why did the socs attack ponyboy and johnny why did the socs attack ponyboy and johnny

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why did the socs attack ponyboy and johnnyPor

May 20, 2023

When he kills Bob, Johnny loses the look of a wild animal caught in a trap and instead he "looked as cool as Darry ever had." In this chapter, Ponyboy analyzes the Socs' lives through his own eyes, an outsider's perspective, which can only see and understand one view. Why do the Socs attack Ponyboy and Johnny in the park? The severity of his wounds shocked them all, but Dally was especially affected. Four months ago, Johnny was attacked by a group of Socs, leaving a scar on his face "that he would carry all. A fight is threatened, but Cherry puts a stop to it, and the girls leave with the Socs. and Johnny tries to calm him down, deciding they'll need money, a gun, and a plan. boys girls, ponyboy and johnny stole the socs' girls. Why did the Socs dislike the Greasers? How does Ponyboy's character change from the beginning to the end of The Outsiders? He explains to the reader that he is a greaser, a term "used to class all us boys on the East Side," which is the poor side of town. Therefore, on a symbolic level, Bob transforms his wealth into a physical weapon. Johnny is forever changed by the incident because of how viscerally brutal the attack was. The story revolves around two groups of teens: the Socs, who were the rich kids that live in the west side of the city, and the greasers, who are the tough, poorer kids that live in the east side of the city. When he regains consciousness, the Socs have run away. SparkNotes PLUS Unfortunately, Bob is killed. Sodapop has become the nurturing mother; he always sticks up for Ponyboy and tries to explain Darry's love for him. In the first chapter, Ponyboy introduces himself and gives a brief history of his family. As the five Soc boys approach him and Ponyboy, "his eyes were wild-looking, like the eyes of an animal in a trap." Ponyboys proximity to the murder makes him important, not least because he unintentionally motivates Johnny to murder Bob. Terms in this set (15) Why did the socs come looking for Johnny and Ponyboy? Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Ponyboy and Johnny walk through the park trying to decide whether or not they are going to run away for real. Some of the kids on either side seem to enjoy it, and there is camaraderie in being part of a group, but always looking over your shoulder wondering if you are about to get attacked is no way to live. I dont know. Johnny recounts to the Greasers what happened to him, and he can barely get it out through the sobs. Its fascinating to hear Coppola discuss why he made the movie (he received a letter from a school librarian and her eighth graders) and why he thinks it connected so much with young viewers. Contact us . In the ensuing argument, Darry slaps Ponyboy. Not affiliated with Harvard College. savvy [Slang] to understand; get the idea. He shows his strength when he remains calm after the murder and rationally determines a course of action. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Paraphrase why Darry seems like such an angry person. Ponyboy and Johnny get on a train, and Ponyboy goes to sleep. It turns out some things gold can stay. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Support your answer with evidence from the book. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Latest answer posted February 05, 2021 at 2:10:04 PM. from your Reading List will also remove any Two Socs get out, and Ponyboy notices that one of them is wearing three heavy rings. The city is divided between teenagers who have grown up with wealth and privilege and the rough-edged "greasers" from the wrong side of the tracks. In The Outsiders, what does it mean to "stay gold"? ", The theme of appearances comes into play when the Socs approach Johnny and Ponyboy: the two young boys try to look tough. I dont remember the first time I saw The Outsiders. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Outsiders! a. How did Johnny kill the SOC in the Outsiders? When Ponyboy is attacked, the Socs have nothing in particular against him. I was 10000% planning on marrying him. Bobs bloody corpse is nearby. Ponyboy's relationship with his two brothers symbolizes the traditional dual-parent relationship. As a result of frustration and fear for Pony's safety, Darry had slapped him when he returned home well after curfew. As he attempts to fend off his attackers, Ponyboy hears the pounding of footsteps and the attack turns into an all-out fight as his gang arrives to rescue him from the Socs' attack. They tease him about his hair, saying they will give him a haircut. During adolescence, many people begin to examine their own roles in their family structures. Why did the Socs beat up Ponyboy? B.A. Ponyboy finds Johnny in the lot where the greasers hang out, and he tells Johnny that they are running away. He also gives Ponyboy one of Buck's shirts and his own brown leather jacket. The park is deserted at 2:30 in the morning. c. The United States feared the power of Germany. - When Ponyboy walks home from the movies, the Socs beat him up because he is a Greaser and he is an easy target because he is alone, as well as being the smallest of the Greasers. and any corresponding bookmarks? How are they different? No one in Ponyboys family has ever hit him before, and Ponyboy storms out of the house in a rage. The narration of this story by a 14-year-old boy allows for the novel to be written in an easy-to-read format. The greasers choose theirs based partially on what they can afford with their working-class background. Johnny will never be the same again. Ponyboy puts the blue Mustang together with the rings and realizes that this is the group that had attacked Johnny. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Although Johnny commits murder, he does not lose our sympathy. He says, "Dally has seen . Ponyboy and Johnny follow Dally's instructions. Warmth usually is equated with inside and cool is associated with outside, and the colors reflect the characters' positions in society: The greasers view the Socs as insiders and themselves as outsiders. Johnny tells Ponyboy that he (Johnny) killed Bob because the Socs were going to drown Ponyboy and beat up Johnny. The greasers and Socs nearly get into a fight, but the girls agree to leave with their boyfriends to prevent violence. On their walk up the mountain to the church, they notice that their appearances contrast sharply with the country culture. Bob tells Ponyboy, "You could use a bath, greaser," and tells David, another Soc, to "give the kid a bath." "What did the Socs do when they jumped Ponyboy after he left the movie?" In The Outsiders, what does Ponyboy value. Greasers, on the other hand, cannot represent themselves with material luxuries. Ponyboy voices his frustration that the greasers have terrible luck while the Socs lead comfortable lives and jump the greasers out of sheer boredom. Greasers can't walk alone too much or they'll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream "Greaser!" It often seems as if Socs are attacking greasers, and vice versa, because of an endless cycle of violence and revenge. Suddenly the boys see the blue Mustang from earlier that night. "He's got dark-gold hair that . I have never loved a movie as much as I loved The Outsiders. His actions are regrettable, but his motives and values are noblehe wants to save his friends life. b. U.S. citizens leaned toward the Triple Entente due to the cultural connection to England. The socs attacked ponyboy and johnny because they picked up the Free trial is available to new customers only. After Bob calls the boys "White trash with long hair," Ponyboy notices that Johnny's "eyes were smoldering." You can follow her on Twitter (@AmyTVGal). How did Ponyboy get sick in the Outsiders? The Socs attack Johnny and Ponyboy, and one of them holds Ponyboy's head under the frigid water of a fountain until Ponyboy blacks out. Socs beat up Johnny and Pony because they are weaker and smaller than the other Greasers. Their primary identifying symbol is their long hair. As Ponyboy walks off, he thinks about how Darry and Sodapop will react when he doesn't come home. and any corresponding bookmarks? Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. As Ponyboy walks home alone after going to a movie, he realizes the inherent danger of doing so. We rewound and played the part where Rob Lowe walks out of the shower and almost drops his towel at least ten times, giggling and squealing the way only preteen girls can. What are Two-bit's personality traits and physical characteristics? The Socs blue Mustang symbolizes their class and power, since a greaser could never afford such a tuff car. The Mustang symbolizes the economic divide between the two groups and points to a major source of the tensions between them. The whole gang showed up, and embarrassed Ponyboy by acting up and drawing attention to themselves. at them, which doesn't make you feel too hot, if you know what I mean. Five Socials versus Ponyboy and Johnny. The Socs think the Greasers are dirty, low-class criminals. Nothing gold can stay. You get tough like me and you dont get hurt. Do it for Johnny!. Things go from bad to worse when Soc members Bob and Randy arrive and attack the two boys. He is vulnerable because he is alone. Any victim of a. It hits Ponyboy for the first time that they are in real trouble, that Johnny has murdered someone and now they are running away. Note that as the novel opens, Ponyboy, one of the three brothers, is alone and thus more vulnerable than if he were with his two brothers. | The color white can be used to describe any character, thus allowing readers to recognize that there are similarities between the two gangs. Latest answer posted February 17, 2021 at 7:06:12 PM. The Mustang pulls up beside the group, and Randy and Bob get out. After Ponyboy tells Cherry about Sodapops old horse, Mickey Mouse, the two move on to discuss the differences they perceive between Socs and greasers. I reckon we're wilder, too. What is Ponyboy feeling and thinking when he and Johnny reach the church on Jay Mountain? But I bet theyre looking for us. Innocent people get hurt for no reason. Are there any similarities? What does Cherry mean when she says "things are rough all over" to Ponyboy in The Outsiders. Johnny and Two-Bit are startled to hear that Ponyboy feels this way, and Johnny says he always thought the three brothers got along well. What is the significance of the church fire scene in The Outsiders? The movie follows a group of teens in Tulsa in the 1960s. Latest answer posted July 04, 2020 at 1:11:41 PM. I was probably too young to see it in the movie theater when it first came out (#strictparents). Johnny is white with fright, "white as a ghost." A blue Mustang cruises by the group. Whatare thedifferences and similarities between the Socs and greasers in The Outsiders? The greasers are more hood., [We] wear our hair long and dress in blue jeans and T-shirts, or leave our shirttails out and wear leather jackets and tennis shoes or boots. Paul Newman (b. Log in here. Ponyboy resents Darry and the total control that he attempts to wield over his life; he views their relationship as adversarial and looks to Sodapop for understanding and love. Already a member? Colors in a black and white world. He never walks alone after that, and he never goes anywhere without his switchblade. He killed the Soc, Bob, the handsome Soc and the rest fled away. Together they have the strength to be a family and face the challenges that the world offers. Ponyboy, the narrator, explains that their gangs are mostly small groups of friends that look out for each other. The Complete Novel also provides Sodapop with a lot more character development. Johnny tells him that the other Socs ran away when he stabbed Bob. on 50-99 accounts. In The Outsiders, how do the greasers and Socs dress? By murdering a Soc, however, Johnny becomes an adult. By giving readers such extreme details of hair and eye coloration, the author suggests that perhaps the greasers primarily see the world through a filter of chilling inequity. But again, I think thats why it worked. Ponyboy explains early on that he should not be walking home alone, because he is a greaser and he risks getting jumped or beaten up. . They weren't looking for a fight. All of the members come from dysfunctional homes and need the gang relationship as a substitute for what is missing in their own families. Johnny would use the blade protecting himself or die trying. Chapter 4 contains one of the novel's primary climaxes, the decisive turning point to which many of the preceding chapters' foreshadowing alludes. Eyes are prominent in this chapter, and especially Johnny's. The Socs don't have it as tough as the greasers do. Why do the socs attack ponyboy and johnny in the park? The nuanced performances remain extraordinary. Johnny pulls out his knife after one of Bobs Socials nearly drowned Ponyboy. BONUS 200 points: Why did the Socs attack Ponyboy and Johnny? This section introduces the novels major crisis. Colors play an important role in this chapter. He manages to get the boys fifty dollars, a change of clothing for Ponyboy, and a loaded gun. Many of the characters feel like outsiders and believe that life isn't fair to them, but the novel shows that the reality is a matter of perspective. This is a result of the double standard that society has for these young people. Latest answer posted February 05, 2021 at 2:10:04 PM. Johnny, who lives with his abusive alcoholic father, agrees to run away without hesitating. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! In the opening scene of the novel, Ponyboy is walking home from the movies alone and gets jumped by a group of Socs. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Bobby is killed with a switchblade because they tried to drown Ponyboy How does Dally help Ponyboy and Johnny? Ponyboy feels himself drowning and blacks out. He is vulnerable because he is alone.. Watching The Outsiders now, the movie feels a bit melodramatic. Ponyboy comments that Johnny would use his switchblade and kill the next person who jumped him. Johnny comes to his friend's defence and stabs Bob. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. In these chapters, Hinton uses symbols to represent the tensions between the two socioeconomic groups. In The Outsiders, what does it mean to "stay gold"? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. The United States had a strong relationship with Austria-Hungary due to international business interests. "Hey grease," one said in an over friendly voice. Latest answer posted February 17, 2021 at 7:06:12 PM. He tried to swear, but suddenly started crying, fighting to control himself, then sobbing all the more because he couldn't. Suffice to say Coppola meticulously saves everything, which really pays off here. How are they different? Read more about the significance of Ponyboy's point of view. It's two-thirty in the morning, and Ponyboy and Johnny are heading home from the vacant lot, complaining about how cold it is, when they see the blue Mustang that belongs to the Socs circling the park. Whether someone defines himself or herself as an outsider or insider depends on his or her personal perspective or viewpoint. In Hinton's original descriptions of Ponyboy's gang, she uses primarily cool colors. As if foreshadowing Ponyboy's own poor decision to walk alone, a carload of four Socs arrives, and one pulls a knife on him. What is Ponyboy feeling and thinking when he and Johnny reach the church on Jay Mountain? Johnny is cool, as Ponyboy has never before seen him, and states that they need money, a gun, and a plan. Ponyboy realizes that, although they come from different classes, he and Cherry watch the same sunset. Johnny is sitting next to him, and next to them lies the body of Bob, in a pool of blood. Early 1960s. madras a fine, firm cotton cloth, usually striped or plaid, used for shirts, dresses, and so on. Just dont forget that some of us watch the sunset too. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Already a member? This "life isn't fair" theme is prevalent throughout the book and concerns the issue of inclusion versus exclusion, of fitting in. Johnny shook his head. 1). The anecdote of Johnny's attack ends with a passage of foreshadowing: "They had scared him that much.

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why did the socs attack ponyboy and johnny