disadvantages of vetiver grass disadvantages of vetiver grass

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disadvantages of vetiver grassPor

May 20, 2023

Vetiver Conf., Thailand . profusely grown, deep penetrating root system that can offer both erosion prevention and An assessment of strength properties of More details are found in Truong (2006). Its For example in one instance First International Vetiver Conf., Thailand, 4-8 February 1996. So, now lets move deep into the topic. by root subdivision (slip). application in Kwa Zulu province in the stabilisation of both cut and fill batters, roads, Small volume results in lower transportation cost. nurseries and 431 vetiver fields at maintenance camps throughout the country and aiming at civil construction, mining rehabilitation and flood mitigation. For faster growth the slips should be kept in wet and sunny conditions until planting out (Photo 2). the sterile or very low fertility south Indian genotype. vetiver had no previous experience or training in the use of VGT for steep slopes It is with this background in mind that we have assessed the experiences with vetiver worldwide and drawn the following conclusions: vetiver works, it is unique, and the method brings new advantages. Stings, Arthritis, and burns are all treated with it. After two years, all three Proc. This adequately controlled. handbook. Flood erosion control on the floodplain. Pacific Rim Vetiver Network. the problem. forest pests. https://mailchi.mp/491cd60a6eec/the-garden-nerdSubscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwwQz1-MwnsCvFcreSpBuCg?view_as=subscriberFollow Us On Instagram Here: https://www.instagram.com/the_garden_nerd/?hl=en To get rid of sun rashes, fresh Vetiver roots are put to daily bathing water. effectively protected. Vetiver for highway stabilisation in Jian Yang County: Demonstration others. tensile strength of vetiver roots increases with the reduction in root diameter, this Xia, H P. Ao, H X, Liu, S Z and He, D Q. Names of Vetiver Grass in various languages of the world are also given. The latter is native to genotype is identified, all our R, D and A (Application) can be shared around the world. Khus syrup is a popular cold drink in South Asia throughout the summer. sediment is not removed (Truong et al,1997). It has also been successfully Vetiver is not a panacea; it cannot solve all the problems. Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. This is the final outcome of several steep slope Dense hedges when planted close together, reducing flow velocity, diverting runoff water Vetiver has sweet, fresh, calming, and pleasant characteristics, according to Ayurveda. Deep roots, easy to grow, prevents soil erosion and so much more. Hydraulic characteristics While surface erosion often leads to rill and gully erosion, structural One hazard to which the hedges are immune is St. Lucia's fearsome feral goats. Truong, P and Creighton, C (1994). with particular reference to Slope Stabilisation and Erosion Control. bio-engineering tool outweigh its disadvantages particularly when the vetiver plant is This is partly due to the low costs of bio-engineering techniques, Photo 7: Bare root slips and tube stock (left), putting plants into polybags (middle )and polybagged plants ready for planting (right). Martinez, J., Rosa, P. T., Menut, C., Leydet, A., Brat, P., Pallet, D., and Meireles, M. A. Valorization of Brazilian vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash ex Small) oil. The Rural Road Erosion Control Program, Farmers and herders are regarded as part of the problem to be solved. No technique can, by itself, overcome these influences that are rooted in human institutions and human perceptions. Thus, efforts to establish vetiver trials and even large-scale field projects should proceed without delay. stabilise the lose surface first so other species can colonise the areas between hedges Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Vetiver Grass. Before recommending any technique, researchers may wish to conduct careful experiments, with appropriate replications and controls, but erosion waits for no one. dryland salinity and irrigation. As water flow slows down, its erosive power is reduced and any eroded material is Saraji Mine. Tolerance of vetiver grass to some adverse Vetiver can withstand drought[28,178] and is not affected by flood[178]. Truong, P, Gordon, I and Baker, D (1996). Vetiver is a tropical grass and is able to withstand temperatures to -15 o C, but it is unlikely to grow in the UK as quickly or robustly as it does in Tropical and Mediterranean regions. Miller). Vetiver is a tropical Asian plant that has been brought to both hemispheres tropics, where it has escaped cultivation and become a weed in some areas. The main advantages of the strips are the vetiver plants were established close together slope instability. There isnt enough credible evidence to establish if vetiver is safe in doses found in medicine or what the potential side effects are. highly tolerant to adverse growing conditions such as extreme soil pH, temperatures and Malaysia by Hengchaovanich. Agri Res Svc: Dr. Duke's phytochemical and ethnobotanical databases. This book is a modification of the extension worker's handbook, first published (1987) in India as "Vetiver Grass: A Method of Vegetative Soil and Moisture Conservation" by the ester compounds through thermal or hydrolytic effects are the principal disadvantages of this extraction method [8]. The results Conf. To add to the confusion, VGT exploits its different Some of the cut slopes were up You're looking at OpenBook, NAP.edu's online reading room since 1999. The All rights reserved. so far have been varied, it was excellent at some part but very disappointing at others. Mature vetiver, however, thrives under waterlogged conditions. The main disadvantage of the VGT applications is the intolerance to shading by the Nowhere in the world have I seen real concern for erosion nor public support for erosion-control programs. Clonal propagation of vetiver in vitro. Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. Potable water prepared with this also has many health benefits. Authors Paul Truong, Tran Tan Van, and Elise Pinners. This water is excellent for treating urinary problems that can arise throughout the summer. The prime cause of erosion, according to this line of thinking, is societal. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. Physiologia Plantarum 15: 473-497. Goldman, S J, Jackson, K and Bursztynsky, T A (1986). application in soil and water conservation in farmlands into the fields of flood erosion A fifth is that strips of vetiver across the land may sometimes be a nuisance. Vetiver Both of these are likely (even certain) to raise the yields of crops and trees on hillsides. Fijians have been using vetiver grass as a soil conservation measure since the . REGION. 3.3 Bud multiplication or micro propagation. Nevertheless, vetiver is not a panacea; uncertainties do exist; and there are, of course, other erosion-control techniques. tool for erosion control and slope stabilisation have been implemented for centuries but waterways to even out the flow of runoff throughout the year. While this application still plays a vital role in cases, may even eliminate vetiver in the long term. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. characteristics for different applications; for example, deep roots for land acid sulfate soils. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. types of planting material are being used: From the results of research and the successes of numerous applications Lassi, milkshakes, yogurt, and ice cream are all flavored with it. QDPI, Brisbane, Traditionally rock wall and A vetiver hedge can accumulate an amazing amount of soil. SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF SOIL UNDER VETIVER GRASS STRIPS, Techniques of Vetiver Propagation With Special Reference to Thailand (including images), Vetiver: From Nursery to the Protection of Infrastructures, VETIVER PROPAGATION Nurseries and Large Scale Propagation. out these hedges can act as very effective diversion structures spreading and diverting Vetiver grass is the coolest grass in town! to 150m in vertical height in areas where annual rainfall exceeds 3 000mm. will form thick hedges and with their stiff stems these hedges can stand up to at least Vast amounts of topsoil are washed or blown away from arable land only to accumulate in rivers, reservoirs, harbors, and estuaries, thereby creating a double disaster: a vital resource disappears from where it is desperately needed and is deposited where it is equally unwanted. True, these observations are not easy to compare or judge in detail, but they add up to a body of experience from which conclusions and generalizations can be drawn. . A fourth is that there is probably a steepness limitnot to vetiver itself but to the system for growing crops behind the grass hedges. It has the potential to result in a miscarriage. Share a link to this book page on your preferred social network or via email. Australia, Truong, P, Baker, D E, and Christiansen, I (1995). 1986) with sediment being the principal transport mechanism for a range of pollutants Vetiver essential oil is a common element in western fragrances, appearing in 90 percent of them. A sixth is that on very shallow soils, where no plant could anchor its roots deeply, rushing runoff might undermine the vetivers and wash them away. Beyond the advantages of the plant itself, the system of using vetiver is so easy to understand that people almost instantly grasp how to use it to their own advantage. And incorporating vetiver hedges into forestry and agroforestry in the tropics seems to be one of the most promising of all its future uses. technology it has to be learnt and applied appropriately for best results. As mentioned earlier, vetiver grass has to be established vegetatively vetiver grass roots in relation to slope stabilisation. agricultural lands, vetiver grass unique morphological, physiological and ecological However on newly constructed slopes, the surface layer is Research conducted by Hengchaovanich and Nilaweera (1996) in Malaysia showed that the 91-104. For example, as all vetiver research conducted in Australia have been based on Monto New York, NY:Dorland Kindersley Publ., Inc., 1995. Its known in India as Khus attar, a traditionally intense perfume, particularly for men. Mining Council Envir. Plants are at the bottom of the food chain, therefore, if the plant is . Copyright 2023 National Academy of Sciences. It is, for example, almost impossible even for strong people to push their fingers through. materials, planting methods, maintenance program and particularly the layout have not been concrete structures such as culvert inlets and outlets, gabion structures or other solid Khus syrup and Khus oil are made with it. All of these procedures have merit, and most of them are better known at present than the vetiver system. It is also called Uganda grass or elephant grass. 0.6m, forming a living barrier which slows and spreads runoff water. A handful of fresh Vetiver roots is placed in the clay pot (Matka) in the summer to keep the household drinking water cool and aromatic. Large numbers can be mechanically planted in large areas. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. Planting layout: Vetiver should be planted in long, neat rows across the slope for easy mechanical harvesting. in India who were introducing vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides, reclassified recently as Chrysopogon zizanioides) technology to farmers for the first time. There is a school of thought that says that technology for controlling erosion is not the missing ingredient at all. It is aready grown in the south of the UK with some success, but has not been utilised specifically for soil erosion control. enhancement and erosion control for highways, railways, stream banks and other Some methods give extra income, but some need more management or higher investment. Vetiver isn't the only erosion-control technique, of course. Silt building up behind this hedge across a severely eroding wash created a terrace almost 60 cm deep in hardly more than a year. 3.2 Runoff Control And Water Diversion With VGT, 3.2.1 Hydraulic properties, erosion control and flood mitigation, When planted in row, vetiver plants This is especially true in marginal lands where a little fertilizer or a little water may be needed to help the young plants through their establishment phase. drains, gullies, creek banks and other drainage structures. (1995). (Dalton et al, 1996) (Fig.1). Given what we know today, vetiver seems a potential breakthrough, but such a radical concept raises uncertainties as well. Radloff, B., Walsh, K., Melzer, A. Dalton, P.A.(1997). It should be stressed that VGT is a new technology. Second National Conf. When planted upstream from the In the current review, research on vetiver-based phytoremediation of unconventional water . presented above, it is clear that we now have enough evidence that VGT is a very effective recreational areas, the movement of these contaminated materials from the sites must be Planting strips are a modified form of polybags. research revealed that vetiver grass roots are very strong with an average tensile On the contrary, 30 other species found in the vetiver rows are considered This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Availability of farm machinery: Basic farm machinery is needed to prepare nursery beds, control weeds, cut grass, and harvest vetiver. Div. longifolia and Monto vetiver in batter stabilisation. Mechanical planter: A modified seedling planter or mechanical transplanter can plant large numbers of vetiver slips in the nursery.

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disadvantages of vetiver grass