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lausd daily pass loginPor

May 20, 2023

} border: 1px solid #000; text-decoration: none; this.$super(event); return this.dialogArea.dialog({ color: #000; } .sl-cms2-sites-homepage-card-header__title-page-name { } var css; }, display: flex; this.jsDropzoneEffect = jQuery('

') border-color: yellow; this.dropBodyTimeout = 0; } color: white; if (bodyWidth > maxWidth) { dialog.createDialogWithHtml(); doneHandler: jQuery.proxy(this.fileDropDoneHandler, this), this.currentImage.css({"position": "relative"}).prepend(cropImage); cursor: pointer; text-transform: uppercase; background: #6699cc; background-color: #002f60; width: 100%; } // alert("hey"); } var display = this.getProgressBarDisplay(name, data); overflow: hidden; var Cms2UrlFieldSelector = Class.$extend({ .sl-cms2-css-search__input { font-size: 12px; //N.B jsDropdownInline must be first class sl.addAjaxScope(variables); __init__: function (toolbar) { .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { }, jQuery(".jsAnchorMenuTarget").each(jQuery.proxy(this.addMenuItem, this)); paddingRight: validatedValue { pointer-events: none; }, .sl-chrome-sitemap__icon-expand .fa { color:#002f60 .horizontal_form_elements_fullpage label { .sl-chrome-tabpage-title { url: this.refreshURL, height: 138px; line-height: 16px; this.blockElement.find(".sl-cms2-lollipop-add-above, .sl-cms2-lollipop-add-below, .sl-cms2-lollipop-across-bar, .jsSideBar").remove(); // context: this, background-position: 0px -3600px; } } { jQuery('#width').val(width); }, sl.log("handleLoadedContent") position: absolute; var SectionSelectorField = Class.$extend({ this.form.find("#event_override").val("publishAndShare") border-style: solid; font: normal 13px arial; url: "/pf4/cms2_sl/setContentArea", text-decoration:none; this.$super(toolbar); } } var LineStyle = ToolbarTools.$extend({ } width: 75%; float: right; data: variables, .ui-timepicker-table { font-size:14.5px; .vex.vex-theme-os { .sl-row-container__button-bar a { } this.croppieActive = null; .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--nav-holder { /*background-position: right center;*/ flex: 0 0 100%; infoTab.remove('bgColor') } vertical-align: middle; height: currentImageOuterHeight return false; this.checkbox = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsHoverOrClickDrop"); edit_form_data: this.editorHandler.getFormDataID(), this.drawerIframeHolder.css({ this.editorHandler.updateBlock(); font-size: 1.5em; font-size: 30px; } // background_region: backgroundWidthClass this.currentDialog.find(".btn_css") } } if (errorThrown === 'abort') { variables["google_id"] = "true"; } } var fileUpload = Class.$extend({ .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button { var title = currentATag.text(); margin-top: 2px; } { fromLockerURL, addLinkFromLockerURL, deleteLinkURL, toggleLinkShareModeURL, moveLinkURL) .then(this.editorHandler.saveTitle(data.title)) .sl-cms2-bg-theme_footer{ * * Copyright (c) 2004-2018, School Loop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. buttonClickHandler: function (event) { this.editorHandler.setBlockData(google_calendar_id) }); } display: inline-block; */ width: 100px; }; display: inline-block; padding-top: 15px; #action_bar { background-color: white; jQuery.ajax({ }); }); justify-content: flex-start; }, selectBadgeFromLibrary: function () { } z-index: 600; background: transparent url( no-repeat -1px -412px; color: #777; .sl-chrome-sitemap__fa-hidden { deleteLink: function (id) } //sl.log("init BackgroundImage"); } color: #000; .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_header .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light .sl-cms2-minustext{ .sl-cms2-sitemap__hover-zone-top { options.onSubmit = this.submitFunction; callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setAttributeSuccess, this), min-width: 160px; var classes = { } var attributes = { border: none; { } var Subtitle = ToolbarTools.$extend({ var MoveModUp = ToolbarTools.$extend({ addHandler: function(e,data){ elementClone.css('font-size', (parseInt(elementClone.css('font-size')) - 1) + "px"); background-position: 0px -3900px; { if (dialogName == 'cellProperties') { } How to Upload. jQuery(dialog).on({ { }, width: 100% return !isVisible; display: block; overflow: hidden; __classvars__: { sl.log("field id","#" + this.fieldID) doneHandler: function (ev, data) { }, Conforme nos adentramos a una nueva fase del virus en la que tenemos acceso a pruebas para el hogar, vacunacin contra el COVID-19 y terapias disponibles para el tratamiento, el Distrito Unificado de Los ngeles puede ajustarse con agilidad a las condiciones cambiantes. The Los Angeles Unified School District has officially launched Daily Pass , an app designed to coordinate health checks, COVID tests and vaccinations for a safe reopening of schools. .sl-chrome-accessibility-report__date-header { url: this.uploadFileURL, this.$super(); border: 0; sl.addAjaxScope(variables); jQuery(element).removeClass(currentClass); progressBar.progressbar("option", "value", progress); display: block; "background-image": "BackgroundImage", var path = jQuery("#jsAddEventIframe")[0].contentWindow.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; }, sl.log("FileSelector __init__") this.containerClass = "jsDropdownDynamicMegaContent"; if (canAdd == true) { block_id: this.blockID, var target = jQuery(".jsPreviewButton"); __init__: function (toolbar) { width: 345px; "margin-left": "auto", var callBack = optionalCallback || jQuery.proxy(this.setAttributeSuccess, this) { background-position: 0px -4000px; var target = jQuery(; /*background-repeat: no-repeat;*/ } .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--opacity { + this.displayName + ' 
') display: flex; .sl-table__th { var name = data.files[0].name; width: auto; target.val(validatedValue) display: block; if (!DropzoneEffect.isSupported()) background: #f1f1f2; .sl-cms2-theme-color-selector-container { }); align-items: flex-start; context: this, + this.buttonClass).length == 0) { //there's no title/button element if it's empty margin: 5px 0px; "height": bottom, color:#ffffff /* site status card -- SN */ for (key in attributes) { .sl-cms2-sites-status-card-header__status-in-use { } .disabled-wrapper { display: inline-block; The file may have a virus"); } this.addLinkDialog.createDialog(); this.drawerIframe = jQuery("#iframe_drawer") The developer does not collect any data from this app. background: url('/img/icon_locker_sprite.png') -20px 105px; this.dialogPopupDiv = "#" + fieldID + "Dialog"; this.initCKEditor(); padding: 5px; All school campuses will also continue to monitor rapid antigen test results and notify individuals if they are a close contact with someone who has tested positive. content: ''; + AccordionDropdowns.buttonClass; sl.log("saveNameSuccessHandler"); .image-popup { .cms2-calendar-schedule-display__event-location { type: "POST", float: right; -moz-border-radius: 2px; margin-right: 0.3em; .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--20-40-40 { cmsModule.updateDocument(listOfLinksBlockID); justify-content: center; font-size: 11px; } } }, }, -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 15px #bbb; z-index: 10; color: #fff; padding: 12px 0px 12px 10px; background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0; font-family: Verdana; return (this.moduleElement.find(element).length > 0) "staff-directory-options": "StaffDirectoryOptions", } height: 125px; else { border-left: 8px solid #cccccc; if (toolbarID != null) { margin-bottom: 1em; } dialogCallback: function (data) { this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsMassAddLinks"); padding: 3px 29px 3px 10px; margin:0 0 0 0; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px; .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--33-33-33 { margin: 0 10px 0 0; }) } padding: 5px 15px; margin: 5px; /*opacity: 0.5;*/ content: "\f00d"; __init__: function (toolbar) { variables["http_link_form_data"] = this.formDataID; __init__: function(previewURL, urlField, iFrameID, iFrameDivID) "file-dropdown": "FileDropdown", /*"jsEditorHandler", this); Los Angeles Unified has aligned COVID-19 vaccinations for students with the state's implementation timeline, which may begin July 1, 2023. color: #999; background: transparent url( no-repeat -50px -361px; var ElementQueries = Class.$extend({ height: 30px; The network provides students, parents, teachers and the community with important real-time data about their local outdoor air quality. }); color:#ffffff padding: 1em; this.fileStatusMap[fileName] = this._renderUpload(data.files) //this sets fileStatusMap color: #936; justify-content: flex-start; }, this.fieldName = fieldName; border-radius: 3px; jQuery("#" + clearLinkID).on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.clearValue, this)); padding: 5px 10px; contentClassName: "sl-dialog-medium", display: block; variables["http_link_form_data"] = this.formDataID; while (elementClone.height() > origElementHeight && parseInt(elementClone.css('font-size')) > 16) { display: flex; vex.closeAll(); position: absolute; border: 4px dashed lightgrey; transform: skew(0deg, -6deg); } } * * Copyright (c) 2004-2018, School Loop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. font-size: 12px; //
background: transparent !important; .sl-chrome-group-membership__head-cell { module.cancelCurrentForm(); url: url, background: #ff9900 !important; }, Weekly asymptomatic COVID-19 testing is no longer required. "layout": "Layout", }, } jQuery(element).addClass("sl_element_query_ipad_portrait") return attributes; } border-radius: 2px; background-color: #ececec; { flex-direction: row; this.checkbox = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsVideoOption"); */ } color:#ffffff for (i = 0; tools[i]; i++) { border-radius: 3px; .sl-cms2-module-heading__title { edit_form_data: this.getFormDataID(), color: #fff; innerHeight: this.height, }, } color: #000000; { color: #fff; } this.fieldID = fieldID; text-align: left; /*opacity: .5;*/ margin-left: 5px; } var BasePlayerHandler = Class.$extend({ showCloseButton: this.showCloseButton if ((id != null) && (id != this.blockID + "_module_title")) { } if (this.hoverElement != null) { } font-family: FontAwesome; jQuery("#" + this.idField).val(null); .sl-cms2-context-menu { background-image: url(; .horizontal_form_elements .form-input-holder input { border: 1px #ececec solid\9; IE 8 and below } width: 100%; .extra-fields { }); margin: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; url: this.newLinkURL, border-bottom: 2px #ddd solid; }, flex-direction: row; var variables = {}; if ( this.url != null ) for (var toolName in this.toolbarTools) { updateSubTitleField: function (newTitle) { background: #ffffff; type: "GET", jQuery("#jsAddEventIframe").fadeIn(); jQuery("#" + this.titleDisplay).hide(); previewInNewTabHandler: function(event) { margin-right: 30px; color: #ffffff; margin-right: 5px; .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--file-locker { background: transparent url( no-repeat -99px -363px; this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsSlideshowDuration a"); } .sl-cms2-link-list__drag-handle { right: 7px; } var uploadFile = data.files[0]; .form-field input.hasDatepicker { //var d6 = new CMS2DropdownMegaDynamic(); } else { text-decoration: none; var rightCrop = origImgWidth - parseInt(results.points[2]); background: #222; var attributes = { context: this, margin-right: 10px; padding: 6px 10px 0 10px; .sl-cms2-locker-tree__item-container { .sl-cms2-theme-asset-list-selector-container-popup { background-color: #ececec; template.remove(); display: flex; background: transparent url( no-repeat -99px -261px; .current-filter li a { padding: 5px; .sl_element_query_ipad_landscape { .sl-chrome-sitemap__fa-flag-red { //sl.log("Promo or locking updated::", data); this.useEdit = value; embed_url: url, margin: 0 0 15px 0; clearSaveTimeout: function () { jQuery(document).on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.hideDropdown, this, this.container)) font-size: 12px; background: transparent; .then(this.editorHandler.update()) display: inline-block; var code = (event.keyCode ? .right-col input[type=text] { if (selectType == "locker") { padding:5%; max-height: 40%; .sl-chrome-accessibility-report__title-header { background: #f90; }, this.activateButtons(); .sl-cms2-bg-theme_footer .sl-cms2-bg-accent .sl-cms2-plustext{ En caso de que se requiera que los estudiantes en un saln de clases usen mascarillas, se harn arreglos alternativos para el sitio del desayuno. * * Copyright (c) 2004-2014, School Loop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. sl.log("saveBackgroundRegionSuccessHandler"); */ *RW :Padding doesn't seem to be right way to do this - *! border-radius: 3px; .sl-cms2-template-section__title { }, } background: transparent url( no-repeat -99px -312px; var settings = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options); width: 55%; min-height: 30px; deleteBlock: jQuery.proxy(this.deleteBlock, this), } height: 1px; */ } } jQuery(selected).addClass("SelectableHilite"); attributePrefix: "" } }) } { } Testing is recommended for those experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or those in close contact with a person who has tested positive. text-align: left; if ( (data != null) && (data.lastIndexOf("err", 0) != -1) ) color: #c00 !important; flex-direction: column; var SelectableModule = Class.$extend({ sl.log("target not recognized"); dropOverlayClass: "jsOverDropzone", color: #036; { __classvars__: { padding: 5px; width: auto; } -moz-transform: skew(0deg, -6deg); Access Parent Portal to monitor student's attendance . } initListeners: function () { height: 65px; imageHolder.width(width); /*rgba(255,254,245,1);*/ .sl-cms2-snipett-picker__overlay__link { this.blockElement.addClass("cms2-start-of-template"); { // getPublishHandler: function() { success: function (data) cursor: pointer; color:#ffffff //the processDone is firing before all the getProgressBarDisplay have made the map. + options.iframeHolderClass) } var videoFileTypes = (/\. } } }, justify-content: center; text-align: left; } $1.7 million investment in 1,750 portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) scrubber units for rapid deployment to any affected space where an HVAC service call has been initiated. .sl-cms2-theme-color-form-field-select { } } else { margin: 0 0 0 10px; variables["link_id"] = id; } this.dragOverlayClass = "sl-cms2-attachments__dropzone"; }, selectImage: function(imageURL,width,height) } }, -moz-border-radius: 5px; variables["resource_id"] = resourceID; .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--file { //sl.log("init ToolbarTools") Una inversin anual de $20 millones en el mantenimiento de sistemas de filtracin de aire optimizados. }; this.context.on({ flex-direction: row; { Visit the following site to establish log-in access as a parent and/or member of the community: You may also contact your school site or call the Los Angeles Unified Hotline at 213-443-1300 for assistance with opening a Parent account. } { .sl-cms2-title-bar__breadcrumb-div { /* }, var mod ="content-id"); sl.log("abortHandler data", data, data.formData) }, min-height: 100px; data: this.variables, background: #cccccc; background: #f9f9f9; var variables = {}; } font-size: 16px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #eee; setEditingLinkID: function (id) { /* .sl-chrome-app-bar__button-container { imageHolder.height(height); } } this.refreshURL = refreshURL; border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; } -webkit-flex-direction: column; } background: #edebe6; } height = parseInt(height); font-size: 11px; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 8px; padding: 10px 15px; url: url, this.ajaxCallAttributeSetting(options); .sl-cms2-locker-files-table__tr--highlight { } setBlockFormat: function (attributes) { { .sl-cms2-locker-files-table__video-thumb { moduleToolbarID: this.moduleToolbarID, } .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--title { */ top: -13px; .sl-cms2-ui-tabs .sl-cms2-ui-tabs-nav li { sl.log("loading"); padding-right: 15px; color:#ffffff } if (this.buttons != null) { } var isVisible = this.toggleDropdown(); -moz-border-radius: 5px; sl.log("selectedToolbarDisplay") } -webkit-border-radius: 3px; } this.currentDialog.find(".vex-first, .vex-last").show(); fileDropDoneHandler: function (e, data) { this.formID = null; if (selection.rangeCount > 0) { } } } this.jsToolbar = toolbar.getModuleToolbar(); } type: "GET", this.insertNextLink(listOfLinksBlockID); }, }); color: #003366; } } if (title != null) { //used for TitleSubtitle toolbar dialog callback .horizontal_form_elements_fullpage .form-date-range { font-weight: normal; buttonClickHandler: function () { var result = this.fileStatusMap[fileName]; width: 80%; buttonClickHandler: function (event) { If you are requesting a device and DO NOT have a Parent Portal account, select option 4. } sl.addAjaxScope(variables); .sl-column-container__stretch-justify { }, }) position: relative; -webkit-transform: skew(0deg, 6deg); flex-direction: column; vex.close(; background: transparent \9; background-position: 0 -612px; }, /* border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); background-color: #002f60; color:#575757 The Los Angeles school district says it's ready to launch a Microsoft-supported "Daily Pass" app when campuses reopen, enabling officials to quickly isolate anyone at a school who has symptoms. transition: transitionSelected display: inline-block; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url( no-repeat 0 -0px; justify-content: space-between; **** var field = jQuery(id); width: 768px; .ssl-chrome-accessibility-report__title { }) .sl-chrome-district-modules__section { .sl-cms2-admin-bar--green .sl-cms2-admin-bar__tab-item:hover, var aspectRatio = target.val(); position: absolute; border-radius: 3px; this.testDeferred.resolve(false); display: flex; height: 20px; variables["form_data_id"] = this.formDataID; buttonClickHandler: function (event) { var result = (activeEditableModuleID != null) && (activeEditableModuleID == this.blockID); } } this.jsItemTemplate = jQuery("#jsItemTemplate"); this.createDialog(dialogArea, 250); } else sl.log("dropAddHandler in base edit") margin: 0 0 5px 0; var target = jQuery( this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsBackgroundColor .jsColorPick"); }, left: 50%; var url = "/pf4/resource/select_resource?resource_type=image_folder" this.initContextmenuToolbar(); }); this.button.closest("[data-selected]").find("[data-" + dataType + "='" + this.currentlySelected + "']").addClass("sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__list-item-selected"); } .addClass("cms2-selectable-module--hover jsHoverElement") var id = this.getBlockID(); } url: url, width: -webkit-calc(100% - 18px); }; } .sl-table__td { buttonClickHandler: function (event) { callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setAttributeSuccess, this), return (bits / 1000000000).toFixed(2) + ' Gbit/s'; clearTimeout(this.dropBodyTimeout); this.fullFieldDiv.on("click", ".jsAttachmentFromLocker", jQuery.proxy(this.loadFromLocker, this));, this)); }); .sl-chrome-sitemap--selected { this.setAttribute({opacity: opacity}); color: #000; blockElement: this.blockElement, margin-bottom: 15px; hover: function (target) { this.close(); * * Copyright (c) 2004-2018, School Loop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_header .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light .sl-cms2-plustext{ position: absolute; url: "/pf4/cms2/setBlockTitle", } .sl-cms2-footer__login { var variables = {}; .css({ var dialogData = { buttonClickHandler: function (event) { var dialog = new Dialog(dialogData); FileSelector.resizeIFrame(width, height); margin-right: 5px; * context: this, return; } sl.log("addHandler in progressbar") border-bottom: 5px solid #cccccc; imageElement.setAttribute('id', id); context: this, cursor: pointer; background: #333; * } } }, }, position: relative; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); .jsDropdownMenu .jsDropContent a:hover{ /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ jQuery(document).on("click",".jsFileSubmitButton", jQuery.proxy(this.submitHandler,this)); .sl-chrome-button__help-dropdown-content { .cke_skin_kama { font-weight: bold; this.groupID = jQuery("#html-helpers").data("group-id"); }, cursor: pointer; this.urlField = urlField; var target = jQuery(; margin-right: 0.3em; url:url, this.close(); white-space: nowrap; .sl-cms2-image-gallery__blank-download { width: 20px; var target = jQuery(; justify-content: flex-start; doDeleteModule: function () { buttonClickHandler: function (event) { } .sl-cms2-locker-file-list__item--selected { .sl-column-container__border { cursor: pointer; formatFileSize: function (bytes, unit) { .sl-chrome-sitemap__fa-flag-orange { background: #0066cc; insertLinks: function (listOfLinksBlockID) { .sl-chrome-updated-cms1-pages__instructions { flex: 0 0 25px; { .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_footer .sl-cms2-bg-accent .sl-cms2-plustext{ this.blockID = options.blockID; /* display: none; jQuery.ajax({ padding: 3px 25px 3px 10px; this.currentDialogeferred = jQuery.Deferred(); margin: 8px 15px 0 0; padding: 0; } for (var toolName in this.toolbarTools) { .file-list .filename { background-position: right; var mod ="content-id"); __init__: function (formDataID, fieldName, fieldID, groupID, blockID, refreshURL, newLinkURL, uploadFileURL, { color: black; After School Programs. this.getFormArea().empty(); /* data: variables, margin-top: 5px; .sl-cms2-admin-bar-container { width: "100%", var posterOptions = { if (this.moduleToolbar.toolbarTools["subtitle"] != null) { //only update toolbar subititle field if there is one .filter-toggle { box-sizing: border-box; }, color: #000000; padding: 0 .5em; * * Copyright (c) 2004-2014, School Loop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. elementClone.remove(); height: height, z-index: 350; .cms2-preview-module--buttons-holder { background-repeat: no-repeat; #attendance_form .form-field { font-size: 20px; font-family: lato, sans-serif; var path = jQuery("#jsAddEventIframe")[0].contentWindow.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; this.setImageOnlyCropAttribute(attributes, function () { },, var img = new Image(); }, var container = button.closest("[class^='jsDropdown']").first(); margin: 0; .sl-column-container__width-95 { .sl-chrome-problem-reports-table__header td, position: absolute; padding: 10px 20px; }, .sl-cms2-locker-tree__link--current { /* var data = { if (this.isBlockMoveable(this.blockElement)) { this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsRSSOptions"); .sl-cms2-sites-2nd-school-template-card-footer__link { /*Import Theme page styles*/ line-height: 2px; size: 12in 15.5in; width: 300px; font-size: 12px; color: #666666; }, } this.setFromTarget(target); outline: 3px solid red; } this.dialogArea = dialogArea; font-size: 13px; this.contents.find("#description").html(htmlData); margin-top: 5px; display:none; Keeping our schools safe is a top priority. }, font-size: 24px; edit_form_data: this.editorHandler.getFormDataID(), -webkit-border-radius: 3px; this.clearLinkID = clearLinkID; } // type: "POST", padding-right: 20px; contextMenu: true display: block; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; Employees are required, and students are strongly recommended to upload the positive test into the Daily Pass. darkenerElement.css({ contentClassName: "sl-dialog-medium", .token-input-input-token input { .sl-cms2-link-list__attachment-handle { .sl-cms2-locker-file-list__drag-handle { data: variables, draggableStopHandler: function () { color: #191919; }, __classvars__: {

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lausd daily pass login