well acquainted in a sentence well acquainted in a sentence

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well acquainted in a sentencePor

May 20, 2023

William Brookfield and his wife, the daughter of Sir Charles Elton of Clevedon Court. Look it up now! The duchess of Kent and her brothers, King Leopold and the duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, had always hoped to arrange that the queen should marry her cousin, Albert of Saxe-CoburgGotha, and the prince himself had been made acquainted with this plan from his earliest years. John the Scot was still E acquainted with Greek, seeing that he translated the work of the pseudo-Dionysius; and his speculative genius achieved the fusion of Christian doctrine and Neoplatonic thought in a system of quite remarkable metaphysical completeness. Palamas at an early age retired to Mt Athos, where he became acquainted with the mystical theories. 29 Apr 2023 14:04:33 How to use get better acquainted in a sentence. In Rome he became acquainted with the Syrian Gnostic Cerdo, whose speculations influenced the development of the Marcionite theology. The first hypothesis has been supported on the ground that Breton sailors speaking a language closely allied to Welsh were acquainted with the great auk, and that the conspicuous white patches on the head of that bird justified the name "white head.". Yes! acquainted meaning: 1. knowing or being familiar with a person: 2. to know or be familiar with something, because you. By his eighth year he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis, and the whole of Herodotus, and was acquainted with Lucian, Diogenes Laertius, Isocrates and six dialogues of Plato (see his Autobiography). Sarah and Jackson spent the night becoming acquainted as well as discussing plans for escape. In Asia they held Asia Minor and Syria, had sent expeditions into Arabia, and were acquainted with the more distant countries formerly invaded by Alexander, including Persia, Scythia, Bactria and India. Such an instrument was made as early as 1590 by Zacharias Jansen of Middleburg; and although Galileo discovered, in 1610, a means of adapting his telescope to the examination of minute objects, he did not become acquainted with the compound microscope until 1624 when he saw one of Drebbel's instruments in Rome, and, with characteristic ingenuity, immediately introduced some material improvements into its construction. Besides all this he was probably more profoundly acquainted with the literature and bibliography of medicine than any one before or since. I am acquainted with the chairman of the committee. To get better acquainted she asked that one of the young ladies should come into her box for the rest of the performance, and Natasha moved over to it. Coxon and seventy men returned as they had gone, but the others, under Sawkins, Sharp and Watling, roamed north and south on islands and mainland, and remained for long ravaging the coast of Peru. What does auld lang syne even mean, and why is it so special on New Years? But though intimately acquainted with every nook and cranny of the English law, he never carried his studies into foreign fields, from which to enrich our legal literature; and it must be added that against the excellence of his judgments, in too many cases, must be set off the hardships, worse than injustice, that arose from his protracted delays in pronouncing them. : My certes, but I wad like to fa' acquaint wi' the yin that wad as muckle as lift a 'paver' to him. Fabius Sanga, their "patron" in Rome, who in his turn acquainted Cicero. Jeffrey's wife had died in 1805, and in 1810 he became acquainted with Charlotte, daughter of Charles Wilkes of New York, and great-niece of John Wilkes. On the death of Scarron, in 1660, Anne of Austria continued his pension to his widow, and even increased it to 2000 livres a year, which enabled her to entertain and frequent the literary society her husband had made her acquainted with; but on the queen-mother's death in 1666 the king refused to continue her pension, and she prepared to leave Paris for Lisbon as lady attendant to the queen of Portugal. I have the happiness to acquaint you that your daughter was safely brot to Bed the 20th ulto. I am pretty Internet-savvy, and had become acquainted with blogs through Trent Vanegas' Pink is the New Blog. 26. The meaning of ACQUAINTED is having personal knowledge of something : having seen or experienced something + with. His mother and his father were well-acquainted with a life of crime. The better classes were acquainted with wheaten bread also. Meyer is of opinion that the writer of the Iliad was probably acquainted with the lion, but this does not prove its former existence in Greece. Later he was diverted to philosophy by the works of Democritus, and became acquainted with the Megarian dialectic through Bryson, pupil of Stilpo. About people we were acquainted with. If you've never learned about the food pyramid, or haven't seen how it has changed in the past five years, now is the time to get acquainted with it. He appears to have been well educated; he was certainly clever, and after coming to London in 1670 he became acquainted with some Jesuits and was occasionally employed by them. Why not get acquainted with some of the most successful models in the field, who can be seen modeling lingerie in past and current major magazines, catalogues, and more? He is acquainted with the modern history of France. ; informed (usually followed by with): to be acquainted with law. Not only should you spend time comparing the various policies available for your small business, but you should also get acquainted with the various insurance rules and regulations within the state before you settle on a policy. At a mature age - having first, it appears, become acquainted with Mantegna - he turned his attention to painting. ; A gentleman with whom we are acquainted happened, when young, to have a severe fall on the head. Johnson might easily in a few months have made himself well acquainted with every old play that was extant. And if you're practicing in the comfort of your own home, there's no better way to get acquainted with dramatic model makeup before showing it off to the world. You must acquaint with your new duties. On this second visit he became acquainted with some of the leading Abolitionists, and founded later in Paris a Societe des Amis des Noirs, of which he was president during 1790 and 1791. He was an excellent judge of literature, reading most European languages well and being acquainted with their classics. Sladek was, with his excellent translations, one of the first to make Czech readers acquainted with the riches of English literature (especially Shakespeare). Learn more. He acquainted himself with his job. Here he became acquainted with many of the savants of the capital, and was much interested in French clerical affairs. Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department store. What is acquainted in a sentence? Frederick himself had a knowledge of six languages, was acquainted with mathematics, philosophy and natural history, and took an interest in medicine and architecture. He had had no time to acquaint himself with his fief, twice seen,[sentencedict.com] and well enough served by its own. Regardless, he was invited by Mick Jones, with whom he was acquainted with. 31 Mar. The Egyptians, though acquainted with the bastard safflower, do not seem to have possessed saffron; but it is named in Canticles iv. Meaning: adj. : I will acquaint you, as you desire, with . The document which alleges that this chapel was built by order of a "landsgemeinde" held in 1388, at which 114 men were present who had been personally acquainted with Tell, was never heard of till 1759. He also was well acquainted with Greek philosophy, and took a genial view of it; but he was not nearly so widely read as Clement. A wish to become intimately acquainted with a state of society so utterly unlike all that he had ever seen frequently crossed his mind. Before I had done I was more the friend than the foe of the pine tree, though I had cut down some of them, having become better acquainted with it. He was well acquainted with the literature of France(Sentencedict.com), Germany and Holland. The world's wickedness was intolerable, he wrote; throughout Italy he beheld vice triumphant, virtue despised. ; It's a steep price per pint, and I like to be well acquainted with what I'm drinking. This form of organization ultimately became universal, and already before the end of the 2nd century it was established in all the parts of Christendom with which we are acquainted, though in Egypt it seems to have been the exception rather than the rule, and even as late as the middle of the 3rd century many churches there were governed by a plurality of officers instead of by a single head (see Harnack, Mission and Ausbreitung des Christenthums, pp. Montfaucon's Bibliotheca bibliothecarum manuscriptarum (1739) is a list of the works in MS. in the libraries with which he was acquainted. 86. 9. In 1886-1887 a German expedition under Dr Koldewey explored the cemetery of El Hibba (immediately to the south of Tello), and for the first time made us acquainted with the burial customs of ancient Babylonia. They were astonished and delighted by the brilliancy of his conversation. He was well-acquainted with a long history of underwater accidents, attempted rescues and failed escapes. He seems to have been well acquainted with the projection of images of objects through small apertures, and to have been the first to show that the arrival of the image of an object at the concave surface of the common nerve - or the retina - corresponds with the passage of light from an object through an aperture in a darkened place, from which it falls upon a surface facing the aperture. However, there is a small set of skills that you will want to acquaint yourself with before jumping in the deep end. These arduous periods should become fewer as you become more closely acquainted with your subject. From quotations given by Antonio Capmany (Questiones Criticas) from the De contemplatione of Raimon Lull, of the date 1272, it appears that the latter was well acquainted with the use of 1 Adamas in India reperitur. It was noted for the first time in this February speech, but the most striking instance was in a speech on Mr Osborne Morgan's Burials Bill in April 1875, in which he described a Quaker funeral, and protested against the "miserable superstition of the phrase `buried like a dog.'" Desault, well acquainted with the dauphin, having visited him seven months earlier, was summoned. volume_up more_vert. Here he became acquainted with Cormac MacCarthy, king of Desmond, who had sought refuge with Malchus, and, when he subsequently regained his kingdom, rendered great services to Malachy. He was acquainted moreover with Latin grammar, under the influence of which he resorted to the innovation of dividing the Hebrew vowels into five long vowels and five short, previous grammarians having simply spoken of seven vowels without distinction of quantity. I'm very well acquainted with this experience, as is Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic. Pierre de Saint Cloud, the writer of the fourth section of the romance, was evidently acquainted with the Historia de proeliis. Entirely safe from the usual turbulent movements of Scottish opposition, and but ill acquainted with Scottish opinion, he could dictate measures which were oppressive to the preachers and unwelcome to the majority of the laity. He is well acquainted with ancient history. The meaning of GET BETTER ACQUAINTED is to get to know each other better. He knew Greek and Arabic; and he was well acquainted with the affairs of Constantinople, to which he went at least twice on political business, and with the history of the Mahommedan powers, on which he had written a work (now lost) at the command of Amalric. Past episodes are also helpful if you're a new viewer who would like to catch up on previous plot lines to get better acquainted with certain characters or situations. Soon, however, he began to hint to the thirty that Dositheus was not as well acquainted as he might be with the doctrines of the school. In approaching the East from the north of Siberia or from the south of Greece and the Troad, the history of iron in each country eastward is relatively later; while a review of European countries from the north towards the south shows the latter becoming acquainted with the metal earlier than the former. Before you shop for a bodysuit, you should get acquainted with the bodysuit's basic features. The great educational value of Arabian philosophy for the later schoolmen consisted in its making them acquainted with an entire Aristotle. He is acquainted with the existence of an older dynasty now deposed, the dynasty of Cronus and the Titans. Free government grant forms can be completed in the comfort of your own home, or filled out by a professional grant writer if you happen to be acquainted with one. A number of adult board games can help people get to know one another if the guests are not acquainted and can double as party ice breakers. Goussen (though members of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Mission to the Assyrian Christians had previously been acquainted with the book). Mr. Universe is one such character, portrayed by actor David Krumholtz, and though he doesn't make one appearance in the series, it is clear that he is well acquainted with Mal and that the rest of the crew hold him in high regard. He went over every part of the translation with me, observed on every passage in which justice was not done to the thought or the force of the expression lost, and made many useful criticisms. The earliest Christian monastic communities (see MoNASTtersM) with which we are acquainted consisted of groups of cells or huts collected about a common centre, which was usually the abode of some anchorite celebrated for superior holiness or singular asceticism, but without any attempt at orderly arrangement. Here Hippolytus gave a second exposition supplemented by fresh Gnostic original sources with which he had become acquainted in the meanwhile. Of his education we only know that his father sent him to study law at Toulouse, where he first became acquainted with the Bible (1528). Review 6 sentence examples with Well-acquainted With to better understand the usage of Well-acquainted With in context. As an itinerant auctioneer he became well acquainted with the Germans in the S.E. The conception bears a remarkable resemblance to that of Paradise Lost; and it is almost certain that Milton, whose sympathies with the Italian Reformation were so strong, must have been acquainted with it, and with some of his later works. He studied at the Lycee Charlemagne, in 1850 became a teacher in New Orleans, Louisiana, and there became acquainted with John Lloyd Stephens's books of travel in Yucatan. He was acquainted with their noblest representative, Thrasea Paetus, and he also came under the influence of Seneca. Agur's dictum is one of pious agnosticism directed, apparently, against certain theologians who talked as if they were well acquainted with the ways of God. He was well acquainted with the use of magnifying glasses and suggested a kind of telescope for viewing the moon, but does not seem to have thought of applying a lens to the camera. Wellington was by no means so well acquainted with the details of the Prussian defeat at Ligny as he ought to have been. 58. The autograph has been disputed, but divers passages, and especially one in The Tempest, show that at first or second hand the poet was acquainted with the essayist. In spite of the silence of our records, Dr Stubbs thinks that kings so well acquainted with foreign usages as Ethelred, Canute and Edward the Confessor could hardly have failed to introduce into England the institution of chivalry then springing up in every country of Europe; and he is supported in this opinion by the circumstance that it is nowhere mentioned as a Norman innovation. He was also well acquainted with Greek literature. On his return to Paris he had become acquainted with Etienne Claviere, the Genevese exile, and a banker named Panchaud. Well definition, in a good or satisfactory manner: Business is going well. Still more difficult is it to make this distinction when we read of the mythical Dactyls of Ida in Crete or the Telchines or Cyclopes being acquainted with the smelting of It is not, however, likely that later Greek writers, who knew bronze in its true sense, and called it XaXK6, would have employed this word without qualification for objects which they had seen unless they had meant it to be taken as bronze. To be a gentleman in Italy meant at this epoch to be a man acquainted with the rudiments at least of scholarship, refined in diction, capable of corresponding or of speaking in choice phrases, open to the beauty of the arts, intelligently interested in archaeology, taking for his models of conduct the great men of antiquity rather than the saints of the church. Lord Ashley now retired into Holland, where he became acquainted with Le Clerc, Bayle, Benjamin Furly, the English Quaker merchant, at whose house Locke had resided during his stay at Rotterdam, and probably Limborch and the rest of the literary circle of which Locke had been a cherished and honoured member nine or ten years before. Synonym Discussion of Acquaint. Their pottery is much more perfect and more artistic than that of the Bronze period, and their ornaments are accounted among the finest of the collections at the St Petersburg museum of the Hermitage. Even if youve never heard the title Auld Lang Syne, youve definitely heard the song. Find 12 ways to say ACQUAINTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Roger Bacon (Opus majus and Opus minus, 1266-1267) was acquainted with the properties of the lodestone, and wrote that if set so that it can turn freely (swimming on water) it points toward the poles; but he stated that this was not due to the pole-star, but to the influence of the northern region of the heavens. Examples of 'acquainted' in a sentence acquainted. His words and attitude always suppose a better state of things than other men are acquainted with, and he will be the last man to be disappointed as the ages revolve. Sign up for our weekly newsletters and get: By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions After introductions we gathered around the oak table to get acquainted as more beer and wine flowed. Are you two acquainted? More than either of these two thinkers he was acquainted with the discoveries of modern science, and was thus enabled to correct or modify the highly imaginative speculations of Schelling. This may be taken to indicate that when first the Malays became acquainted with the fruits which are indigenous in Malayan lands they already possessed a language in which most primary words were represented, and also that their tongue had attained to a stage of development which provided for the formation of compound words by a system sanctioned by custom and the same linguistic instinct which causes a Malay to-day to form similar compounds from European and other foreign roots.

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well acquainted in a sentence