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how can i measure my body frequencyPor

May 20, 2023

By measuring various aspects of the biofield, we may be able to recognize organ and tissue dysfunctions even in advance of diseases or symptoms and treat them appropriately so as to eradicate them. The human body has vibrational frequency down to the cellular level. 5. Figure 20-4. Around 1900, a large number of medical practices came into question, and the Carnegie Foundation established a commission headed by Abraham Flexner to investigate. One limitation is that it measures induced light produced by electrifying the persons finger. Also, to look at the effect of ingredient "X" on moisture, the control base should not be moisturizing or the effect of ingredient "X" will be swamped by the effect of the base. Is there anything that can measure the overall frequency of the human body? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. by the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device effectively treat the condition. Second, one may also observe false positives (that is, failure to correlate with conventional diagnoses) for minor problems, particularly transient ones, of which the patient may be only minimally aware, or for conditions that may be subclinical or not yet fully resolved. So those examples are a few that I could think of off hand. Although scientists never widely embraced the Kirlian technique, research was conducted (Boyers and Tiller, 1973; Krippner and Rubin, 1973) and culminated in the founding of the International Kirlian Research Association in the United States in 1976, no longer in existence. Practicing meditation is another great way to measure your body frequency. GDV photograph of corona discharge from human thumb, raw data. However, a concerted effort is needed to delineate and resolve the various issues described previously so as to advance the use of this method for biofield science. Instead, we will focus on other ways of assessing other components of the human biofield, in particular, such as the energetic systems that may be associated with a subtle life energy or vital force important in self-healing, such as the acupuncture meridian system and the system of the chakras. On the other hand, an advantage can be found to observing indicators of the future state of the patient energetically using biofield measurements. DEXA stands for "dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.". The brains activity contributes to a lesser extent to the biofield because its field emission is weaker than that of the heart. The relative contribution of each of these contributing factors to the GDV images for a particular subject is impossible to determine. Galvanic skin response (GSR) measures the electrical conductance between two electrodes placed on the skin. The overall range of resonant frequencies of the human body was found to be from 62 to 68 Hz and independent of mass, height and mass to height ratio. Lett. 6. Sweat gland activity. A number of authors emphasize that the human body generates electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations with different frequencies. While quarter-wave wire wound antennas were used, any antennae tuned to recieve these frequencies can be used. Research in this area advanced when low-level light detection technology improved in the 1950s and 1960s such that the ultra-weak emission from organisms, which ranges from a few to hundreds of photons per second per square centimeter of tissue could, in fact, be measured. Many practitioners of biofield therapies can also assess imbalances in the human biofield either with their hands or intuitively. Some anticipated complications have been discovered in seeking correlations between biofield measurements and conventional physical diagnoses. That such biophoton emission may mediate certain biofield therapies is also possible. No. Jung HH et al: Year-long biophoton measurements: normalized frequency count analysis and seasonal dependency, J Photochem Photobiol B, Biol 78( 2 ):149, 2005. You can help! If a Human Energy Project were to exist to measure all of the electromagnetic components of the human biofield, akin to the Human Genome Project, we would need teams of scientists measuring the emissions at the various frequency bandwidths using a plethora of detectors and measurement devices. If the amplitude of EM signal measured (body plus product) is greater than the However, in a further study with 60 experiments to replicate the previous studies, results showed a nonsignificant but slight increase in proliferation after external qi treatment. Then, the mystery of embryonic development from the fertilized egg to an organized integral animal should be considered, which may also involve innate energy fields, starting with the initial polarization of the fertilized egg. Nonetheless, such magnetic field measurements of the body reveal more information than the electrical measurements, especially if coupled with three-dimensional resolution, as in the case of MEG. Thus new technologic developments and methodologic improvements in measuring the biofield should be a central aim of health-related research. An 87% correlation was found between the testing results for the lung points and the x-ray testing for lung cancer, whereas no correlation was found for small intestine acupuncture points (Sullivan et al, 1985). Kobayashi M, Devaraj B, Inaba H: Observation of super-Poisson statistics of bacterial (Photobacterium phosphoricum) bioluminescence during the early stage of proliferation, Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 57:2129, 1998. Indeed, the data taken collectively from these explorations reveal that the human biofield is as a flickering flame of energy: dynamic, with some coherence and stability and with some elements of chaos and unpredictability. Human body growth in the absence of a brain. The gas discharge visualization (GDV) camera, developed by the Dr. Korotkov Co., St. Petersburg, Russia, is perhaps the best-known form of contemporary high-voltage electrophotography based on the Kirlian effect (Kirlian and Kirlian, 1961) and was first discovered in Russia in 1948. Moreover, if one makes GDV images with and without using the GDV filters, which are very thin polyethylene filters that apparently block the effects of perspiration that also contribute to the induced light emission, then one may, in theory, filter out the local perspiration effects and primarily observe the whole-body contribution. Your heart rate offers a more objective look at exercise intensity. It significantly stimulated primary human osteoblast proliferation, matrix synthesis, and mineralization compared with controls. A quantity of a substance weighing 10 grams was placed in a glass jar 2 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm high. However, no consensus has been reached on the modus operandi for such an effect. Dobrin R et al: Experimental measurements of the human energy field . Inyushin V M: Elements of a theory of the biological field (in Russian), Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 1978. It is believed that young skin may exhibit an optimal human frequency signal. It is an object of the invention to provide methods of measuring and characterizing the frequencies, phase and intensity (or amplitude) of the electromagnetic field emitted by a human body for different body conditions: skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc. The Body resonates a frequency when healthy between 62-72 Hz. Living systems may be regarded as complex, nonlinear, dynamic, self-organizing systems of energetic and field phenomena. Is there a way to use the hydrogen in the human body? * We can eat healthy food. We will also focus only on local biofield therapy. Healthcare providers calculate BMI by using weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the square of height in meters (m2). Another possibility is that the biofield of some patients will shift with the thoughts, intent, or feelings of their practitioners. Also possible is that the living targets of these biofield therapies may respond more to putative energies that are not measured by laboratory instruments. Dr. Joie Jones conducted studies on the effects of pranic healing on cultured cells at the University of California, Irvine, over many years (Jones, 2001). Cream B appears to significantly decrease the energy of EM signal emitted by older people at 75MHz. An electronic device that emits EM fields adapted to match the frequency of EM fields emitted by a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood. Two schools of interpretation of biophoton emission exist that reflect the age-old struggle between vitalism and mechanism. Your email address will not be published. Nonetheless, they are often of great interest in CAM and integrative medicine. This is your BMI. The number of times a complete motion cycle takes place during the period of a second is called the frequency and is measured in hertz (Hz). Rubik B et al: In vitro effect of Reiki treatment on bacterial cultures: role of experimental context and practitioner well-being, J Altern Complement Med 12:7, 2006. Thermography is also used before and after therapy to visualize its influence, as for example in the case of infrared photonic treatment to look for improvements in the symmetry of the emission patterns after treatment. I'm wondering if there is a frequency difference between healthy and unwell human tissue. An example of a study in which such parametric calculations were made is one exploring how performing qigong influences the GDV images of 16 adult subjects (Rubik and Brooks, 2005). Large intensity signals, e.g., larger picowatts to watts (or more), can directed to the targeted condition from relatively larger distances (several feet or more) as long as the intensity on or near the target is large enough to be capable of interacting with the body frequency intensity to achieve the desired results. 2. A sensitive microphone can detect a much wider range, and of much lower power. No reliability studies have been published on the use of the GDV camera. Their results showed no clear distinction between external and internal qigong. The ECG was first developed in 1887 and records the electrical activity from different areas of the heart. A considerable number of devices are available today that use a method of assessing electrical conductivity of the skin through the acupuncture meridian system for the purpose of providing information about the energy flow related to the health of the body. In the United States, many of these electrodermal devices have been categorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as biofeedback devices for meridian stress and more recently referred to as devices for meridian stress assessment (MSA) and living systems information biofeedback (LSIB). Reliability and validation studies are scarce. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Proudly powered by WordPress The human subject may be considered as part of a large electrical circuit in the GDV technique. There are not known in the art any methods for treating different body conditions, such as, for example, skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc., based on the resonance phenomenon between the frequencies emitted by the products and the human body frequencies for different body conditions. Some of the field emissions from the body are the basis of many technologies commonly used in clinical diagnosis and research. Just a few reasons to keep at it (and going solo counts): It boosts your immune system, burns calories, lowers blood pressure, helps you relax, eases . It's best to take your respiratory rate while sitting up in a chair or in bed. Should we be investigating this spectrum, which may represent the dynamical mind-body spectrum for the patient? * We can detox our bodies and consume less harmful 'food' (we are so addicted to). Zhang C L: Standing wave, meridians and collaterals, coherent electromagnetic field and holistic thinking in Chinese traditional medicine (in Chinese), J Yunnan Coll Trad Med 19:27, 1996. The GDV camera uses pulses (10-microsecond) of high-frequency (1024 Hz), high-voltage electricity (10-15 kV) that is selectable from several ranges. Most research has focused on electromagnetic aspects of the biofield. Long-range coherent interactions in living systems are also expected from other physical considerations (Frohlich, 1968). In this view, the essence of life is seen as a metaphysical, irreducible life force that cannot be measured. An example of the raw data, a single GDV image from a single finger, is shown in Figure 20-5 . Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live. EP, Kind code of ref document: Inaba H: Measurement of biophotons from human body, J Int Soc Life Inf Sci 18:448, 2000. These findings from basic research, if replicated by others and further developed and standardized as tests, may also prove useful as assays or bioassays to measure the level of bioinformational energy delivered by human hands. The methods disclosed will be particularly useful to measure and identify skin and body deficiencies by determining the emitted electromagnetic field frequencies and their harmonics in real time. Amalu et al: Infrared imaging of the breastan overview. Korotkov K: Human energy field: study with GDV bioelectrography, Fair L awn, N J, 2002, Backbone Publishing . This spectral range is enormous. Possibly, both schools of interpretation are only partly correct because the biophoton emission may be a mixture of signal amidst some noise of free radical luminescence. In addition, a broad spectrum of radiant energies exists known as electromagnetic waves, ranging from the ultra-low, extremely low, very-low, low, and medium broadcast waves; very high frequency broadcast waves; microwaves; infrared rays; visible light rays; and even ultraviolet radiation, all emanating from the human body. The BT3 system has a sensor which can be used to measure the frequency of any substance between 20 Hz and 1.3 GHz. Findings suggest resonance effects occur in therapeutic partnerships between patient and practitioner (Caldwell-Bair, 2006). Schematic setup of the GDV camera. Bevk M, Kononenko K, Zrimek T: Relation Between Energetic Diagnoses and DV Images . Sample organ diagram generated by GDV software, showing the consistency of repeated measurements on different days for a normal person. Collecting data at the same time of day each day for comparison purposes is also important because of the circadian rhythms in the flow of qi in the meridians. Results show that the emission rates were lowest in autumn. Tsuei JJ et al: A food allergy study utilizing the EAV acupuncture technique, Am J Acupuncture 12( 2 ):105, 1984. Yu T, Tsai HL, Huang M L: Suppressing tumor progression of in vitro prostate cancer cells by emitted psychosomatic power through Zen meditation, Am J Chin Med 31:499, 2003. Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. Syldona M, Rein G: The use of DC electrodermal potential measurement and healers felt sense to assess the energetic nature of qi, J Altern Complement Med 5( 4 ):329, 1999. Welch G R, Smith H A: On the field structure of metabolic spacetime. Multiply your height in inches by .025 to convert it to meters. The benefits of using a heart rate monitor include being able to track your heart rate over time, as well as giving you insight into your bodys overall fitness level. Square your height (i.e. Subjects were not isolated from other sounds. From a theoretical perspective, we cannot calculate the human biofield from first principles because of its dynamic aspects and enormous complexity. The term "frequencies" when used with respect to human body frequencies and/or product frequencies also refers to any harmonics of or related to these frequencies. Different cells within our bodies vibrate at different frequencies to create our own "special song". Interestingly, this frequency band is also the alpha rhythm of the brain during relaxation and part of the natural resonance frequency bandwidth of the earth, known as the Schumann resonance. A healthy body, from head to foot, typically has a frequency ranging from 62 to 78 Hz, while disease begins at 58 Hz. Perhaps the most famous experiment is the phantom leaf effect, whereby electrophotography on a segment of a leaf yields a photograph showing the whole (Moss, 1979). The electromagnetic spectrum showing all the known radiant electromagnetic energies. Nearly a century later, in an age of pharmaceutical dominance, the medical community is still largely suspicious about EDS, despite the growing use of this modality in CAM. Figure 20-2. The Western school evolved in Germany through three main phases: EAV, bioelectronic functions diagnosis (BFD), and the VEGA resonance test (VRT) (Rademacher and Wesener, 1999). In the current state of the art, investigators are on their own in their interpretation of their data, given that no standardized basis for interpreting findings has been established. CocaCola or Pepsi - The human sense of taste & flavor. A third example is a study conducted in academic laboratories in both China and the United States, indicating that external qi caused a small change in the circular dichroism spectrum of poly D-glutamic acid, which may reflect a change in the secondary structure of the polypeptide (Chu et al, 2001). To monitor your breathing, you will need to find a quiet area and focus on the sensation of your breath moving in and out. In this video you'll you'll learn a simple process to measure your vibration or frequency (some people call it your vibrational frequency).

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how can i measure my body frequency