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what did otto warburg die ofPor

May 20, 2023

Dr. Thomas Seyfried: Otto Warburg had this discovered a long time ago. Source photograph from Getty Images and Wikimedia Commons. Although of Jewish descent, Dr. Warburg remained at the head of what is now the Max Planck Institute for Cell Phys iology in Berlin throughout the Hitler period. [31][32], Seemingly utterly convinced of the accuracy of his conclusions, Warburg expressed dismay at the "continual discovery of cancer agents and cancer viruses" that he expected to "hinder necessary preventive measures and thereby become responsible for cancer cases". In the early 20th century, the German biochemist Otto Warburg believed that tumors could be treated by disrupting their source of energy. Several outreach organisations and activities have been developed to inspire generations and disseminate knowledge about the Nobel Prize. In many cases, the more glucose a tumor consumes, the worse a patients prognosis. At the time . [16][17] Some sources report that he was selected to receive the award that year, but was prevented from receiving it by Adolf Hitler's regime, which had issued a decree in 1937 that forbade Germans from accepting Nobel Prizes. While Warmbier's family declined an autopsy, Sammarco said her office used extensive medical scanning and imaging for a "virtual autopsy" and that nothing more would have been gained by doing an autopsy so long after his brain damage occurred. Hes beginning to see evidence, he says, that in some cases, it really is insulin itself thats getting the tumor started. One way to think about the Warburg effect, says Cantley, is as the insulin, or IGF-1, signaling pathway gone awry its cells behaving as though insulin were telling it to take up glucose all the time and to grow. Cantley, who avoids eating sugar as much as he can, is currently studying the effects of diet on mice that have the mutations that are commonly found in colorectal and other cancers. [7] According to the Reichsbrgergesetz from 1935 (cf. Any number of factors could be behind the deterioration in Warmbiers health during his time in prison: poor hygienic conditions, malnutrition or lack of proper medical care may have been responsible for a coma that North Korean doctors were unable to treat. AKA Otto Heinrich Warburg. Dang uses the analogy of a work crew trying to put up a building. Born in 1883 into the illustrious Warburg family, Otto Warburg was raised to be a science prodigy. Modesty was not a virtue of Otto Warburg, says George Klein, a 90-year-old cancer researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. I think theres no doubt that insulin is pro-cancer, Watson says, with respect to the link between obesity, diabetes and cancer. His parents did not cite a specific cause of death but blamed awful, torturous mistreatment by North Korea. His observations and meth ods found important applica tions in the study of cancer. After earning doctorates in chemistry at the University of Berlin (1906) and in medicine at Heidelberg (1911), Warburg became a prominent figure in the institutes of Berlin-Dahlem. Otto Warburg, Cancer Pioneer. Its a hypothesis, Weinberg says. By measuring oxygen consumption in living cells and studying which enzymes reacted, in 1928 he concluded that the respiration enzyme he was looking for was a red ferrous . Shock report: Tucker Carlson and Fox News have parted ways. His Nobel Prize in 1931 was in recognition of his research into respiratory enzymes. Otto Warburg pioneered quantitative investigations of cancer cell metabolism, as well as photosynthesis and respiration. Robert Weinberg, a researcher at M.I.T.s Whitehead Institute who pioneered the discovery of cancer-causing genes in the 80s, has remained somewhat cool to certain aspects of the cancer-metabolism revival. In mice, this two-pronged approach has been able to shrink some tumors without debilitating side effects. The result made no sense. [2,3] From this, he theorized that these low-oxygen and highly-acidic conditions caused cancer. When that happens, Thompson says, the cells begin to do what every single-celled organism will do in the presence of food: eat as much as it can and make as many copies of itself as possible. His work threw new light on the complicated mechanisms by which oxidation and reduction are brought about in living] cells. The addiction to nutrients explains why changes to metabolic pathways are so common and tend to arise first as a cell progresses toward cancer: Its not that other types of alterations cant arise first, but rather that, when they do, the incipient tumors lack the access to the nutrients they need to grow. . The incomplete combustion, turning nutrients into energy without oxygen, is known as fermentation. Hermann Gring also arranged for him to be classified as one-quarter Jewish. Otto's mother was the daughter of a Protestant family of bankers and civil servants from Baden. Born in 1883 into the illustrious Warburg family, Otto Warburg was raised to be a science prodigy. His research, too, was hailed as a major breakthrough in our understanding of cancer. Ravenous, Otto Warburg, the Nazis and the search for the connection between cancer and diet, is a book, authored by Sam Apple, and tells the life of a . Near the end of his life, Warburg grew obsessed with his diet. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Here's what you need to know about the 22-year-old and how he tragically lost his life. The person behind this book has dived deep into research to reveal the tricks and plans one can use to get rid of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, and more. US student who had been jailed in North Korea was returned to the US in a state of unresponsive wakefulness effectively braindead. In the years ahead, its likely to be used to treat or at least to prevent some cancers. The parents on Tuesday, for the first time, described the condition his family found him in when they went aboard an air ambulance that arrived June 13 in Cincinnati. Doctors in the US said his condition was probably caused by a heart attack that cut the blood supply to his brain. The Warburg Effect and cancer. [10] His father, Emil, was one of Germanys leading physicists, and many of the worlds greatest physicists and chemists, including Albert Einstein and Max Planck, were friends of the family. But given his ego, its highly unlikely that he would have considered the possibility that anything other than damaged respiration could cause cancer. Whether Hitler was personally aware of Warburgs research is unknown, but one of Warburgs former colleagues wrote that several sources told him that Hitlers entourage became convinced that Warburg was the only scientist who offered a serious hope of producing a cure for cancer one day., Although many Jewish scientists fled Germany during the 1930s, Warburg chose to remain. All the procedures this guide talks about are easy and the guide . Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg from a lecture delivered by Otto personally at the 1966 annual meeting of Nobelists at Lindau, Germany: "nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause [may] be. Klein recalls that Warburg told them with great pride that both Hitler and Stalin had failed to move him. As Warburg explained to his sister: Ich war vor Hitler da I was here before Hitler., Imagine two engines, the one being driven by complete and the other by incomplete combustion of coal, Warburg wrote in 1956, responding to a criticism of his hypothesis that cancer is a problem of energy. In 1935 he discovered that nicotinamide forms part of another coenzyme, now called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is also involved in biological dehydrogenations. Anyone can read what you share. Otto Warburg, premio Nobel 1931, tuvo una extraa relacin con el nazismo y se cree que cont con la proteccin personal de Hitler. . Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. Abstract. Warburg later credited this experience with affording him invaluable insights into "real life" outside the confines of academia. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2023. To cite this section Elevated insulin is also strongly associated with obesity, which is expected soon to overtake smoking as the leading cause of preventable cancer. Warburg framed a quote from Max Planck and hung it above his desk: A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die., An Old Idea, Revived: Starve Cancer to Death, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/15/magazine/warburg-effect-an-old-idea-revived-starve-cancer-to-death.html. Pneumonia, a blood clot, kidney failure or sepsis could have killed Otto Warmbier, but he almost certainly never had a chance of recovering, neurologists said Monday. In clinical trials of the Agios drug, nearly 40 percent of patients who carry these mutations are experiencing at least partial remissions. In 1997, Dang became one of the first scientists to connect molecular biology to the science of cellular metabolism when he demonstrated that MYC a so-called regulator gene well known for its role in cell proliferation directly targets an enzyme that can turn on the Warburg effect. 1. published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. August 22, 2021 by archyde. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. This discovery has opened up new ways in the fields of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. A US court condemned North Korea to pay $ 501 million in compensation for the torture and death of the student Outer Warrior, who died in 2017, several days after his release from a North Korean prison. He then studied under von Krehl and obtained the degree, Doctor of Medicine (Heidelberg), in 1911. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. He would ask officials to mail him medals he had been awarded so as to avoid a ceremony that would separate him from his beloved laboratory. UC Health doctors said in June that Warmbier was in a state of "unresponsive wakefulness" and had suffered a "severe neurological injury" of uncertain cause. He was 86 years old. Her office's report said his body appeared "well-nourished." Dr. Warburg devised instru ments and techniques that are widely used by chemists and physiologists. his own poultry. He died sure that he was right about the disease. The scientist feared that starting over would destroy his research potential, Krebs speculated. WARBURG, O, The sensitivity of oxygen respiration in relation to indifferent narcotics. Theyre addicted to nutrients, Dang says; when they cant consume enough, they begin to die. At Heidelberg he worked on the process of oxidation. He has shown, among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop, even in the absence of oxygen. References: 1 A lengthy biographical sketch of Warburg with a rigorous and insightful perspective on his early scientific work was published by his student Hans Krebs after Warburg died in 1970 in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 18 628-699 (1972). Fourteen laureates were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2022, for achievements that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. Their work and discoveries range from paleogenomics and click chemistry to documenting war crimes. [22], When Josef Issels was tried and convicted for promoting the Issels treatment, an ineffective regimen claimed to treat cancer, Warburg offered to testify on Issels' behalf at his appeal to the German Supreme Court. In the following decades, scientists came to regard cancer as a disease governed by mutated genes, which drive cells into a state of relentless division and proliferation. Cantley now refers to insulin and a closely related hormone, IGF-1 (insulinlike growth factor 1), as the champion activators of metabolic proteins linked to cancer. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. He did not live long enough to see convincing evidence linking sugar to the strange metabolism of cancer, and all that it means in terms of future research. Otto Warburg https://www.biologicalmedicineintitus com/e. The Rockefeller Foundation reportedly offered to continue funding his work if he emigrated. The toxic effect of carbon monoxide on man has nothing to do with inhibition of cellular respiration by carbon monoxide but is based on the reaction of carbon monoxide with blood iron. Berlin hospital Saturday. Omissions? Otto Heinrich Warburg was born October 8, 1883 in Freiburg, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany. ber die 1-Brompropionsure und das 1-Alanylglycin (On derivatives of glycine, alanine and leucine. His parents have asked doctors not to conduct an autopsy. All rights reserved. His special interest in the investigation of vital processes by physical and chemical methods led to attempts to relate these processes to phenomena of the inorganic world. and more. After earning doctorates in chemistry at the University of Berlin (1906) and in medicine at Heidelberg (1911), Warburg became a . He . Researchers working in a lab run by Peter Pedersen, a professor of biochemistry at Johns Hopkins, discovered that a compound known as 3-bromopyruvate can block energy production in cancer cells and, at least in rats and rabbits, wipe out advanced liver cancer. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention." Metabolism-centered therapies have produced some tantalizing successes. At Penn, Dang and his colleagues are now trying to block multiple metabolic pathways at the same time. That Warburg was able to live in Germany and continue his research throughout World War II, despite having Jewish ancestry and most likely being gay, speaks to the German obsession with cancer in the first half of the 20th century. You block glucose, they use glutamine, Dang says, in reference to another primary fuel used by cancers. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Sammarco agreed with University of Cincinnati Health system doctors who treated Warmbier and said they found no evidence of botulism or evidence of fractures or healing fractures that might point to beatings. If this theory can explain the why of the Warburg effect, it still leaves the more pressing question of what, exactly, sets a cell on the path to the Warburg effect and cancer. Birthplace: Freiburg, Germany Location of death: Berlin, West Germany Cause of death: Illness. Mr. Trump tweeted afterward: "Otto was tortured beyond belief by North Korea." Otto Warburg, Trung Nguyen (Illustrator) 4.60 avg rating 5 ratings. 19659002] Worbir's parents describe North Korea last April. MCQ Exam ON : Otto Warburg Quiz . The prize honors and encourages pioneering achievements in fundamental biochemical and molecular biological research. [9][12][13], Warburg disagreed with the Nazi regime, and refused to acknowledge the Nazi salute, to the point of provoking retaliation from its officers. Mr. Trump's tweet added to a series of recent accusations and heated exchanges between his administration and North Korean officials. The hope of scientists at the forefront of the Warburg revival is that they will be able to slow or even stop tumors by disrupting one or more of the many chemical reactions a cell uses to proliferate, and, in the process, starve cancer cells of the nutrients they desperately need to grow. Unlike Boveri, Warburg wasnt interested in the chromosomes of sea-urchin eggs. This, together with the iron-oxygenase discovered earlier, has given a complete account of the oxidations and reductions in the living world. Their work and discoveries range from paleogenomics and click chemistry to documenting war crimes. On Sunday, Mark Wahlberg shared a photo of his mother Alma Wahlberg died. Warburgs Workshop: The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology (now part of the Max Planck Society) in Berlin, 1931. Warburg had a Protestant mother and a father with Jewish heritage (who had converted to Protestantism). sort by. His father didn't respond immediately Wednesday to requests for comment. . "I came to describe Warburg as a complicated hero," Apple said in a phone interview. [citation needed] Warburg pursued his research until the age of 86. Warburgs reckless decision to stay in Nazi Germany most likely came down to his astonishing ego. He carried on research on kinetic theory of gases, electrical conductivity, gas discharges, heat radiation, ferromagnetism and photochemistry. She said a forensic dentist agreed with her conclusion there was "no evidence of trauma" to Warmbier's teeth. Hence, according to Warburg, cancer should be interpreted as a mitochondrial dysfunction. By the age of twenty-eight, he also received a Doctorate in Medicine. Warburg, winner of a Nobel Prize in 1931, is now considered by many to be the greatest biochemist of the first half of the 20th century. Later on, I learned that Hitler had to undergo throat operation in 1937 and always was afraid of cancer of the vocal cords.. Agios Pharmaceuticals, a company co-founded by Thompson, is now testing a drug that treats cases of acute myelogenous leukemia that have been resistant to other therapies by inhibiting the mutated versions of the metabolic enzyme IDH 2. He died in Cincinnati in June 2017, less than a week after his return to the U.S. Sammarco said Warmbier was put . For the World Zionist Organization president, see. [1] In total, he was nominated for the award 47 times over the course of his career.[3]. The most famous dog in the world, Dennis's bulldog, Otto, the "co-host" of the Fireside Chat, passed away this weekend. No conclusions about the cause and manner of Mr Warmbiers death have been drawn at this time as there are additional medical records and imaging to review and people to interview, the coroners office said in a statement. Fred Warmbier said on CNN that his son's mouth "looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth.". Dr. Warburg made funda mental discoveries about the metabolism of tumors and the catalytic effects of living tis sues. Anyone can read what you share. Hitler may have spared him in hope that the scientist would, save him from cancer. The concentration of the ferment iron in living substance is very small, being in the . Otto Warburg studied the respiration of sea urchins and other organisms at an early stage of development. In 1928, he released the well-known paper, "The Chemical Constitution of Respiration . This respiration requires enzymes, substances that facilitate the process without being incorporated in the final products. Updates? He then studied under Ludolf von Krehl and earned the degree of doctor of medicine in Heidelberg in 1911.[5]. Today Boveri is celebrated for discovering the origins of cancer, but another German scientist, Otto Warburg, was studying sea-urchin eggs around the same time as Boveri. Otto Heinrich Warburg (German pronunciation: [to vabk] (listen), /vrbr/; 8 October 1883 1 August 1970), son of physicist Emil Warburg, was a German physiologist, medical doctor, and Nobel laureate. His father, Emil Warburg, had converted to Protestantism as an adult, although Emil's parents were Orthodox Jews. [citation needed]. Otto Warburg died on 1 August 1970, after a very short illness. In 1926 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his cancer research, in particular, his "[d]iscovery of the metabolic differences between normal and tumor cells." In 1931, he received the Nobel Prize in physiology for his related work on the 'discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme.' TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Today, his metabolic theory of cancer is gaining new interest. He said cancer arises from damage to respiration. Authors have speculated on why he stayed in Germany under the Reich. After the war, the Russians approached Warburg and offered to erect a new institute in Moscow. "My . When Thompson presents his research to high-school students, he shows them a slide of mold spreading across a piece of bread. His cancer theory, though, mostly fell on deaf ears. Otto Warburg, in full Otto Heinrich Warburg, (born October 8, 1883, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germanydied August 1, 1970, West Berlin, West Germany), German biochemist awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his research on cellular respiration. Otto Heinrich Warburg His father, the physicist Emil Gabriel Warburg (1846-1931), was a good friend of ", "Otto Warburg: the Jewish doctor and the Nazi war on cancer", A Systems Approach to Biology, by Jeremy Gunawardena, Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, lecture 1, September 2011, "Biographical Sketch: Otto Heinrich Warburg, PhD, MD", Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, "Cancer as a metabolic disease: implications for novel therapeutics", "Cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease", "The role of mitochondria in the oncogenic signal transduction", "Metabolic Alterations in Cancer Cells and the Emerging Role of Oncometabolites as Drivers of Neoplastic Change", "Mitochondria orchestrate proteostatic and metabolic stress responses", "An evolutionary, or "Mitocentric" perspective on cellular function and disease", "suffered a broken femur, complicated by deep vein thrombosis, and in 1970, Otto Heinrich Warburg died from a pulmonary embolism; from Google (otto warburg died) result 3", Newspaper clippings about Otto Heinrich Warburg, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Otto_Heinrich_Warburg&oldid=1150042882, Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine, Recipients of the Iron Cross (1914), 1st class, Recipients of the Pour le Mrite (civil class), Grand Crosses with Star and Sash of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Members of the German Academy of Sciences at Berlin, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Articles needing additional references from November 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2023, Nobelprize template using Wikidata property P8024, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 April 2023, at 00:55. North Korea has denied mistreating Warmbier, sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in March 2016 for allegedly stealing a propaganda poster two months earlier. He has gained lOrdre pour le Mrite, the Great Cross, and the Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Bundesrepublik. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Otto Heinrich Warburg (German pronunciation: [to vabk] (), / v r b r /; 8 October 1883 - 1 August 1970), son of physicist Emil Warburg, was a German physiologist, medical doctor, and Nobel laureate.He served as an officer in the elite Uhlan (cavalry regiment) during the First World War, and was awarded the Iron Cross (1st Class) for bravery. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Otto-Warburg, How Stuff Works - Science - Biography of Otto Heinrich Warburg, Nobelprize.org - Biography of Otto Warburg, Jewish Virtual Library - Biography of Otto Warburg. Showing 22 distinct works. "[15], In 1943 Warburg relocated his laboratory to the village of Liebenburg on the outskirts of Berlin to avoid ongoing air raids. The fact that Warmbier died suddenly in less than a week just after his return to the US in his normal state of health is a mystery to us as well, the ministry spokesman said. [18][19] According to the Nobel Foundation, this rumor is not true; although he was considered a worthy candidate, he was not selected for the prize at that time.[16]. OTTO Warmbier was a US student who made headlines around the world after a tragic trip to North Korea in 2016. During his time with Warburg, 19321933, Wald discovered vitamin A in the retina. But how he was allowed to advance our understanding of the disease is a mystery unto itself. Source photograph from Getty Images and Wikimedia Commons. Warburg also investigated photosynthesis and was the first to observe that the growth of malignant cells requires markedly smaller amounts of oxygen than that of normal cells. In Thompsons analogy, the Warburg effect can be thought of as a social failure: a breakdown of the nutrient-sharing agreement that single-celled organisms signed when they joined forces to become multicellular organisms. Warburg and co-workers showed in the 1920s that, under aerobic conditions, tumour tissues metabolize approximately tenfold more glucose to lactate in a given time than normal tissues, a phenomenon known as the . He said once that he sought to trace the events of life to the events of the in animate world. He was 86 years old. Warburg continued to develop the hypothesis experimentally and gave several prominent lectures outlining the theory and the data. He says that the effects of a sugary diet on colorectal, breast and other cancer models looks very impressive and rather scary.. A number of years later, Kleins boss approached Warburg for a recommendation on Kleins behalf. When they remove the insulin, the cancer cells die. Instead Warburg persisted in calling them grana, the term he came up with when he identified those structures as the site of cellular respiration. A coroner's report dated Sept. 11 shows the cause of death for the University of Virginia student as complications from brain-damaging oxygen deprivation through "an unknown insult more than a year prior to death." Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2023. It was the era before modern genetics, but Boveri was aware that cancer cells, like the deformed sea urchin cells, had abnormal chromosomes; whatever caused cancer, he surmised, had something to do with chromosomes. She was 78. NobelPrize.org. Then, in the early 1900s, the Nobel-prize winning Dr. Otto Warburg, suggested that cancer cells "live in hypoxic, very low oxygen, and acidic conditions and derive energy from sugars by fermenting them the way yeast does. His father, Emil, was one of Germany's leading physicists, and many of the world's greatest . O tto Heinrich Warburg was born on October 8, 1883, in Freiburg, Baden. His research showed that cells need to receive instructions from other cells to eat, just as they require instructions from other cells to divide. He left his entire estate to Heiss. (Trials of the drug have yet to begin.) The Otto Warburg Medal is regarded as the highest award in Germany for biochemists and molecular biologists. From these experiments it may be concluded that de-differentiated cells die if one tries to normalize their metabolism. that they could be dam aged by radiation. Since 1931 he is Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology, there, a donation of the Rockefeller Foundation to the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, founded the previous year. His later researches at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute have led to the discovery that the flavins and the nicotinamide were the active groups of the hydrogen-transferring enzymes. The scientist Otto Warburg played a pivotal role in unlocking a central mystery of cancer. Scientists at several of the nations top cancer hospitals have spearheaded the Warburg revival, in hopes of finding the answer. [9] "On the one hand, he was . His methods involved detailed studies on the assimilation of carbon dioxide in plants, the metabolism of tumors, and the chemical constituent of the oxygen transferring respiratory ferment. Aug. 3 Dr. Otto; Warburg, the Nobel Prizewin ning biochemist and leader cancer research, died in a West! Warburgs discovery, later named the Warburg effect, is estimated to occur in up to 80 percent of cancers. . [33], Warburg resided in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute with his companion of 50 years, Jacob Heiss, the secretary and manager of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. In 1918 he was appointed Professor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology, Berlin-Dahlem. Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology, Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1931, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, "Nomination Database - Physiology or Medicine", "Dr. Otto heinrich warburg-survivor of ethical storms", "Lactate and Acidity in the Cancer Microenvironment", "Warburg effect(s)a biographical sketch of Otto Warburg and his impacts on tumor metabolism", "The WWII-era scientist who revolutionized cancer researchdespite the Nazis", "How Did a Gay Scientist of Jewish Descent Thrive Under the Nazis?

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