what is imperium investment what is imperium investment

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what is imperium investmentPor

May 20, 2023

Thats AquaBounty Technologies (AQB), which did indeed get the first approval for a genetically edited animal for human consumption thats their AquaAdvantage salmon, which is a variation on Atlantic Salmon but is farmed in land-based tanks to help make sure theres no mixing with wild or conventionally farmed salmon. Yes, genomics and gene sequencing is probably past the inflection point now, given dramatically lowered costs for gene sequencing and the many practical uses that are already becoming pretty mainstream (like targeting cancers with specific drugs based on the genotype of the disease or the patient, for example). I wish all the gumshoes out there (who by the way are a bonus of knowledge and helpful advice) a HAPPY HEALTHY and prosperous new year, Thanks Travis , I saw a film of the Norwegian fish farms so aqua bounty sounds like a winner for pet food and maybe humans too. Whether or not the stock soars from here, I dont know, and the science is beyond my pay grade but they do have partnerships with a lot of large tech leaders (yes, including Illumina, also an early investor and strategic shareholder of Twist, I think they still own about 3.5% of the company and Ginkgo, which was by far Twists largest customer in its early years and probably still is, though they only represent roughly 10% of TWST revenue now), they do have a visionary leader and see a huge potential market for their synthetic biology products and testing equipment and services, and the potential to expand pretty quickly as they build their Factory of the Future facility in Portland and, yes, they have been a top holding in Cathie Woods ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (ARKG) for most of the past year, and the Ark funds are one of TWSTs largest owners, so they have gotten a fair amount of attention for that (even with Woods star falling a bit these days). I detest gambling but am the first in line if its a sure bet. In 2015, theFDA approved its AquAdvantage Salmonto be produced at two of its facilities the approved capacity has been increasing since. The global salmon market is worth $17 billion. I do subscribe to Green Zone Fortunes, but will not renew and is among several newsletters Im dropping. Yes, Im kidding about the DNA Friend endorsement. The investment holding company Imperium Technology Group Ltd. is the owner of the equities that are referred to as "Imperium stocks." Formerly known as Imperium Group Global Holdings Ltd., the company name has been changed. Color me skeptical, mostly because Ampligen has been through 15 years of failure to get approved drama, but at least expectations are very low now so perhaps theres room for some cockeyed optimists to dig in and see if they find a gem. Quick question. 1 DNA company makes is the first-choice hardware in the industry, In fact, they have A-list clients lining up to use their technology, Theyve already partnered with the Broad Institute, And even DARPA, the militarys advanced research division, who says this microchip puts my No. Check out: The True North Health Center https://www.healthpromoting.com/ OR, check out the presentation the Cardiologist, Dr. Pradip Jamnadas did for the Galen Foundation Fasting for Survival If you mean, which company is being teased in that Imperium ad, its Twist Bioscience (TWST), which is covered in the article above. made it sound like a load of horseshit. He thinks that it could spark the DNA sequencing trend that will lead to mass adoption. The core of our platform is a proprietary technology that pioneers a new method of manufacturing synthetic DNA by writing DNA on a silicon chip. This could also lay the foundation for the manufacture of synthetic DNA-based products, which could revolutionize the healthcare industry. And it allows my No. Upon initiating fast, your body must now. Does anyone see PLBY? good reports. Adam ODell is pitching an Imperium machine and the world-changing returns that might come from and, as you might imagine, his favorite one small company that is the best investment play on those changes. Maybe theyre a supplier to those companies? nickk. He is an actual investment guru whose work I have encountered before. Fortunately, you dont have to subscribe to a newsletter to find out the name of this company because I pieced those clues together and found out that Adam was referring to a company calledTwist Bioscience (TWST). The best bet in this discussion that surprisingly gets no mention here is bionano BNGO. Theyre growing now, but youll probably have to have either some imagination or a good store of patience to see those businesses blooming into something large. And then ultimately, this will spill over to the entire global economy. NGZmM2M1MDRjZGU3MDhhMDI3NzM4YzgyN2RlMWEwODJkNTQ2ZTU0NzYxODAw The company has 311.04 M outstanding shares. Yes, nanowell technology is important for DNA sequencing machines, but all the modern ones seem to use some variety of that. Before this microchip was invented, DNA was manipulated using test tubes. Im more of an easy money type so its run the course for me. Yes, nanowell technology is important for DNA sequencing machines, but all the modern ones seem to use some variety of that. OK, so how is this different from the chips and silicon being use by Thermo Fisher, Illumina and others? But thats OK, theyre kidding too still worth a look . He believes it will reach mass adoption faster than internet did in the nineties. It is a San Francisco company that makes DNA products for clients in a variety of sectors. They can afford to burn the cash to scale up the business, they raised a bunch of money in the past few years (about $750 million, of which roughly $450 million in cash is left as of last quarter), so they should be in good shape as long as they can continue to make traction with new customers and keep the revenue line rising. For me, it is match in heaven. Dont know any offhand, but I assume there are some as there always are with an emerging technology. I cannot invest in company that promotes transhumanism, tampering with human DNA, and the development of synthetic antibodies. Clues, please! And on top of that, he says that the drug is also effective against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So even if the long-haul COVID-19 trial doesnt work out, this company could still be a great investment.. There will probably be ONE big Solid State Battery winner but I own several battery makers to make sure I dont miss the ONE. Expensive story stock, but its a pretty interesting story as they try to build a synthetic biology powerhouse. I need to make this work I cant count on my physical strength to sustain myself & another for the next 40yrs thats just reality`& with covid I dont think our government has any intention to provide social security to those of us who have all our lives paid into it believing we wouldnt starve or be a burden to our children. Perhaps thats a failure of imagination, and Im being too skeptical about a project that is really just barely starting up at this point, but you can make your own call. Imperium or The Unstoppable Stock Market Juggernaut of 2021 is a presentation by Adam ODell about investing in stocks that can offer better gains than the average stock. What bothered me the most is the pitch that I saw was a rerun from almost a year ago. This machine contains a technology that will be the most transformative in history. Never thought Id see it mentioned here on Gumshoe! Let us know with a comment below. Adam likes the model because it is low-risk. I really started to think about another small player at first. The firm was called Hemispherx Biopharma until 2019, when they apparently wanted a fresh start and a name change (and started issuing massive numbers of shares to raise capital for this fresh start). I am honestly shocked that it was even a real company let alone one that wasnt a scammy Kickstarter startup. Do some DD.and join the ride. Word frequency=pretty high! The Imperium Technology Group Limited represents a specific investment holding company manufacturing and selling household furnishings. He also says that the manufacturing sector will be altered as biological manufacturing becomes more prevalent. (LOL-nom de plume). To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations provided herein prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses. NDMyYjQwMjBkMTI1OGFmNGVhYTA5YTBlNmRlOTUyZWM5MThkOWU4Y2FkNTBl So yes, our match here is Twist Bioscience (TWST), which has been a fascinating company and gotten quite a bit of press since 2015 or so, and went public in late 2018. Retirement Expert Bob Carlson Reveals the New American Retirement Plan, Energy (including renewables) $4 trillion, Real-time trade alerts when its time to sell a position so you can maximize your profits, Access to our entire back catalog of special reports and resources, Access to the Green Zone Top 10 Weekly Hotlist ($199 value). MWVjMDU1YTFjZWVjYmExMWFmNzgxOGNmZTVlNDE2MjQ5YjFhNDJlZjQ1OTc0 We have come across his work before on this blog like when I reviewed his presentation about A9 Gold Stocks in which he was recommending junior gold miners if you wanted to cash in on the gold rally. Not sure what to think about all of this DNA/Imperium hype. Theyll probably still be chewing through at least $100 million or so a year in cash for the foreseeable future, roughly as they are now (there are only a couple analysts, to be clear, so dont put much weight on those numbers, but theres no sign that their heavy spending will let up, or that revenue is likely to accelerate dramatically). MGIyYmZjZmZmYjBkZGE0YTM4NTJmMTE1NjdiMGI4M2E5MzBiNGVjZjEwYTVl Their last Investor Presentation is here if youd like to get an overview and a little more optimism. The Tech Shock - Stocks to Buy and Companies to Avoid During the Global Chip Shortage Two Ways to Play the Coming Flood of Metaverse IPOs, The Next Bitcoins: Windfall Profits of 50x or More with Undiscovered Cryptos, Behind the Markets with Dylan Jovine: China vs. Taiwan: 3 Steps You Must Take to Prepare for War., Andrew Zatlin: Bidens Puppet Master Exposed and How to Opt Out of the Digital Dollar, Martin Weiss Docket No. Put in a GTC order to sell this scam at a price slightlt higher than you paid for it. 1 stock to take advantage of the Imperium mega trend, Its the small-cap company that makes this machine, And the big picture spiel is all about this being the next mega-trend, Because investing in Imperium now could be like getting into internet stocks in the early 1990s, Where rare and exceptional stocks like Intel shot up more than 8,000% in 10 years.. What is Imperium Technology? Additionally, we believe our platform will enable new opportunities including discovery partnerships for biologic drugs, and will enable new applications such as digital data storage in DNA.. Thing is, Im even more excited about the second DNA stock contained in the report. About Us | How it Works | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Contact Us, Imperium The Next Intel: The Microchip Company Powering the 199,000% DNA Mega Trend. I cant claim to understand the technology very well, Im afraid, but the financials have been ramping up nicely, with a boost from COVID-related work giving them a little revenue jolt last year and getting them over $100 million in sales for the first time, though theyre still a ways from reaching commercial scale even with their largest business, the next generation sequencing materials and services and the more revolutionary stuff that is really the focus of the company, including their synthetic biology products, drug development from their discoveries that might end up generating royalties, and the potential for using their DNA on a chip technology for data storage, seem to me to be mostly 5+ years in the future stories. Y2FhODk1MmE4ODQwYmIyYWRhMjdiMzFmZTQ2MTRkNTc2MzIzZmU3YzRlIn0= It is a system he created that highlights the ten best performing stocks and the ten worst performing stocks at any given time. Staggeringly, only 1% of Wall Street experts and hedge fund managers have the designation. MGJkZmU2YzA3ZWJkZTgxMmI2ZDdiOTdiZjkxM2M3OTY3OGNmNGRiYzJiNzY2 It could easily be the company I want to give you the details of today my No. This remains one of our most-requested stories, and the ad includes a few bonus small cap stock ideas, so I updating it at the beginning of 2022 with, for the first time, some solutions for those bonus ideas. Not cheap at 70X earnings or so, though I regret not buying it when it was on my watchlist and dipped briefly below $300 late in 2020, when their testing volume was down a bit because of COVID they dont really have a monopoly, but their market dominance and high margins do make me think of them in the same breath as Intuitive Surgical (ISRG) (which I do own, just for disclosures sake). N2Q3N2NjMjIwN2JiOTM5MTQxZjBmYmFiNjE3OWI3M2U3ZTZmY2I5YzA1YjQ0 you can buy shares or participate directly in a project with them. Jeff Brown is a con man, as are about 90 % of these blowhards. We are leveraging our unique technology platform to manufacture a broad range of synthetic DNA-based products, including synthetic genes, tools for NGS sample preparation, and antibody libraries for drug discovery and development. Location of This Business Oakland, CA 94612-2702. Imperium Wealth Management manages $141.0 million and provides investment advisory services for 150 clients (1:75 advisor/client ratio). The device he introduces at the beginning of the presentation that he calls Imperium is a DNA sequencer that reads your DNA and digitizes it so that it can be stored on a computer. He generally focuses on technical and quantitative analysis, so I guess in some ways hes playing in a similar sandbox to folks like Louis Navellier screening and grading stocks to rank them. Adam ODell is a former hedge fund manager who has the Chartered Market Technician designation. Adam O'Dell is pitching an "Imperium" machine and the world . Despite their tiny size, theyre set to become a key player in the fight to combat everything from cancer to viruses. Sadly, many people are lazy and just want to take a pill. This particular ad is for his Green Zone Fortunes, an entry level letter ($47/yr) that profiles one stock thats in the zone each month. 1 small-cap stock to cash in on as Imperium soars nearly 200,000% in the next four years. Havent made any decisions on anything yet. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Disclosure: Among the stocks mentioned above I own shares of Intuitive Surgical. The membership fee of Green Zone Fortunes is $47/year. SojournerDave Just saw Mr Gumshoes post for the first time today and I was happy to see he had done all the work slucing out a possible gem from the BS., Also want to thank of you in the peanut gallery that shared some good ideas.. Never thought Id find out (anywhere?!) it is reported as over weight but never moves what does over weight mean? This is, as youve probably already guessed, some sort of genetic testing company. This price will vary depending on how you go about signing up. Yet this isnt like any type of royalty business youve heard about before, Because theyre selling royalties on DNA sequences. High torque, and very flexible for traversing the rough and crooked temporary tracks of the frontier mining and lumbering industries. IMPERIUM INVESTMENTS LLC is dedicated to the development of successful buying and selling solutions for real estate investors. This will be HUGE. You can wait for the split. I added a small amount of MYNZ. OK, that is in the range of prices youll see pitched for doing full genome testing, though more often that will cost close to a thousand dollars. Yet this isnt like any type of royalty business youve heard about before, Because theyre selling royalties on DNA sequences. There is also now more and more documentation all the time of doctors having cancer patients fast for 36 hours before chemotherapy and radiation being substantially more effective than just chemo or radiation by themselves. ODell has been putting his skills to work picking winning investments. Adam ODells Green Zone Fortunes is an investment research service that Adam ODell publishes via the Money & Markets publishing company. its my firm belief that the biggest company in the world will eventually be a DNA company. The Green Zone Fortunes masterclass tackles the basics of systematic investing to allow you to navigate the market confidently as you seek to achieve financial freedom. YmZiNTQwYjFkM2I4OGFmMmFkYTIxODBhNmI0MjVjZTJlOTI0NWRlYmEyYzgx Heres how Twist describes itself: We are a leading, rapidly growing synthetic biology company that has developed a disruptive DNA synthesis platform to industrialize the engineering of biology. NDZlMjM2MTFmNDliYjY5ZjllODY3ZTVmYzExY2UxZGM0NmI4NjgzMmQ1MGNm The only pitch of his that Ive looked at recently was back in the summer of 2020, that was a gold stock spiel and, well, the three mainstream gold stocks he pitched were, as you might expect, levered to gold prices gold is down about 3% since then, so two of the stocks are down about 25-30% and the third is down 6%. As a scientist from MIT put it: "We are at the cusp of [Imperium] really entering the mainstream." MIT Scientist ZTM4ZTY2ZmQwMGM2MmQ4MjZhYjkyMzY2MGViNjlhNGNhOGRmYjVjMTNkNzNi It could easily be the company I want to give you the details of today my No. I have had this guys infomercial sent to my inbox a bunch of times finally watched it and you quoted it word for word. Its helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online, RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online. Twist is also working, like a lot of other companies, to put their expertise and their data libraries to work in generating antibodies for specific purposes that can be developed into drugs by pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and that stands out a potential revenue driver, too, though its a small segment of business and presumably wont really bear any fruit for many years (their first partnered program is about to begin clinical trials, and if its successful about 10% are it will probably take about seven years to get to FDA approval, though the company might earn milestone payments from partners along the way). If I pay 39.95 up to 3K for the answer. Blessings. That DARPA reference is a bit secondhand, it comes from this quote, from a pandemic response researcher at Vanderbit who received DARPA funding: Twist is the only synthetic DNA provider who can deliver the quantity and quality of DNA we need for our projects rapidly. BP is a worth billions. [2022 Update]. Might it even be a more general genomics company? Because they use an incredibly profitable business model when done right. With commodity trading, using leverage is much more common than with stock trading. "Because investing in "Imperium" now could be like getting into internet stocks in the early 1990s "Where rare and exceptional stocks like Intel shot up more than 8,000% in 10 years." So what's the story? Why? This ad has often been pitched with the buy this $2 stock headline, and that refers to one of these smaller bonus stocks, not to Twist lets see what they are. This is, as youve probably already guessed, some sort of genetic testing company. Nothing on this website should be considered personalized financial advice. P.S. Ive left the comments from our original version of this article attached below, in case theyre still helpful. Dont know if theyll succeed, and theyre not growing fast enough to make it an easy buy but if youre interested in the long-term trajectory of the business and not just in the stock price momentum, its a lot more palatable at $80 than it was at $200. 1 DNA company will play a foundational role in the mass adoption of DNA technology, In much the same way the company Intel was central to the roll-out of the internet. I have been retired since 2006 and I have been in the stock market since the early 1980s. This particular ad is for his Green Zone Fortunes, an entry level letter ($47/yr) that profiles one stock thats in the zone each month. More from ODell, Ive found the No. Y2JjZTgxNDcxYTg1MzU4MWUxNjNkN2JhNmFjYzJhYTg0MWY5N2IwM2FiZjI3 Jeff Brown is a con man, as are about 90 % of these blowhards. This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. For someone who is new to this and not yet made a security purchase you are actually pretty astute. The following was last updated on January 3, 2022. ODell used to be a market technician specialist for the Harry Dent newsletters, which got dissolved and were sucked up by Banyan Hill a couple years ago, and now hes off in his own corner as the investment strategist for Money & Markets, which I guess remains either owned by or affiliated with Banyan Hill. Ive sold off some on the way out and sold $30 calls against the balance of my position. The Unstoppable Stock Market Juggernaut of 2021 aka "Imperium" that Adam is talking about is in a device that will enable scientists to do DNA sequencing more efficiently. What is Imperium biotech? The Company is not registered or licensed by any governing body in any jurisdiction to give investing advice or provide investment recommendation. Its not exactly an easy business to scale right now, it costs them about $10 to provide $1 worth of salmon to their customers, and even though thats better than $20 a year ago, its not like growing a software business each salmon needs space to grow, and food and oversight, and the supply chain to deliver fish to customers is fairly pricey. It will read and digitize DNA, which is the stuff inside our cells. Im talking about the royalties business. Thanks for the well-written, always well-researched piece! 1 DNA stock is set to be a central player in this fast-emerging mega trend. Here are the clues for the third bonus idea. YOU are a True Warrior for we remote investors located across the U.S.A. By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, April 14, 2022. This remains one of our most-requested stories, and the ad includes a few "bonus" small cap stock ideas, so I updating it at the beginning of 2022 with, for the first time, some solutions for those "bonus" ideas. So what, then, is our one small company in this pitch? Marion. Is This the Last Great Bitcoin Buying Opportunity? So whats he peddling today? What is Imperium Technology, also referred to as the Imperium Technology machine and DNA Sequencing stock? If DNA can now be altered, there may be virtually no end to what may be developed in this arena against mankinds worst diseases; and, even to include future food products including, plants and animals or genetically altered human features? Last I checked, all the companies involved in that business were larger chemicals companies with polysilicon divisions, like Dows Hemlock Semiconductor division, GCL-Poly and Wacker Chemie and a couple Japanese companies whose names I dont recall. Not much fasting there, and a safe bet to say there wont be. Yes, Im kidding about the DNA Friend endorsement. 1 DNA company will play a foundational role in the mass adoption of DNA technology, In much the same way the company Intel was central to the roll-out of the internet. We are working with them not only as a vendor for synthetic genes and antibodies, but have expanded our relationship to leverage the Biopharma capabilities, which we believe complement our antibody discovery efforts.. the Winners. In fact, its the only known therapeutic against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a disorder that robs our economy over $9 billion each year. The Imperium device will help scientists analyze DNA more quickly. Marion. The first time scientists sequenced all the DNA inside a single person, it took 13 years and cost $2.7 BILLION. If they had presented it like you did it would probably sound appealing but that ad sent off EVERY SCAM ALARM BELL I had!! Green Zone fortunes is an advisory service that comes to subscribers as a monthly newsletter through which Adam discusses new investment opportunities. TWYCK. Perhaps thats a failure of imagination, and Im being too skeptical about a project that is really just barely starting up at this point, but you can make your own call. And it allows my No. ZjQxNDg2N2JkZjRjN2NjMmIxYjBlNjVkZWVmNzNlYTUzYTdmYTc1OTU3NThk At the core of its proprietary technology is a new method ofmanufacturing synthetic DNAby writing DNA on a silicon microchip. Their number one product is currently in an FDA-approved trial to see if it works as a therapeutic for long haul COVID-19. In ODells words: This breakthrough microchip means my No. I made a 2,500% gain on CWRK that I paid $0.14/share for but I had less than $500 invested in it. In fact, their number one treatment is so revolutionary its attracted two Breakthrough Award grants from theDepartment of Defensetotaling $15 million. Is The Imperium Technology Stock Pitch Legit? Of course, its not enough to spot a mega trend before the masses, And I believe I have the No. Hoodat? And had its cylinders mounted high, a little farther out of harms way. Why not pay the mystical Mr. Gumshoe, and receive so much more for your money? (I do own a little bit of Oxford Nanopore, FWIW). Imperium Technology Group Limited is a subsidiary of Diamond State Holdings Limited. Thanks again! This shows Adams ability to predict future growth. So, they look like they have a solid foundation and are likely to do well. British company making these DNA machines. Would love your thoughts, please comment. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOTczNmQ1YmUyMzVhNTU5NDZiY2EwN2RlYzUwZDNkNWQ0 Get access to great deals and your free copy of our newest eBook on where to find the best deals. Those people are not all invested in the same company, of course, but those are references to DNA-related investments those bigwigs have made, particularly into companies that are synthesizing DNA like Peter Thiels backing of Synthego or Bill Gates bet on Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA). These were reputedly the only very early 2 units of a tiny coal-fired steam, made of cast iron & OAK WOOD ore-hauling LOCOMOTIVES (the one remaining one was shipped from CA in boxes, then removed from those moth balls re-un-disassembled to be celebrated in a town fete last summer in Erie, PA! Y2ZlZDczMDliYjI3ZTgxNzgxYmE2MDVkYWM4MjY5MTZlYzc0NmFmZDI5MDVm It is Ready to chase Imperium? Prefer larger and more established players like Illumina or Thermo Fisher, or are you ready to buy into the earlier stage Twist or the even-smaller startups that are coming up behind Twist? MTljOTJlMWRiNjBiZmY1ZGVhYThmZTFlYWI1MmU5MzBmOTFlYzM4YWU1NWQy The best newsletter I have subscribed to is Brett Owens Contrarian Income Report. In addition to Green Zone Fortunes, he also edits Home Run Profits and 10X Profits.

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what is imperium investment