"What's wrong with you!?" Kurilla was in the open, but his judo roll had left him slightly to the side of the shop. Neither had real combat experience. Carrying both books, we drove to the Cash. 24th Infantry, which has spent the past year battling insurgents in the northern Iraqi town of Mosul. Jim T. posted images on LinkedIn. [6] He served as commander of the 82nd Airborne Division from 20162018 and Chief of Staff of U.S. Central Command from 20182019. LTC Kurilla continued to direct his men until a medic gave him morphine and the men took him away. Wrapped in [8] After graduating from West Point, he was commissioned into the U.S. Army as an infantry officer in 1988. middle of a street, under fire, and dragged a detainee into cover. The next day, Iraqi Army and Police commanders were in a fury that LTC Kurilla had been shot. It was not moving. But these two soldiers A passion for the cause of freedom. And now Kurilla lay shot and in surgery in the same operating room with one of the catch-and-release-terrorists he and other soldiers had been warning everyone about. Update: Mike Yon just let me know that he just got off of the phone with the Lieutenant Colonel and that he is doing well. 194 were here. outside, and screamed what amounted to "Attack! Yet Yons dispatches are not a non-stop action movie full of guns, guts and glory. In the four months theyd been doing joint operations, Crissman couldnt recall ever seeing Hamid carrying a rifle, yet there he was outside the police station with an MP5 machine pistol. He shares a rarely reported aspect of the American effort in Iraq rebuilding: The American soldier is the most dangerous man in the world, he says, and the Iraqis had to learn that before they would trust or respect us. 2019 2022: Commanding General of the XVIII Airborne Corps. The images along with Yons narrative are posted on his Web site: http://michaelyon.blogspot.com. While we knew of Iraq in our corner of the battlespace, he could move throughout the country and did so. The struggle is just beginning. When I shot the propane canister, Prosser had nearly strangled the guy, but my shots made Prosser think bad guys were coming, so he released the terrorists throat and snatched out the pistol from his holster, just as SSG Konkol, Lewis, DeVereaux and Muse swarmed the shop. ran over to Kurilla, but hesitated every time. The Surge operation continued as we returned to base. Need health insurance? So SFC Bowman told Munoz to give Kurilla another morphine, and finally Kurilla settled down, and stopped giving orders long enough for them to haul him and the terrorist away to the Combat Support Hospital. Attack! Alpha Company had deployed during the early hours and was conducting operations around Yarmook Traffic Circle. Both legs and an arm are shot. When Recon platoon showed up about a minute later, SFC The sweet and heartfelt message inside ended with-. mouthful of watch but he somehow also managed to punch chain of command, but had otherwise not changed the But once the shooting starts, a plan is just a guess in a party dress. But these two soldiers didnt have the combat experience to grasp the power of momentum. ? I yelled above the shooting. Prosser think bad guys were coming, so he released the Just a few minutes ago, these three guys were going 105 miles per hour, and outrunning a helicopter. The third bullet pierced a propane canister, which jumped up in the air and began spinning violently. Over lunch with Chaplain Wilson and our two battalion surgeons, Major Brown and Captain Warr, there was much discussion about the ethics of war, and contention about why we afford top-notch medical treatment to terrorists. as Deuce Four and has written extensively about its operations and Im hit three times! Are you feeling all right?. Crissman jokingly pointed to Hamids MP5 and said, If I go to lunch with you, do I need to bring my machine gun too?. me and I chased, Kurilla leading the way. LTC Kurilla continued to direct his men until a medic gave him morphine and the men took him away. "I'm hit three times! Then one of the suspects tried to wrestle a weapon from a soldier before all three were detained. Im going to block the back door on the north side!. And if we do it will be a victory of the same magnitude as the fall of the Soviet Union. He participated in the Panama invasion and the Gulf War, and was stationed in Korea and Europe. I jacked it in, released the bolt and hit the forward assist. The Commander and the terrorist were both being prepped Meanwhile, In a war where the situation changes depending on what you read, Yon is a man with credibility he has more time embedded with combat units than any other journalist. We began searching for the shooters near one of the bridges on our side of the Tigris, but they got away. But Prossers gloves were slippery with blood so he couldnt hold on well. Infantry Regiment, was shot in the arm and leg and suffered a broken Someone you should know: five men earned the Medal of Honor on May 8, Robert "Concrete Bob" Miller - Someone You Should've Known, Arthur J. Jackson - someone you should know, "No Survivors" - The Eagle Flight Anniversary, Casey Sheehan - A Palm Sunday Someone You Should Know, National Airborne Day: The Best Photo of a Paratrooper by an AP Photographer, Daily Beast: Wounded Warrior Project Fights - to Get Rich. Prosser landed three nearly point blank shots in the Colonel Kurilla is like my dad. The commander didnt seem to miss a stride. been warning everyone about. An unwavering conviction that, in the end, we will win. flag so everyone could autograph it. CSM Prosser drags the terrorist into the alley was, after all, still fighting. General Kurilla is married and father of two. Watch out for that kid! yelled Kurilla over the intercom to our driver as we made a hard turn, managing to avoid hitting the child. Opels may be faster than Kiowas on straight-a-ways, but when the car made turns, the helicopter quickly caught up. The 1-17th will relieve the 1-24th soon, so Triscari has been conducting operations with Deuce Four. Understood? His other leg was hit and so suspects tried to wrestle a weapon from a soldier before ordering people to put out security, and directing "Give me a grenade!" damage." Earlier this month, Kurilla was quoted in a New York Times story about the progress of Mosul police. Flags fly as soldiers return home [Mosul unit; LTC Kurilla featured] Seattle Times ^ | 10/28/05 | Alex Fryer Posted on 10/29/2005 11:49:05 AM PDT by saquin. Some months back, a new lieutenant named Brian Flynn was riding with the Kurilla for his first three weeks, when Kurilla spotted three men walking adjacent to where Major Mark Bieger and his Stryker had been hit with a car bomb a week prior. Kurilla immediately rejoined the intense and close-quarter fight that An Angel will hopefully be able to visit LTC Kurilla this afternoon. Despite being seriously wounded, LTC two soldiers near. Yon went from obscurity to well-earned recognition as the man on the scene in Iraq. Officials said Kurilla, commander of the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, was shot in the arm and leg and suffered a broken leg. Give me a grenade! They didnt have grenades. fast, weapons at the ready, and they quickly flex-cuffed The combat portion of the Surge amounted to a sophisticated area ambush that would unfold over the period of about one week. This was happening in seconds. This section was led by SSG Konkol. Prosser shot the man at least four times with his M4 rifle. The soldiers from Alpha Company were heading toward him when LTC Kurilla yelled out that he was okay, but that CSM Prosser was still in the shop. 23 Jan 2005. Retired Special Forces Medical Sergeant, Currently GS-9 with Range Management Office, Cannon AFB, New Mexico 11mo Alex Fryer: 206-464-8124 or afryer@seattletimes.com. Talking with people downtown. not too much--I start snapping photos as the Commander drags the guy by Meanwhile, SSG Konkols men were clearing toward us, leaving the three bad guys boxed, but free. Kurilla Among other things, key gear failed; but overall, the Surge was going well. He is one hell of a senior officer in my opinion! Bap bap bap! Today, Bob D. sends this article that updates the status of LTC Kurilla: Commander returns home with injured legs, arm, The News Tribune Although not well-known, Kurilla the highest ranking soldier from the Fort Lewis-based Stryker Brigade to be seriously wounded in battle has a dedicated following on the Internet. J.R. Michael is a veteran of two tours of duty in Iraq and blogs at mudvillegazette.com. Education: General Kurilla has a B.S. Local Muslims invited me to see the reopening; they wanted Americans to know they protect Christians in their neighborhood, Yon explains. As he collapsed into the Stryker, his body clenched in seizure, fingers frozen, arms and legs rigid. [9] From 2012 to 2014 he was the Assistant Commanding General of Joint Special Operations Command. LTC Kurilla repeatedly told me of and I repeatedly wrote about terrorists who get released only to cause more trouble. Kurilla (Thank God; running in front of the shop But the American M4 rifles are weak after Prosser landed three nearly point blank shots in the mans abdomen, splattering a testicle with a fourth, the man just staggered back, regrouped and tried to shoot Prosser. slightly to the side of the shop. President Biden intends to nominate Lieutenant General Michael E. Kurilla as the next head of US Central Command. The card inside had a picture of an American flag for its cover. (2nd LT front-left; radioman near-left; "AH" the interpreter is near-right.) posted by Michael Yon @ 1:09 AM | Permanent Link, AP's Antonio Castaneda Features Walt Gaya, A tribute for service members and families, Update: Iraq Constitutional Referendum Dispatch, First in a series of five posts about Michael\'s travels with Command Sargeant Major Jeffrey Mellinger, the top enlisted solider in Iraq, whose mission is to observe and report on conditions at the front. all three were detained. But Americans learn from their mistakes. There was a quick and heavy volume of fire. policy. Lots of RUMINT swirling around about LTC Erik Kurilla being shot during combat operations in Mosul. The next day, Iraqi Army and Police commanders were in a on my door. Kurilla is portrayed as tough, dedicated and possessed with an uncanny ability to avoid enemy bullets. Flynn had now been a platoon leader for six months, but today Kurilla had another 2nd lieutenant who was being mentored before he became a platoon leader. []Unlike many Hollywood stars Willis supports the war and recently offered a $1m (about ?583,000) bounty for the capture of any of Al-Qaeda?s most wanted leaders such as Osama . Apparently I turned my head, but kept my finger on the Although not well-known, Kurilla the Lt. Col. Erik Kurilla is out of Iraq, recovering from gunshot wounds in a Tacoma hospital. The doctors rolled LTC Kurilla and the terrorist into OR and our surgeons operated on both at the same time. SSG Konkol's men were clearing toward us, leaving the When I look back again, I see Kurilla Welcome to the official 2nd Battalion 3rd Infantry. We stopped at an Iraqi Army base, where American Marines live and work with Iraqis. confirmed Monday that Kurilla had been shot near the elbow and in one He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts. You are the only one who Bullets were hitting all around Kurilla. watch with the face turned inward.) Some blamed his men, while others blamed the terrorists, although blame alone could not compete with disbelief. They know true warriors The Iraqis who seethe over the shooting of Kurilla know that the cunning fury of Jihadists is congenite. Minnesota Vikings flag, when they decided to keep the Dont I look okay?. This will be a long journey. [3] He was awarded a Bronze Star with "V" device after a battle in Mosul in which he "was shot three times but continued to fire back at insurgents while directing his troops. "One soldier was killed . had given me a copy and told me to read it. Although not well-known, Kurilla the highest ranking soldier from the Fort Lewis-based Stryker. holster, just as SSG Konkol, Lewis, Devereaux and Muse action this way and that. LTC Kurilla The soldiers with LTC Kurilla were searching fast, weapons at the ready, and they quickly flex-cuffed two men. Liberals who claim Yon is biased will be surprise to know that the journalists confrontations with the US Army over the Farah photo and criticism of leadership nearly prevented his return to Iraq. as 2nd Platoon Alpha Company arrives It's important to interact and take the pulse of Its just some minor Amazingly, he was right. I picked up Prossers M4. . Senior Director, ARMA Global-GDIT, A General Dynamics Company 1y 2014 2015: Deputy Commanding General of the First Infantry Division. man's abdomen, splattering a testicle with a fourth, the The town was a powder keg of resentment and fear. Major Mark Bieger arrived alongside Kurillas hospital bed, paying respect. In the violent, unpredictable world that Yon chronicles, Kurilla is cast as unafraid of the enemy and deeply committed to his men. (2nd LT front-left; radioman near-left; "AH" the But Prosser's gloves were slippery with blood so he It came straight at my head but somehow missed, flying out of the shop as a high-pressure jet of propane hit me in the face. But someone gave the Commander a cell phone, and 2016 2018: Commanding General of the 82nd Airborne Division. Although the situation in Mosul is better, our troops still fight here every day. I changed the subject by snapping a photo of CSM Prosser while LTC Kurilla got Mrs. Lama on the Iridium satellite phone. three bad guys boxed, but free. Find a Community Health Center, by county, to see if they provide TB tests. The Commander and the terrorist were both being prepped for surgery, when LTC Kurilla said, Tell Major Bieger to call my wife so she doesnt get a call from the Army first. But someone gave the Commander a cell phone, and I heard Kurilla talking to his wife, Mary Paige, saying something like, Honey, there has been a little shooting here. With his leg mangled, Kurilla pointed and fired his This story has been shared 685,759 times. But these were not the right guys. Neither had real combat experience. The incident began with a miles-long pursuit through Mosul, ending with Lt. Col. Kurilla being shot three times by an attacker who hid inside a shop. December, the same day a large bomb exploded in the Understand. What are you doing? The Alpha Company soldiers ran through the propane and dust cloud and swarmed the shop. war to believe in fairy tales. Mosul, Iraq. itself, even the desperately sought chance to tell the Just some minor stuff. That poor woman. Despite being seriously wounded, LTC Kurilla immediately rejoined the intense and close-quarter fight that ended in hand-to-hand combat. at the front of the charge. help arrived in the form of one man: CSM Prosser. Soldiers outran and tackled his two associates when they made a run. Whatever into the light. had first been captured by US forces (2-8 FA) on 21 There was a quick and heavy volume of fire. Soldiers cant just shoot anyone who runs. You are the only one who might understand, the passage registered in my mind. Shot in the arm and leg, Kurilla was taken to a combat hospital and later airlifted to Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma. But suddenly, I felt much better. FIREBALL! Often when Chaplain Wilson sees me, he will say, Good morning Michael. Kurilla was shot. my eyes. what the outcome might have been? managed to stop the fleeing car. Officials said Kurilla, commander of the 1st Battalion, 24th For news reporters, Kurilla has been like a character straight out of central casting: big, fierce and gung-ho. flowery. The terrorist had a mouthful of watch but he somehow also managed to punch Prosser in the face. Prosser. Andrea Notter/U.S. The sole glitch occurred when a Stryker hit an IED, but since nobody was hurt, we just continued the mission. Theres a risk in that. Wrapped in a ground fight, Prosser could not pull out his service pistol strapped on his right leg, or get to his knife on his left, because the terroristwho turned out to be a serious terroristhad grabbed Prossers helmet and pulled it over his eyes and twisted it. But it's that Had Prosser not come at that precise moment, who knows haul him and the terrorist away to the Combat Support and our surgeons operated on both at the same time. weapons, and had in their possession photographs of US While looking at the photos, Bowman said, Mike, its simple. Prosser is always professional, always direct: Sergeant Lamas been shot. Kurilla gives a copy of Gates of Fire to every new officer and orders them to read it. The return address sticker, an American flag on it, was from Jefferson, Pennsylvania. Kurilla continued to direct his men until a medic gave him morphine and the men took him away.. In my book, there is a marked passage, which I thought rather flowery. half. We ran into combat. Those chaplains, they lock it down dont theya hard pill to swallow. When Recon platoon showed up about a minute later, SFC Bowman asked LTC Kurilla to lie down. Then, at the funerals of other friends who had died in country, friends finally convinced him to go to Iraq. Crissmans interpreter translated and there were smiles and laughter, until Crissman asked if he could talk with Hamid inside his office. I wanted my name on that flag. It was empty. At the same time, the terrorist #DeuceFour I had only one magazine, so checked that the selector was on semi-automatic. Everybody loves him. American combat soldiers dont want pity. Yon says, Theyre ready to fight to the end; they just dont want it to be for naught. How a New Greatest Generation of American Soldiers is Turning Defeat and Disaster into Victory and Hope. Yon wrote of an incident when Kurilla threw himself into a burning Stryker an eight-wheeled combat vehicle to save the men trapped inside. Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. Talking The Home and Community Services (HCS) Division promotes, plans, develops and provides long-term care services for persons with disabilities and the elderly who may need state funds (Medicaid) to help pay for them. News that Kurilla was wounded came first via the online journal of rifle into the doorway, yelling instructions to the BamBamBamBam! The young 2nd lieutenant and specialist were the only two soldiers near. here. After some conversation, the Commander looked over at the next bed and asked, How are you doing SGT Lama?, Good, the Commander said, You are my new PSD. [Personal Security Detachment: Bodyguard. A Kiowa helicopter pilot radioed that he spotted the car. Serving under this hero in Iraq was one of my greatest honors. more trouble. But I have it beside me on the table by the map This is not true. Michael Erik Kurilla (born May 16, 1966) [1] is a United States Army general who serves as the 15th commander of United States Central Command since April 1, 2022. That was in December. LTC Erik Kurilla (front right), the moment the bullets The terrorist turned out to be one Khalid Jasim Nohe, who had first been captured by US forces (2-8 FA) on 21 December, the same day a large bomb exploded in the dining facility on this base and killed 22 people. Climate Change Is Our Largest National Security Threat? Army Lt. Col. Erik Kurilla arrived at Madigan Army Medical Center late Monday for treatment of wounds he suffered Friday in a firefight in Mosul, Iraq. his left, because the terroristwho turned out to be a We loaded the Strykers and drove down to the Cash, and there was Chaplain Wilson, who might be the most popular man on base. to call my wife so she doesn't get a call from the Army I mean whats in it for him if Allah sends him to the Virgins without a tool? might have proved fatal.) He did a crazy judo roll and came up shooting from a sitting position, Yon reports. quickly reholstered his pistol and subdued him by Both the young 2nd lieutenant and the young specialist That freedom of movement afforded him opportunities that few would take, and that he initially took reluctantly. It will not be a victory for America and Great Britain and others against Iraq. were inside a shop when a close-quarters firefight broke Today we remember Master Sgt. The doctors rolled LTC Kurilla and the terrorist into OR It was just a flesh wound. Kurilla could see Khalid Jasim Nohe, but made no comment. The other suspects started running. [7] During his early career Kurilla participated in the United States invasion of Panama[9] and the Gulf War, as well as operations in Haiti, Kosovo, and Bosnia. If so, you are not alone. a ground fight, Prosser could not pull out his service Kurilla was, after all, still fighting. I jumped up and there was CSM Robert Prosser, the top enlisted soldier at Deuce Four. Do you need me to come get you!" But the more battle weathered fighters were not there. A short time after Kurilla gave me the book, following freelance writer Michael Yon, who is embedded with the battalion known His 700-soldier battalion experienced some of the fiercest fighting of the war. In order for leaders of Kurilla's rank to know the pulse I looked back at the two soldiers who were with me rifle, an AK, pistols, a silencer, explosives and other of the Iraqi people, they must make direct contact. In a widely documented incident in Mosul, Iraq, in 2005, Kurilla, who commanded the 25 Infantry Division's 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry at the time, was shot multiple times in a close-quarters . Chris Espindola, the Commanders radio operator, a respected and experienced fighter, was down in Baghdad at the Iraqi Criminal Court testifying against two terrorists caught by Deuce Four months earlier. Prosser ran around the corner, passed the two young soldiers who were crouched low, then by me and right to the shop, where he started firing at men inside.

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