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May 20, 2023

He was an actor and writer, known for Eyes Without a Face (1960), Children of Paradise (1945) and Gates of the Night (1946). . He is an actor and writer, known for The Visitors (1993), Just Visiting (2001) and Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar (1999). Tall, bearded, heavy-set Anglo-French character actor, best known internationally for playing Deputy Commissioner Claude Lebel in The Day of the Jackal (1973) and Bond villain Hugo Drax in Moonraker (1979). Jacques Gamblin was born on November 16, 1957 in Granville, Manche, France. - . Ai kishte shum role, kryesisht n kineman franceze, para se filmi i vitit 2002, por kjo me t vrtet e vendosi karriern e tij n lvizje. Louis de Funs. . Jean Paul Belmondo, aktori francez i cili fitoi fam ndrkombtare n klasikn revolucionare t Jean-Luc Godard, ?New Wave? Born in 1930, he trained at the Paris Conservatoire but had to halt his studies due to military service. 18 1976 --. , . He began studying drama and has credits in French television and theater as well as films. He was previously married to Olga Miovitch and Edith Fontaine. Zbulimi i kesaj statuje eshte bere gjate punimeve qe po kryen ekspedita shqiptaro-franceze ne sektorin ldquoGrdquo te parkut kombetar arkeologjik ne pjesen veriperendimore te qytetit antik. Although all too frequently neglected by fans of silent comedy, Max Linder is in many ways as important a figure as Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton or Harold Lloyd, not least because he predated (and influenced) them all by several years and was largely responsible for the creation of the classic Charles Vanel was a French actor. WebMir se vini! N vitin 2003, Ulliel luajti n "Strayed" dhe sht shnuar pr rolin e tij si Manech n nominimin e Oskarit, "Nj angazhim shum i gjat". Megjithat, nj nga rolet e tij m t mira ishte duke luajtur Yves Saint Laurent n filmin 2014 "Saint Laurent". . Tout le monde il est beau, tout le monde il est gentil. He died on July 20, 2017 in Orgeval, Julien Carette was born on December 23, 1897 in Paris, France. Auteuil ka disa shkrim dhe drejtime kredive pr emrin e tij. - . . I lindur n vitin 1966 n Paris, Martinez goditi skenn amerikane n vitin 1995 me rolin e tij n "The Horseman on the Roof". Webaktori francez zhan. I lindur n Paris n 1965, Lucas konsiderohet si nj nga aktort m premtues t Francs. Brian Cox ka ende pun pr t br. Aktori i famshm francez, Gerard Depardieu, ndoshta m i dashuri pr shqiptart, pas Alain Delon-it, e prshkroi Ballkanin si nj vend fantastik gjat nj interviste pr t prjavshmen Le Point. . M t lexuarat. Zhan dArk, me nofkn Virgjresha e Orleanit sht konsideruar si Heroina kombtare e Francs, sepse n moshn 18 vjeare, udhhoqi ushtrin franceze n betejn kundr anglezve n Orleans. far sht alkooli ose etanol i denatyruar? He has been married to Isabelle Le Nouvel since September 15, 2012. His father was a linotypist. 2015 . Click, Pornete o list nou, cu filme sau actori. WebAktori i njohur francez, Depardieu n Gjirokastr pr xhirimet e filmit t Arben Kastratit. Francois Cluzet sht nj tjetr aktor i vjetr n Franc me 100 role q datojn n fund t viteve '70. Deri n vitin 2015 ai mori nj vlersim t merituar me nj nominim t mimit Cesar pr t prshkruar nj vrass serial n "La Prochaine Fois Je Viserai Le Coeur" ("Koha tjetr do t synohem pr zemrn"). Often labeled as a tough guy because of his roles, eclectic choices and talent have made of him a star of European cinema. Franois Cluzet was born on September 21, 1955 in Paris, France. - Vritet n Paris kimisti dhe mjeku francez, Pierre Kyri. Nj shkrimtar dhe regjisor, Depardieu sht shfaqur n m shum se 200 filma dhe seri televizive gjat karriers s tij. . Canet si-a inceput cariera in teatru si televiziune, iar mai apoi a trecut la film. Grard Lanvin was born on June 21, 1950 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France. This part permitted him to show his talent to a larger public. Daniel Auteuil sht nj nga aktort m t shquar t Francs. He was an actor and director, known for El cangrejo-tambor (1977), A Bad Son (1980) and Qu es la vida? He trained as an actor with Ren Simon at the cole Dramatique. Working and building up his trade at the Paris Music Hall in Andr Dussollier was born on February 17, 1946 in Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France. M 22 dhjetor 1639 lindi Zhan Rasin shkrimtar francez. Belmondo-i quajtur Bebel nga audienca franceze-u b nj nga yjet m t mdhenj t kinematografis n vend n vitet 60 dhe 70, fytyra e tij e rrahur n kontrast me tiparet e gdhendura t rivalit t tij dhe dikur bashkpuntorit Alain Delon. He is an actor, known for Mlo (1986), La Belle poque (2019) and No Smoking (1993). Ashtu si Delon, Belmondo ishte nj figur kryesore e gjenerats s shquar t filmave evropian t asaj periudhe, me serin e filmave q ai bri me Godard-t cilat prfshinin A oman Is a oman dhe Pierrot le Fou-duke ln nj shenj t pashlyeshme, KUJDES! 27 1964 -- (). Despite of his rude aspect he knew to be the gentleman of the French cinema in the time between the two World Wars. , : , -, . Another in the long line of dramatically handsome foreign imports who made an immediate impact on WWII Hollywood was debonair French actor Jean-Pierre Aumont. He was an actor and writer, known for So Long, Stooge (1983), You Won't Have Alsace-Lorraine (1977) and Le bon roi Dagobert (1984). Laurent Lucas u rrit n fam me rolin e nj babai t ri t torturuar, i cili n thrillerin e frikshm 2000 t Mollit t Dominik, "Me nj mik si Harry". He is an actor and writer, known for District 13: Ultimatum (2009), Captain Conan (1996) and It All Starts Today (1999). , . Sapo mbaroi fjaln, njri nga bashklufttart m t ngusht t tij e pyeti: This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. , . He died on April 23, 1951 in Paris, France. Lindi n Paris n tetor t vitit 1932 si djali i nj doktori dhe nj kngtareje operistike. , , : . Ekspedita e drejtuar nga arkeologu francez Zhan L. Infoarkiva sht nj projekt i mirfillt informatik. Fotoja ku shihet Cassel n bark sht br pikrisht n ujrat e Saint-Jean-de-Luz. Aktori francez Grard Depardieu ka folur sot pr her t par q prej ngritjes s akuzave pr prdhunim e abuzim seksual ndaj nj aktoreje t re, duke thn: Jam i pafajshm. They have two children. , . He has been married to Aude Ambroggi since July 22, 2006. De battre mon coeur s'est arrt. , . He was previously married to Golshifteh Farahani. Dhjet shpikjet teknologjike, q e kan ndryshuar jetn ton n 2 dekadat e fundit, ChatGpt ka nj problem serioz me shpifjen, Pasi mbush 40 vje, truri i njeriut nis t prjetoj nj ristrukturim t madh, Kta ishin aktort kryesor n kryqzimin e Jezu Krishtit, Pes mrekulli q kan ndodhur prgjat historis. The son of an English army officer (Edward Lonsdale-Crouch) and a Franco-Irish mother ( Louis Garrel was born on June 14, 1983 in Paris, France. He was an actor, known for Jean de Florette (1986), The Wages of Fear (1953) and Z (1969). Daniel Auteuil was born on January 24, 1950 in Algiers, Alger, France [now Algeria]. He performed in 150 plays and was Saturnin Fabre was born on April 4, 1884 in Sens, Yonne, France. : , , . 1930- . : , , , , . He is an actor and director, known for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) and Munich (2005). Nol Roquevert, later to develop into the archetypal bossy retired military officer, was born into a family of actors in Brittany. It was the end of a serendipitous life. His father, Georges Bouquet, was a World War One veteran and a wine-maker. It is hard to argue the compliment of one genius to another.The jowly, cigar-chomping comedian was born in Toulon, France on December 17, 1883 of very humble means, his Patrick Chesnais was born on March 18, 1946 in La Garenne-Colombes, Hauts-de-Seine, France. WebGaben Zhan - i lindur n kryeqytetin francez. They have one child. Vincent Lindon was born on July 15, 1959 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France. . Zbulimi i kesaj statuje shtgjat punimeve q po kryen ekspedita shqiptaro-franceze, n sektorin G t parkut kombtar arkeologjik, n pjesn veriperndimore t qytetit antik. "Duhet qe aktoret te zhvishen pak nga e zakonshmja e tyre, qe te jene mire", pohojne ata ne nje b, SANTIAGO-Nj kukull e strmadhe, madje gjigande, e njohur me emrin "Gjigandi i Vogl", u paraqit prpara rreth 60,000 kilianve n Santiago. Katr mnyra t sigurta pr t qen m agresive, 1998 US Open: Janzen merr m t mir t Stewart Prsri, Abigail dhe David - Abigail ishte gruaja m e menur e mbretit David, Rasti i Ftoht - Vrasjet e Keddie Kabinetit, CD Reggae t Afriks q do Fan duhet t ket, Atomet dhe Teoria Atomike - Udhzues Studimi, Fakte Rreth Eoraptor, Dinosauri i Par i Bots, ACT shnon pr pranimin n Konferencn e Brezit t Diellit, Si t tregoni nse dika sht fush publike. Rama: Edhe pak durim, ata q nuk duan ta kuptojn, Ali Ahmeti pritet t jap dorheqjen, mediat: Kush do t jet pasuesi i tij, Nj tmerr, kthehet n shtpi pas 110 ditsh i shtruar n spital. - , . He was previously married to Catherine Rich. Kordej e vrau Mara, duke e goditur me thik pr vdekje, ndrsa ai ishte n vask duke u lar. He was an actor, known for The Organizer (1963), Quai des Orfvres (1947) and Esperemos que sea mujer (1986). : . Nj her Bajram Curri ndodhej n nj od burrash n Malsin t Gjakovs i shoqruar nga shum bashklufttar. The third of six children born to actress Mado Maurin (1915-2011), his mother made acting a family affair. Mbretrimi i Terrorit u prshkallzua m tej pas krimit t saj, meqnse Jakobint forcuan prpjekjet pr shkatrrimin e kundrshtarve. He was previously married to Claude Etevenon and Annette Jacquot. Ermonela Jaho nga Shqipria dhe Elbenita Kajtazi nga Kosova jan dy soprano shqiptare q po arrijn suksese n arenn ndrkombtare. - Vdiq aktori francez Zhan-Pjer Kasel. Emri i vrtet i yjeve t ardhmen e filmit - Jean Alexis Monkorzhe. Canet ka lindur n vitin 1973 dhe kredia e tij e par e aktrimit erdhi n vitin 1993 me serin televizive "Premiers baisers". ", Pr t ciln ai mori nj nominim Cesar pr Aktorin m t Aspiruar . Romain Duris luajti n filma t shumt t njohur francez, prfshir "L'Auberge Espagnole", "Dans Paris" dhe "The Beat My Heart Skipped". He was an actor and writer, known for Le Dner de Cons (1998), Robert et Robert (1978) and Malevil (1981). He was an actor and director, known for Crime and Punishment (1935), The Man from Nowhere (1937) and Christine (1937). , . , . 25 1984 -. His father, named Carlos Luis de Funes de Galarza, was a former lawyer of Seville, Spain, who became a diamond cutter. 1 (2008), The Prize of Peril (1983) and The Taste of Others (2000). Pr kt akt, ajo u ekzekutua me vdekje n gijotin. Jean Carmet was born on April 25, 1920 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. His family was Jewish.After spending some time working in his father's hat factory, he emigrated to America Pierre Arditi was born on December 1, 1944 in Paris, France. Kultura April 24, 2023 David Smiley, oficeri legjendar britanik q donte t prmbyste komunizmin n Shqipria nuk u kthehet m aktorve t damkosur, Rama nga Librazhdi: 14 m Publikohet prgjimi, si i blinte votat kandidati i PS-s n Rrogozhin. Michel Bouquet was born in the 14th arrondissement of Paris on the 6 November 1925. . They have one child. He was previously married to Nicole. You must log in or register to reply here. Inspired through his having appeared in a Jean Reno was born Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jimnez in Casablanca, Morocco, to Spanish parents (from Andaluca) who moved to North Africa to seek work. (1999). , . For his Richard Berry was born on July 31, 1950 in Paris, France. Marion Cotillard s-a nascut pe 30 septembrie 1975 la Paris. " Pierre Blanchar was born on June 30, 1892 in Philippeville, Constantine, France [now Skikda, Algeria]. In his life he has worked as pharmacist, manager of a theatre, actor and theatre teacher. He went on to work with many of France's most One of France's most popular actors, writers, and producers, Thierry Lhermitte has been appearing in films since the 1970s. Studied law in Aix-en-Provence. Cilat ishin kualifikimet pr t'u br antar i Senatit Romak? Jo vetm revolucionin amerikan por dhe at francez, revolucionin industrial dhe at q disa e kan quajtur si revolucionin m t gjat q ka ndodhur ndonjher, revolucionin pr t drejtat e grave. He has been married to Elsa Boublil since June 2008. Zhan Zhak Ruso konsideronte se te gjith njerzit, pr nga natyra, jan t barabart. Ces foils ambiances#poopoopidoo #postconfinusfoilus #foilsursurfing ? Philippe Torreton was born on October 13, 1965 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. , In 1940 Gerard left school and his parents wanted him be a lawyer. He was wounded in battle, captured and placed in a POW camp by Louis Jourdan was born Louis Robert Gendre in Marseille, France, to Yvonne (ne Jourdan) and Henry Gendre, a hotel owner. WebNdaj njerzve q ju kan tradhtuar, vetm kshtu duhet t silleni: Kshilla e menur e nj aktori francez! Aktori i njohur sht adhuruar nga shqiptart pr filmat e tij, veanrisht pr rolin Zhos Profesionisti. 1995 . - . Certainly one of France's supreme farceurs in the classic tradition, comedian Pierre Richard was born to an upper crust family with an embarrassing riches of middle names as he was christened Pierre Richard Maurice Charles Leopold Defays. Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie. Ditn e djeshme, aktori francez Vincent Cassel, 51 dhe modelja 21- vjeare Tina Kunakey kurorzuan dashurin e tyre n nj ceremoni intime n Franc, 800 km larg Parisit. Hippolyte Girardot was born on October 10, 1955 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France. He died on April 17, 1962 in Maisons-Laffitte, Yvelines, France. Though born in Great Neck, Long Island, Christopher Lambert's family left the US when he was only two years old. Louis Germain David de Funs de Galarza was born on July 31, 1914, in Courbevoie, France. Marc Niels Arestrup was born on February 8, 1949 in Montreuil, Seine [now Seine-Saint-Denis], France.

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