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lds church multiple probationsPor

May 20, 2023

He wrote that Joseph stated, "Now the history of Josephus in Speaking of angels came down and took themselves wives of the daughters of men, See Geneses 6 Chapter 1-2, verses. I have always know it to be true, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and have never doubted it, no, not even for a second. Reincarnation or Multiple Mortal Probations - FAIR I cant mention this topic to my family, friends, or post about it on any platform, without incredible hurtful persecution. man. He taught Church history and doctrine for many years at Brigham Young University.He was also the director of the Latter-day Saint historical collection in the Harold B. Lee Library.. Should you want a space where you can harangue, belittle, mock, and incite people to contention for their deeply held, sacred beliefs then by all means create some forums with your own rules. I know who you and I were in the past and I cannot wait to meet you in person. But both Chad and Rowe have taught that people can essentially. Denver Carlos Snuffer Jr. is a Utah lawyer, an author of Restorationist devotional books, a lecturer, a speculative theologian, and claims to be a "revelator to fellowships of the remnants movement," a spiritual movement in schism with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). This idea lines up nicely with JS' late teaching that the Sons of God who married the daughters of men in Genesis were resurrected beings who violated celestial laws (see quotation in OP), and, of course, it all lines up with JS' teachings about exaltation to exaltation in his comments about the Holy Ghost and God the Father in the King Follett Sermon, Sermon on the Grove, and other Nauvoo era comments. Rowe was excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after . Thank you for this essay, you have a way of expressing your thoughts and knowledge so eloquently and with so much clarity. Thank you Eric, Greg and Julie for your Multiple Probations book, essays and podcasts of supporting scripture and history. A magnifying glass. I love converts, and you have reminded me that the convert enthusiasm for new truth should never die in our hearts, like Nephis song of redeeming love, and if it does die, then we have indeed stopped growing! I was once looking at the wickedness of the world and lamenting the fact that so few in this generation appear to be on a path to come to know Christ and therefore lacking what is needed to enter into His kingdom (JST Matt 7:33). I thought I had reached the bottom of the rabbit holeI guess it goes deeper still. P.S. One example of this is the multiple scripture references to go no more out. But Icanlook upon thee in the natural Thank you for bringing it out of obscurity. Elena, I hope you feel the sincerity of my heart when I say, I hear you! Multiple Mortal Probations I thank you! It felt right to me but the opposition was so strong and vociferous I proceeded with caution. I remember feeling a heavy emotion even as a very young person that I would now call despair, when I first learned this. Most Mormons don't even know about this rule. Some say this scripture suggeststhat a person might be able to leave the telestial glory experience another life on earth and then return to the telestial glory. I am eternally grateful for all of the doctrines that you and Julie and others you work with have been brave enough to bring forward to those of us who were so very ready to embrace higher truths through the spirit..Lucifer continues to whisper to me that I am a nobody, and why out of all the people on the earth would I be privileged to have knowledge that only a few believe and have currently? We say that one has to go to the grave to be born again in Christ. Satan will do everything he can to create doubt and to try and destroy all truth. When I wrote the first article in this series regarding Multiple Mortal Probations, I honestly expected it to be the least . about the doctrine, but it is important to me. One lifetime and you are done feels like temporary progression. D&C 132:22-25 can easily be interpreted that way: 22For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me. It looks to me like they just misunderstood what Joseph was teaching. As I pondered the gravity of that situation seeing the effects of disobedience in other families and in my own I prayed asking Heavenly Father how he could let so many of His children fall and be cast off. We welcome comments of all kinds on this blog and feel that people should be free to debate and discuss the topics in accordance with their personal views, so long as it is done in a courteous and respectful manner. When your book came out with Greg I was excited to read it and I did several times. the doctrine that has circulated these recent events. Joseph also said that the Holy Ghost is now in a state of Probation which if he should perform in righteousness he may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has. Praise be to God and the Lamb!! Scriptures General Conference Come, Follow Me Gospel Library Media Library Music Library Life Help Inspiration. [a] The Triumph and Glory of the Lamb: Doctrine and Covenants 76 in Its Historical Context 2. For some of us, the doctrine came along at a time we had There is deeper meaning in this i wont go into here but i love and admire both of you and the way you both gracefully and meekly bring about true doctrines to light. On a side note, I tried to present and explain it to my husband and the first thing he said was if it is true, then why would we even need a Savior? Thanks for sharing! Come what may; I believe what I believe, and if a mans belief, though strange, is cause for punishment or ridicule from anyone, which is the greater sin? Which is not what actually happens. As is common knowledge, the trio of beings who participate in the creation in the temple are Michael, Jehovah, and Elohim, and these possibly represent JS' conception of the Godhead. They witness to the same insights I have also had on the matter. Is the idea of "Multiple Mortal Probations" doctrine? - Ask Gramps The more I hear the more I learn from you and Julie!!! Among early Christians and LDS the doctrine of multiple mortal probations was taught. I must continually ask myself the question, Who am I to believe that Gods work is dependent on my understanding, teaching and attempting to enlighten the unenlightened? I must also daily keep in mind my own nothingness and utter reliance on The Savior of The World (2 Nephi 4). path, and between my Father in Heaven and me. And like those, here, before me have mentioned, this doctrine has brought more clarity, understanding of why I went through my own experiences in this probation. Thank you again for bringing more clarity of the Great Plan to light. San Bernardino County 2023 Point in Time Count Report I do not believe I am alone in these sentiments. We all have to die to go further. I was always looked at with the eyes of (Oh Brother). I enjoyed your book very much and reading your essay just now is when I felt enveloped in the calmest, loving peace, and knowing that bore witness that this additional knowledge is indeed true. Is it not so, surely? (Moses 1). Kalai, mahalo for visiting and sharing your views. It was like having a deep spiritual sigh while being purged of a host of simplistic, faulty, misleading, worrisome beliefs I had never recognized were dragging me down. Multiple Probations answers that question. It is like a fractal of the whole thing. Some awesome people have been excommunicated. And they who remain shall also be quickened; nevertheless, they shall return again to their own place [the telestial kingdom where they now live], to enjoy that which they are willing to receive, because they were not willing to enjoy that which they might have received.". I know you and Julie Row are Great tools in the Lords hand in this last days. He was the first director of Religious Studies in the college administration. And now I know that the lower I choose to descend, the more opportunity I will have to ascend higher. Aloha brother. Cheryl. Have We Placed Our Hopes in the Arm of Flesh? Item #6a. It's kind of like how in our times people will say stuff like, "What if the Holy Ghost is Heavenly Mother?" It should be made clear that the denomination Brigham Young founded in 1851, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has rejected these teachings. If mortal probations, then individuals get better opportunity. Further, Mormon doctrine asserts that people can become gods. I continue to find supporting evidence in scripture and temple ordinances. I love you all and am thankful for the puzzle piece of truth each of you has to offer in my journey. Thank you so much for sharing your story! You can learn more about it here . Ive had some of those same thoughts. I can see that in the spiritual world it goes way beyond any earthly graduate school I can imagine. Alaris I hold the knowledge sacred, personal to my own covenant Greg pointed out another of these natural and likely divine reminders and shadows to me, in the daily rising and setting of the sun. This process answers many other gospel centered questions. Thank you for raising this important point Diane. Prescendia Huntington Buell (later Kimball) also affirmed her belief in "plural probations," referring to a statement "in confirmation" by her polyandrous husband Joseph Smiths. Probation, Probationary - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 9:27. continue in the path until the end of the day of probation, 2 Ne. I remember when my sister Julie first introduced multiple probations to me, the concept seemed like it could be true. I have to be honest. Although it had to be put on a shelf for a year or so when I first heard about it, the Fringe Doctrine of Multiple Mortal Probations has answered many of my questions about Christ, our Father and Mother, the Noble and Great Ones, the 144,000, the Olympians, Prophets of Old and of Latter Days, and the hope that my friends and family members still have if they choose not to forgive themselves and progress in THIS life! Thank you for your wonderful expositions on such a beautiful and hidden part of the plan. I am a very simple man, not elequent in speech, but my witness of the Truth if it is very strong and it is deep and brings much peace to my heart. I love that you point our how the Ninth Article of Faith apples to all who earnestly and humbly seek the truth, and not for just a select few. Never at any time in my research and doctrinal interests have zombies, adultery, and murder ever remotely crossed my mind. 13:38. Anyways, it soon became apparent that his fruits were not matching what I knew to be honest and true from my own scripture study, and beliefs. And they who remain shall also be quickened; nevertheless, they shall return again to their own place [the telestial kingdom where they now live], to enjoy that which they are willing to receive, because they were not willing to enjoy that which they might have received.". It lasted several weeks. D&C 132 on the other hand was dictated in 1843, prime time for this topic. Thanks! I probably just need to read a book about it. We aren't taught "Multiple Mortal Probation" in the Church because it is not true. I do not condemn those who feel this way. .Sometimes we also borrow the picture of the gate when we speak about the baptism. It has been referred to many times in this essay and the comments as doctrine. 2:21. wasteth the days of his probation, 2 Ne. Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. In my opinion Alma 5 and Alma 12, in their entirety, are both worthy of consideration along side many other scriptures that follow a pattern which is familiar to me. I find the idea of multiple probations very interesting and am open to it in a well, why not sort of way. LDS Doctrine: False Doctrine: Multiple Moral Probations - Blogger Thank you so very much for your great insight and belief in God and the scriptures!! So, the basis of this conclusion is baseless. Oh how I love you and Julie and all that I have learned from you both!! And thank you Greg. , Exactly Geri! God bless you. The LDS church teaches the Pauline principle of many degrees in heaven. Blessings to all seekers. Any comments would be helpful. Who do I end up with ultimately in the celestial kingdom? Who are the Sons of Perdition? The treasures and hidden treasures of knowledge are real. Multiple Probations: A Lost Doctrine Remembered Aug 11, 2022. by Eric Smith . The concept of "Multiple Mortal Probation" would be similar to the teaching of reincarnation, both of which are false doctrines. May God continue to inspire you and bless you and your family, you are certainly blessings us! Also, I didn't mention it in the OP, but I believe Michael Quinn documents an influential relationship between JS and Alexander Neibaur, who was a convert from Jewish Cabala and who related reincarnation-like Cabala sourced ideas in a couple of Times and Seasons articles during the Nauvoo era. Thank you!! Thank You Eric, Beautifully expressed! Single Probation Doctrine, and Mortal Experience. The purpose of this essay is to reason from the scriptures to promote an understanding of how God has worked in the past on these points. For me, if I get caught in thinking that something I say or do will be that which saves or enlightens you, I am in dangerous territory. How can something start from nothing? First, one reason for living in multiple probations is to complete work started in earlier lives. What happened was that I would hear a name in my mind and immediately a person on the other side of the girl would introduce themselves and then they would thank me for helping them in their trialed, this was not for 1 probationary earth but many. While I may not be able to answer these and other questions, Having been so moved upon in the process of discovery, my friend Greg and I compiled a book called Multiple Probations which is a compilation of interesting history, supportive scriptures, and informative quotes from early authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Kim, that is a very insightful point that would seem to be a witness Of truth hidden in plain sight that if reincarnation is a false doctrine, that there must be an opposite, which I feel my spirit was first introduce to in the temple. Should there be an official declaration against every imaginable falsehood? ", More significantly, JS' King Follett Sermon suggests that, after the resurrection, each heir to Godhood will eventually serve as a Christ in a mortal probation. JS taught many times that Michael stood next to Christ in authority, and he also taught that Elohim was the head of the Gods (i.e. Over the past few years it has been my privilege, as well as many who I know, to have naturally and individually come upon the doctrine recently called Multiple Probations. What an incredible doctrine of mercy and hope! the greater majority of the worlds population have patiently been waiting for 9. This doctrine also brings peace to my soul and increases my love and respect for our Heavenly Father and Mother and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Eternal Lives, Past Lives and Reincarnation - Latter-day Commentary the handicapped, the mentally challenged, the emotionally disturbed, the third world poor, MANY have come to test the rest of us. Perhaps the trouble is we tend to think about such things linearly, rather than multidimensionally. I could discern truth because I have long since done what you and Julie ask us to do almost every podcast.

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lds church multiple probations