazing character moment to see exactly how the wheels turned in his head when he chose his family over his best friend. She would have been very selfish and unchanging because she wouldn't know who could be trusted, especially when you know your step mom has sabotaged your eyes. But the entire last episode did not flow at all from the previous ones. 6. ;), Which means Soo must be alive, too. Is he dead, for real this time? When I watched the ending, I was really angry at first, because I felt that I had been totally manipulated to create some sort of artsy-fartsy ambiguous ending, logic, story flow, and characterization be damned. I will have to agree to disagree on the ending. 1. That Winter the Wind Blows. Beside all the beautiful faces and cinematography, noise marketing, media play, exaggerated praise help the popularity of this drama also. Im a huge fan of love me not - the movie, and for me, twtwb was the perfect adaptation, im sure no other producer could have made it better. Some power that be wanted a happy to make viewers happy. It's a happy ending! But gradually, the characters grew on me, and their relationships touched me. SPOILERS AHEAD! What a waste! I sooooooo appreciate that. Why wouldnt I want to love her when I started out that way?) Otherwise she's hanging out in the afterlife with her ex-fiance. Soo falls to the ground with his hand holding his bleeding gut. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 My hope: This drama was a commissioned one and in exchange of this ratings success SBS will let her write her own personal project. And birds sit brooding in the snow. @ jenn, you're right. (Like Lost!, And especially because all the scenes were blurry. The plot holes - oy! I enjoyed this drama and was mesmerized by it, but at the end of the day, it won't go on my masterpiece or rewatch list. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Still, I'm glad that none of the main characters died. This doesn't change the fact though that this show was sooooo purttty. When the Wind Blows: Alternate Ending - Spinpasta Wiki But then she adds that if she lives through her surgery, theyll meet again, and finally talk out their issues. I can't get over, how everyone just overlooked the fact that the secretary caused her to go BLIND!!! There was never ever enough Kim Bum. Frankly, I am glad it ended at 16, unlike most dramas these days that stretch the episodes to 20, 24, and even 50, when there is hardly enough plot for 16. I was definitely perplexed, after having watched this episode. Wang walking back in so easily into OY's life. Note to self don't do this on my kindle again it auto correct is a bitch. I still think this would have made for a interesting -if somehow predictable- conflict. Did the CCTV goons end up getting him because his promise, in a sense, broke (to let Soo & Jin Sung go unscathed)? The flowers were present at the cafe table where Young was seated too. Sure, the boy gets the girl in the end, but you have no idea about HOW. Something that I disagree with Heads here is about the suicidal tendency of OY, in some of her recaps she said that she thinks OY has already get over it. my two cents anyway. Wind is caused by uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun. Secretary Wang is a character whose arc started out intriguing . The focus is oddly blurry as she gets out of the taxi, and the sound of Soos bell charm reaches her ears as a man wearing it passes her on a bicycle. }); because she had not truly forgiven Sung's betrayal. I really love him. After they each pull away, Young comforts him: Dont cry. Boss Man turns over Soos cards, revealing that Soo did have a flush, and thus the winning hand. Young believes that the only option left for her at this point is to die, but as we've seen before she doesn't really want to (and a lot of people who attempt suicide don't) and is very scared of death. Well, Young must be alive. Regardless, though, I still can't help but feel lightheaded and drunk from all the prettiness between SHK and JIS in the "1 year later" scenes. Really, there are other ways to say you miss someone. But fine, lets say Ill buy that love cures all, and that she just needed to know that Soo cared. If the story is fast forward, then it is possible that the end will be like that. The man with the bracelet stops ahead of her, but doesnt turn back. The promise of sizzle from early on in the show fizzled out too. In the end, the suicide attempt didnt even put her out for a night, and she was completely fine by morning. Thank you. Soo makes Jin-sung and Boss Man nervous when he keeps folding, but Soo reveals his tactic during a time out he wanted to come this close to losing so Boss Man would have no option but to buy in. As for suicidal Young, it didn't come as a shock to me. So any drama that shows someone trying to kill someone will probably involve a knife. Song Hye Gyo also said in the interview that the ending scene filmed in Young's perspective was blurry because they didn't want to give RP patients false hope, since those diagnosed with RP will not ever regain back their sight fully. She lost her mom, brother and though secretary wang is there, she is controlling OY. I think it was the best one we could get. (Seriously! Wind - National Geographic Society I dont want to admit it, but I cant be a better person. Advertisement We have to understand where a character is coming from and why on a basic human level, regardless of circumstance. Hmm .. True. That said I think it lost me in episode 12 or 13 with Young's funky character development and the insane troll logic medical stuff. Soo nods, understanding even though it hurts. Hee-sun cries at the sight of Moo-chuls body in the morgue, while Jin-sung stays to comfort her. Moo Chul? Or something? In fact, it's degenerative. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the show but I just feel disappointed because it could have been a great drama. I hope you like me when you see me after the surgery, he jokes lightly. If i were Jin Sung, i would twist the situation turning the knife closer to the Boss Man's neck asking for his Family's safety in return!!! But in true drama fashion, we know Soos cards must be the winning ones, and Jin-sung knows as well since Soo just leaves him there. Outside the room, Sun-hee tells Soo that Moo-chul died after being sick for far too long. Superb for the writer can make the viewer confused and determine their own opinion about the end of the drama, Daebak! Sans a passing mention of the attempt in a confusing conversation where she simultaneously told Soo that she couldnt forgive him yet she still loved him and wanted to be with him, I failed to see the step between I want to die and I want to try living because now Im extra sure you love me. His love couldnt cure her desire to die just one night earlier, but then by the morning after, his love cures all? She was slowly recovering her vision. It really did feel very Kdrama-like to separate the characters for the sake of separating them? I love this show for all its prettiness and as much as I try to make myself truly love it, I can't help but leave feeling empty and cold towards the latter part of the show. This drama ranks highest on my melo-meter since the only others I've seen are Nice Guy and I Miss You. Out of all the melos I've seen, this one is definitely the most satisfying. 1. Also, most of the other NHK dramas I've watched have all felt remarkably real-- but in a way that evokes an appreciation of the human experience. I guess they do look like people and act like people then. I wish I wasnt so conflicted over this finale or the last few episodes, because I truly did love this show in the early stages, and wish that love could have carried all the way through. Whether you really loved me. That Winter, the Wind Blows (2013) Reviews - MyDramaList Why show, whyyy?? I Think the drama ended in happy ending. Do-Hoon ( Kam Woo-Sung) and Soo-Jin ( Kim Ha-Neul) are a married couple. It is currently one of the most popular k-drama. Maybe he felt like a cornered mouse or panicked. The threats to every main character's life were used to full dramatic and suspenseful effect. If Oh soo died, the flowers would be placed to a location where he died or to his favorite place or maybe where Oh young and Oh first met. I think she managed them well on most of the episodes, so kudos to her. But they crammed it into like a freaking two-minutes-reactionif that. Really? You know, the guy who did The Snowman? When Hee Sun and Jin Sung were debating which flowers to give "Soo", they either meant to give flowers to Young's real brother Oh Soo's grave, or they wanted to bring flowers to Soo's new shop because they feel bad for Jin Sung's betrayal. Yippee, a happy ending! There are many hazards associated with the winds. I loved the emotional humility of Soo's character. Soo keeps an eye on his watch, knowing time is of the essence. ), Young gets out what she wants to say as she fights back tears, but as she speaks, Soo lets his flow freely. I guess its up to intrepretation but it may be that those two are actually alive and everything went well OR they both diedSoo died first bc he got stabbed which is why he is at the restaurant "6 months before" waiting for her. Now the shot focuses, and we see that its definitely Soo dressed as a waiter. It's a modestly-scaled character study about Lizzy ( Caitlin Gerard ), a resourceful, alienated frontierswoman wholiving in a desolate cabin in the middle of an undisclosed part of 19th . We really don't know what happened when Oh soo was stubbed by Jin Sung. And as was mentioned, there is no way Hee-Sun and Jin-Sung could be happy is Soo were really dead. What the heck is his problem? That "happy" ending felt so contrived for me. They could have done the movie with only half of them. Shes happy to have Wang back. Didnt things turn out badly the last time he left someone for Young? She needed her since Soo was not in her daily life. js = d.createElement(s); = id; So the truck didn't run over everyone? His parents dumped him when he was at his early age. Source . Or maybe Soo went into hiding until gangster Kim was arrested? When I started watching I already accepted the fact that someone or even all of the lead characters might die. Confusion with ending of the "That Winter The Wind Blows". Lawyer Jang tries to get Soo to take the money on Youngs behalf, since it would make her feel better. A tiny moment passes before he asks if they can see each other again. His bride Soo Jin (Kim Ha Neul) dreams of building a family with him. I really REALLY hated how everyone let Secretary Wang just waltz back into Young's life. Ill miss it so much :D. I wanted to clear some things up for you, because I also had my doubts about whether Soo died or not at first. I don't buy that Young is done with her suicidal tendencies, but she seems a lot happier probably because before she was so untrustworthy and felt like everyone was out to kill her anyway, but now she's starting to trust people and she's more at ease. It always took some time with him. But I can't deny how much I enjoyed looking at these ridiculously good-looking couple. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical?) She doesnt want blindness to haunt Young any longer and cries that shes sorry, which Im guessing is finally an apology for causing her blindness in the first place. I love you, very much. Soo pulls her into an embrace even as he cant help but crying, and he repeats over and over again, I love you. The Winter the Wind Blows Ending Explained - Roman-has-Eaton Young is not a character I will pretend to understand through and through, lol. TWTWB, with its muted colors, its intensity 24/7 (made even more intense by all of the close-up shots), its one-dimensional side characters like batshit-crazy So Ra, its hard-to-read heroine, and its contrived plot full of holes, made TWTWB feel quite unreal which would've been fine had it come together as an inspired mythic tale. Another BIG factor as to why the last scene is not a depiction of heaven, or Young's imagination, is because the conversation between Soo and Young in that cafe is waaay too elaborate to be fake. It seemed like the restaurant was Soo's because he told her he actually wanted to cook because Jin Sung and Hee Sun both like his cooking. I love reading your insightful, witty and humorous recaps. There were a lot of "wth" moments in the last few episodes that were left unresolved. I will join you guys in saying that I am also quite impressed with Heads' writing and her sense of humor. (I could buy him being dead if they'd left it at the bicycle scene -- but the restaurant was too real.). But hes not there to hear about her family life, and instead asks her to return to Youngs side. Jo Moo Chul [Gangster] Support Role. It's at a drama's standpoint. Winter Birthday - Chapter 1 - 13thCat - Danny Phantom [Archive of Our Own] Why is everything so blurry? It really was. JS looked very sad at the point when he agreed to what Hee-sun suggested but the the face of JS was a type of confused or something that the director suggested for him to do to make us bewildered of what really had happened to Oh soo. Well, there was no wrenching of the guts here. e. average wind patterns around the world., An example of microscale motion is a. winds on a surface weather map of North America. Who, out of the two of them, showed more human compassion? I did chuckle many times reading this recap. So that combined with JS having to suffer watching hee Sun run thru flirtations equals he's paying his betrayal dues so hello they are dead too. Even then it wouldnt matter, since Boss Man wanted him dead, but why? That broke from story-logic and build up for me. js.src = "//"; I guess people thought she was really making headway but I felt like it was bound to happen. I found some recaps confusing but not the show itself. Almost the ending: Yay! Also, Heads! That Winter, the Wind Blows. The scenes are blurry because that's how Young sees the world now. Several hints: the sad look on Jingsung's face even though he was with his family safe and sound; Young's long hair-there is no way a woman who just finished chemo could still have such long hair just six months out; there was this sadness through out the last few scenes-the falling flowers from the trees, the blurry and white-out treatment of the shots-some contributed to the theory she must have regained partial eyesight and that is why you see the blurry shots. Regarding Jin sung. Because she chatted and interacted with him. The cafe, the talking people, Soo dressed as a waiter. I was waiting to see if the aftermath changed how I felt about the whole ordeal, since there was a chance for the show to treat the attempt in a thoughtful and meaningful way. As she takes a taxi home, she opens the window to feel the wind. I was also wondering, why shouldn't have JS hanged up on HS? Dreaming should be kissing already or running while laughing, no real people will talk and if everything was all a dream then why not the director chose to have that scene be with Oh young and Oh soo only and no other people will be part of it and no other thing will included. Too many very explicit sex scenes without enough justification. Having Soo say he made a mistake is kind of the show telling everyone to forgive her. Seriously. Why? And I do wonder if everyone really takes the time to read all comments or just stay firm in their opinions no matter what? The characters of Jim and Hilda Bloggs are hand-drawn, as well as the area outside of the Bloggses house, but their home and most of the objects in it are real objects that seldom move but are animated with stop motion when they do. heads, i remember u commenting on SHK casted in a melodrama (TWTWB) which makes me think u don't like her acting abilities? Are they still alive? 2. Me too Jo In Sung forever.I'm like Lee Min Who?hahaha. They are most probably dead and in heaven somewhere. I won't try to understand that, just feel like many dramas have this thing with making even some of the foulest people redeemable or sympathetic in cases in which the person has a child or takes care of a child. (the way to end the show?) It's as if she got fed up with pouring her heart and soul into writing dramas that weren't very popular, and she watched a bunch of more conventional dramas like Nice Guy and said, "Hey-- you want a slick, uber-intense, OTP-centric, not-necessarily-sensical melodrama full of PPL? That or she'd better return on jtbc. The ending was open ended. SHK and JIS are really good looking. As with Sec Wang, I totally get the wholw"so despereate to be a mom that she goes batshit crazy and blinds the child" BUT come on- how does that make her the best-suited person to care for Young??? I think the whole flower thing is to amend for stabbing Oh Soo. This is exactly what I said. Director: Kim Kyu Tae. Drama viewership ratings for the week of April 24-30, 2023, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 3: Episodes 1-2, Cat and mouse dynamics in tvN's Delightfully Deceitful, Kim Young-kwang goes from boy to man in On Your Wedding Day. How uneven heating of water and land causes wind. +(91)-9821210096 | paula deen meatloaf with brown gravy. There were some really amazing nuances to this drama that I just loved. I also like how she explains things, we get to see her thought process and I am grateful for that. Also when heesun and jinsung said they would bring flowers to soothe way it sounded in korean was like they were visiting his grave as hes not around longer rather than visiting a live person to give him flowers. Soo is on a timeline to make it back to the hospital, and he cant help but think of Youngs promise of all the things she plans to tell him in the future. Now I've sat here formulated my own thoughts and ideas about what happened in the end, but I thought that it might lead to some interesting discussion as to how other . Young says that shes known his whereabouts for twenty days, since Secretary Wang waited to tell her until she finished her chemotherapy. I have all the reasons to have this drama, yet I love it and I enjoy it. He is forever amazing there! As Wang recites Youngs table setting like the old days, Youngs eyes brim with tears. Oh and Kim Bum, I don't think I can forgive you. 16 episodes. I totally agree. Oh you have made it perfect sense.I did not feel the flowers were for the grave, as lambs ear was more for OY than OS. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Also, I don't know what it is but there are those moment in the last episode where I know the show wants me to cry and be emotionally touched but it just didn't do it for me, specifically when Jin Sung stabbed Soo. It's not an explanation for anything, but it's a thought. 4. Retinitis pigmentosa is not curable a disease. The most important thing being that Soo was still standing at the end-would have hated that he died Young was still alive. You kept a poor young child BLIND so you could in turn create some meaning to your life. Open your mouth when you kiss such a hot man who obviously loves you so much! I didn't have a problem with Soo not taking the $$ though! Jin-sung just kneels there, shaking and sobbing. What else could he have done? "That Winter, the Wind Blows" ends beautifully without extension Published on 2013/03/28 | Source The drama will end on the 3rd of April with 16 episodes. Connect with Facebook Hee-suns alive and living in the countryside with Jin-sung, and Jin-sung effectively scares away a possible suitor by telling him that hes already slept with Hee-sun. I wait patiently for the show and the recap for every episode. Honestly, after having long hair for so long and not being able to see it, probably one of the first things I would do is buy a wigif only just to see how I looked all that time. Monsoons always blow from cold to warm regions. It may have lost itself in its own mesmerizing cinematography at times, but I thoroughly enjoyed the visual experience. A light breeze has a force of 2 and wind knots of 4 to 6. Good to know a little wrist-slitting never hurt anybody. But thanks for the pretty and until the end am still team KKB, boy's way too fine! Really interested to check it out after watching 'That winter'. I cant understand how you couldnt even make an excuse. This vagued up messy ending was the compromise. The couple divorces. I think part of the problem lies with how the show quickly glossed over Jin Sung's dilemma and there were also no explanations on how Soo all of a sudden is alive in the end. And HeadsNo2, thank you, once again, for not squandering your gift and for so generously sharing it with us. Super evaluation! I don't know. So I'll only comment on the ending which is what pretty much everyone was unsure about. It centered around an elderly couple then one day, word came out that war would break out in three days. I didn't understand the scene where JS knifed OS. (function(d, s, id) { At first I was so upset because I wasn't sure whether Soo was dead or alive, and thought the writer ripped us off with an open-ended ending. But she didn't, her vision is only recovering, thus the blurry images. But in the end, it became just another k-melo that lost its footing, yet garnered tons of attention anyway. Thank you so much Heads for your recaps. and yeah. And Jinsung and Hee Sung were talking about the memorial for Soo. questions. If i have to nominate 2 things i dislike about this drama was jin sung stabbing oh soo (really bad move) and oh young not knowing or not even suspecting that oh soo might not be his real brother. When the Wind Blows. I'm one of those people who would rather have a happy ending than a realistic one. I dunno ! 'The Wind' by Robert Louis Stevenson is a thoughtful children's poem about the wind. That Winter, the Wind Blows (TV Mini Series 2013) - IMDb So, THANK YOU NOH HEE KYUNG. Stop playing with my emotions! It looks like the writer got tired after a few episodes and, especially in the end, realized there were things to be told, so they had to be smashed to fit into the general picture. Boss Man is hosting the game, and announces the grand prize seven million dollars. Despite the fact that she threw the keys blindly into the greenhouse shrubbery the night before, Young emerges into the secret room without a speck of dirt on her. To be honest, I felt Nice Guy/Innocent Man was more engaging than That Winter, the Wind Blows. That was a title I hadn't heard in a long time. I really wanted to completely love this show and I did especially the the first third of the drama but the show just started going downhill for me in the last three episodes. =), We actually see the flowers Hee-sun talked about on the table, so they were for our Soo. (And we don't know because we don't see anything alluding to that). There were just moments that I wanted to backtrack to check if I missed out anything, but just didn't have the patience to go through the frustrations again. I glossed over a lot of the things a lot of people struggled with eg. If nothing else, this was an insanely beautiful show, well-scored and well-acted. Many viewers will say that a happy ending does not excuse a drama from obvious plot holes, but I'll give TWTWB a pass. And then sit there and cry about it while he dies in front of you. She didnt really want to commit suicide, it was just a cry for attention? There are many such winds around the world, some of them cold, some warm, some wet, some dry. If there's one thing that i loved coming out of this show, it's my new love for jo in sung. I don't recall Nice Guy's best friend betraying him, though. while watching this episode, as in "I really want to understand, but honestly, I don't. And there's no way the afterlife's that cruel. When Kpop Idol Fall in Love with Ordinary Girl, ,Korean Drama Hindi Explain. I don't see how the ending could be just a dream. Depending on a viewer's experience the way the drama is seen will be different. That Winter The Wind Blows Ending Review | Ready For Shipping Crossword I guess it wasnt over for me either when I let you go. Well done. English Title: Wind Blows in Winter Korean Title: , Cast: Jo In Sung, Song Hye Kyo, Kim Bum, Jung Eun Ji # of Episodes: 16 Airing Days: Wed-Thurs Broadcasting Station: SBS Teasers: 001, 002 Associated with: Jdrama - I Don't Need Love & Kmovie - Love Me Not Synopsis: A melodrama about a man and a blind woman who don't believe in love. Her secretly hoping that Oh Soo would burst in and save her makes sense (the only thing that made sense in this episode). To be honest, I am glad I read her commentary and her recap, however I still have questions. I think soo is alive:) eith regards to yhe "blurred" background.. i noticed that too yet i understand it this way :) young can't see clearly.. shes not totally blind, the background is actually her vision (that's my take) the first time she saw soo after a year when he was on his bike i noticed it's blurred so i thought maybe it was young's vision and i confirmed it when young visited yhe restaurant she cant see him that clear but she can see him :). I made the mistake to watch Frozen flower since everybody was talking about it. Had he survived, there would be no talk of bringing flowers to see Soo. 7.2K Views. Instead of theorizing, theres another option, in that the obligatory happy ending could have just made sense without requiring leaps in logic. - I really praised the writer for having this kind of story. Heads you are one hell of a writer. (For the other reasons you said as well.). Like you, I didn't understand why she couldn't have that conversation with OS when she was having her tea and he was there (right there), and she had already shared her questions with him. or Thank you for pointing out the many holes and for doing it with some humor at times. A call to Hee-sun affirms that Boss Man isnt lying, and Jin-sung looks devastated as the mean old geezer slides him a knife. They're both crazy beautiful, I want to cry!! Wind explained - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) I was so in love with it until that forced kiss and then it basically took a giant swing downhill. I mean, if you want to commit suicide, don't you really slit your wrists (BOTH of them) and get in the water for maximum bleeding? 1. Also, he lost his tragic first love. I applaud his professionalism, knowing that this is his first time to have sex scenes. For me, it's because I only read the recap, and I really thought Young was only imagining it. The bad friends, the conniving fiancee all forgiven and even rewarded, what a message to send to the public. Very pretty to look at like a picture, but barely engaging and forgettable in the end. That Winter, the Wind Blows - Wikipedia That Winter, the Wind Blows 16 languages Edit Tools That Winter, the Wind Blows ( Korean : , ; RR : Geu Gyeo-ul, Baram-i Bunda) is a 2013 South Korean romantic melodrama television series starring Jo In-sung and Song Hye-kyo. It's so dang pretty to look at that I almost forget that it doesn't make sense. Jo In Sung and Song Hye Kyo Megapost + "That Winter, The Wind Blows And even if you were, wouldnt it have been cooler to see that moment of decision instead? It was a visually lovely show to watch. The ending was real in my opinion. I said above, that I hoped for a more straightforward ending bu that I'll take this, too. Like Heads said, there are other ways to say you miss someone. 03 Light breeze. Were Boss Man's minions watching to make sure OS had been killed? Sigh! but the 'open' ending is so well done, that whenever, however I feel, I could say, ok, Soo is dead or ok, this is a happy ending. It's what sets this drama apart from the movie version which was a neat package in itself but i felt the drama extended and explored and fleshed out the characters on a deeper level that made me - with the exception of Sec Wang (whatthehell show- she made her blind, i don't care how well she can cook)- connect with the narration as a whole. Same here. If you get it, please explain it to me You know, I don't know if I can do a good job explaining it. And I read and understood the part about OS wanting Boss Man to join in the game so OS can gamble against him and win his money. Which brings another question: what happened then to the money OS won (since he left it there and he was knifed/left for dead later)? If it was a "porn" movie it wouldn't get nearly as much critical acclaim as it did.

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that winter the wind blows ending explained