mouseover pet attack macro mouseover pet attack macro

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mouseover pet attack macroPor

May 20, 2023

(use and cast are exactly the same, i like short macros^^) !For the following macro to work you will need the trap icons on your bars. /use Healthstone All macros on this page are copy/paste ready, so have at it! /cast Wing Clip ", Another person, Dead Darkness, typing from the perspective of the dog, added: "I KNEW IT WAS AN EVIL MONSTER!!! /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). Finally, the macro will devour off your current target if all else fails (to be used offensively) /cast [help] Devour Magic; [target=mouseover,help] Devour Magic /cast [target=player] Devour Magic /cast [target=pet] Devour Magic /cast Devour Magic . For some reason, /castsequence The most important equipment slots to remember are: Adding an equipslot # to your macro will activate the respective on-use trinket. #showtooltip [nopet] Call Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet;[modifier:alt] Feed Pet; Mend Pet All-In-One Pet Macro: (Feeds, Dismisses, Calls or Revives Pet according to . This is very useful for opening on new Half the abilities dont exist anymore. Thanks for sharing! I asked another genius friend of mine in-game who also said the same thing the addons in the interface folder are not touched. Note: There is a 10 second burst-ability cooldown that activates when using one of the engineering DPS items. /petattack. That will throw a Hunters Mark up on your tanks target, send your pet in, and begin your autoattack. 8 Boots Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds and no longer requires a target, though the hunter has to be in combat. Nameplates are essential for allowing you to easily keep track of basic Keep up the good work! /cast Snake Trap(Nature). I would macro it into all of your shots, especially since youll likely have macros for all of them anyway (Kill Command + Shot). /cast [nomod][@focus] Silencing Shot However not every pet comes in every Rarity. Deadly Boss Mods is an alternative to BigWigs, though it usually is not as Wow, fantastic list here. /use item:98061 Demonology Warlock DPS Macros and Addons Dragonflight 10.0.7. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0. This works fine if Cheetah is up but if Hawk is up, it removes it and leaves no Aspect active. Yeah it was wierd, because it worked maybe twice for me with shift pressed. IMPORTANT*** For some reason the above freezing macro instantly triggers/procs my lock&load. This is the recommended damage meter if you log Hope it helps ^^, #showtooltip Disengage This macro provides a little more control over your Spirit Beasts Spirit Mend ability. /startattack /use Cataclysmic Gladiators Badge of Conquest, a cobra shot macro that switchs to fox to cast then uses cobra shot, #showtooltip Hunters Mark Hope they help! I also macrod in Intervene and Roar of Sacrifice into my Explosive Shot. Black Arrow Have fun with your unbreakable pet. These macros have enhanced my gaming experience immensely and showed me how easily some of the problems I have had, like autoshooting fresh frozen warriors in BGs, can be overcome with a few simple line of text. You only have to do this once, until you want to change the focus to a different player. Renders the poisons down a bit. These macros will help you significantly, potentially increasing your DPS by a modest amount. This is handy for eliminating the on-screen combat message spam youll get when rapid-pressing a macro key when a spell or ability isnt ready. /targetenemyplayer Another Hunters Mark macro I use. Myself, Im a bit of a purist, when it comes to config files the simpler they are, the better I can understand them (and re-use the relevant sections). First of all, AWESOME tips for macros, helped my PvP a lot :D. Feel free to surf to my website :: sink water filter walmart; The tooltip changes depending on fcn and pet status. When multi-dotting, cleaving or moving it can be of great importance to quickly switch between targets. Useful for spamming Living Bomb onto adds and around groups! I like to use Wing Clip whenever posible in melee range, so made a macro like this: /cast Wing Clip Another video also recently went viral, showing a German Shepherd being pranked by a man dressed as a dinosaur. It is extremely user-friendly, /cast !Aspect of the Viper (or Beast, if you dont like being tracked) /cast [modifier:ctrl][target=locksnamehere,help] Masters Call, But i cannot seem to make it work, i just copy-pasted it from here into my macro so it shouldnt be a typo You have any youre using, or have scripted, that I should add? Note: This Misdirection macro and a few others default to a predefined focus (usually the main tank). Simply replace "Icy Touch" with the names of your other abilities it works for all of them. I say get their attention! This macro will toggle the following Action Bars: Bottom Right Bar, Right Bar and Right Bar 2. For one, I HoT my pet up at the beginning of every match just before I send him in to attack. come standard with the AddOn, they are a little limited and occasionally Try This it worked for me Anyway, hope it was useful. This macro pretty much does everything you need it to do when it comes to starting or quickly stopping a fight. HAAHA yes i believe so far its working ty alot m8, but for my own puproses this macro looks so difficult to make with all the dots and commas why and how can i know when to use them can you explain to me plz ? Bullheaded + petpassive + Dash + Mend Pet helps to save them. Sometimes I call pet only in the arena (they cant see the BM buff). My end goal is to have the macro switch to Aspect of the Hawk if any other Aspect is active (or none is active) and also leave Hawk active it it is already on. This macro will immediately halt any spell cast and activate Aspect of the Turtle. /equipset [spec:1] PVP; [spec:2] PVE lol! Its a good idea to have the /cast !auto shot at the start of each macro so that youre sure to never delay the cast of an auto shot. /cast kill shot [pet:succubus,@mouseover,exists,nodead][pet:succubus,@target] Seduction; Command Pet with mouseover Guides UI and Macro Vinex-blood-furnaceJune 20, 2019, 9:04pm #1 I'm trying to create a mouseover macro for my pet to attack a mouseover target but none of my standard variations work, any idea if this is possible? *comes up for air* I scoured the page and didnt see it. /cast Explosive Shot /cast Wing Clip Considering youre trying to use a macro with Mongoose Bite in it, Id think thatd be the case. very well done.You have done a great job on all the info. While pressing the alt modifier it will Death Grip your focus target. /use Potion of the Tolvir Ive been playing for a little over 2 years, but Ive just been starting to use macros lately. alguien sabe? I would like to set up the hunters mark/pet attack macro to involve two pushes of the button allowing me to mark the nearest target on the first press of the button and send my pet in on the second. Wing Clip & Disengage. This macro will set your current target as your focus without pressing any modifier. I noticed youre using your trinkets before your shots in some of the example macros. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. #showtooltip Explosive Shot Im thinking its because of the Global Cooldown (GCD). /cast Dire Beast I have about 1040 resilience in my PvP gear, which seems to be enough to keep my pet from being nuked in seconds. Any ideas? Yes, /cast and /use are synonymous. I love you how break down what each line/command does. /cast [target=pet, exists, nodead]Dismiss Pet;[target=pet, exists ,dead]Revive Pet /petattack #show chimera shot (This line is replaced with other instant shots arcane, aimed, etc) and then spam the button for 1sec? Where XX depend on rank of Fire Resistance Totem.) Hehe thnx for replying If you aspire to do any Mythic I looked into the issue with the extraneous __MACOSX folder which appears to PC users, and have found a piece of 3rd party softer to remove it. /petfollow [@focus,noexists] /cast Barrage. /cast Hunters Mark, Simply this switchs tracking on whatever you mark to ensure your always getting that 5% extra dmg . Just set your tank as your focus, then use this macro: /assist Focus I have a question about the cooldown timers on certain shots/abilities. In other words: Macro that will make pet prioritize Target>Mouseover Target. Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will Asphyxiate your current target. That was quite a bit to handle in in one go! Example macro for shooting your focus, /cast [target=focus, exists] Attacknamehere. Raptor Strike is back on the global gooldown, so theres no reason to macro it. default, making this a potentially good choice for players who have very My rapid fire gets used up twice in all in once. /cast Call of the Wild If your description is right, the macro should look like this Youd need a castsequence reset=3 in order to get this to work how you want, but because one is a /cast and one a /use, it wont work. Im pretty sure I removed this a few months ago, at least. /dismount [mounted] /cast Hunters Mark I use a macro similar to your anti-feral/rogue one, but include my usual heretical castsequence line in there as well. I make sure I have a way of quickly canceling out both of these spells if necessary, in the event that I need to cast a crucial ability against a target. #showtooltip Explosive Shot It shares a CD w/ Explosive and does far less damage. Use a worm with Glyph of Mend Pet (in place of Glyph of Disengage). If you are an established client who has visited our hospitals before, please Message Your Doctor to get in contact with your pet's healthcare team. It proced every time I tested it. it says it give an amount equal to 100% of your total mana. #showtooltip So far Ive found macros very usefull, and hoping theres a macro to skin (if possible) and loot corpses? Thanks! that would be very useful. It pops all of my possible CDs with ever use of a Shot or Sting. . This is one iI found while searching, so whoever created this, I am eternally grateful! is especially useful for situations where you need your pet in a predetermined I just started a hunter, and I like to do my research before leveling and PvPing, and this has been a wonderful resource! If no targets are selected, then it will cast MD onto your pet. ElvUI is a complete replacement for the default User Interface. /startattack /cast Disengage wont work, and i dont get why. furnished with almost everything you need; unit frames, raid frames, minimap, This macro will Wing Clip everything in melee range when you Disengage, Feign Death, Detterance and my favorite Masters Call, after you trinket Kidney Shot and leave crying rogue. other AddOns, in-game). It seems like it would be beneficial to know at a glance which one is active, and since Im using Bartender4, itd be a great real estate saver if I could actually just remove my Aspect bar and keep that one button. /cast roar of courage Then you have a few seconds to either disengage, lay a couple traps, etc, whatever you need to do to prepare for the fight. He then feigns attack by shouting and pretending to wrestle with the device. Hunter's Mark - Pet Attack - Pet Recall (All-In-One) This macro pretty much does everything you need it to do when it comes to starting or quickly stopping a fight. /cast [@pet,exists] Kill Command. targets while soloing when you want your pet to tank. Simply replace "Tank" with the name of the player you'd like to misdirect. /cast Readiness /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet, Thanks this explains alot and helps plenty. in front of the various mounting macros. Mouse over Power Word Shield; Remove curse mouseover; . You will need to edit the macro to specify which Call Pet to use. /dismount [mounted] 18 = ranged And that seem to work without casting the launcher on the second tap. #showtooltip Explosive Trap Hope that helps make some sense of things. A: Macros are simple scripts that allow you to combine multiple abilities, tasks and conditionals into one action bar slot. memory. Ive tried out macros before by searching the web and customizing them to my needs, but NEVER have I seen such a comprehensive set of macros for hunters only. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Also make macroes for banishing/fearing/curse of tongues on focus/mouseover, once you learn when to use it. Its either spam Fox with Steady/Cobra or do it the old fashioned way, as most of us do. /cast Hunters Mark This macro will first look for your focus target, then for a mouseover target if you have no focus target selected, then your current target if a focus and mouseover target are not available. You can still combine the abilities into one macro, but they will fire off no sooner than 10 seconds apart from one another. If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first. Can We make Macro with arcane shot concussive shot or steady shot with concussive shottt??????? also make your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend (if talented) and Tyrant move, Thanks for the heads up on the config files, but Im in the dark as to which files to clean up. #showtooltip Living Bomb /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Living Bomb Use: If there's a mouseover target that isn't friendly or dead, this macro will pop a Living Bomb on it. [pet:felhunter,@mouseover,exists,nodead][pet:felhunter,@target] Devour Magic; /cast [nochanneling:Drain Life] Drain Life. Trump's latest attack addresses DeSantis' overseas trips to the U.K., Israel, Florida's Covid-19 record, and polling support for the 2024 Presidential race. I might do it up like this though: /targetenemy [noharm][noexists] /cast Hunters Mark Hi, seems to be Macros wont work as usual in BfA, any updates? 15 = back Wonderful macros, you helped me in arena a lot. Any help would be appreciated. HI there Gar! /cast [@cursor] Binding Shot I just realized how to say it simpler. /castsequence resrt=7 !trap launcher, explosive trap. You can do the same thing Aspect of Fox, but it isnt recommended: /cast !Aspect of the Fox I have been experiementing a bit with macros, and i have come up with a couple of goox ideas. /cast Chimera Shot. Escape Macro. /use - use a consumable or item. I have a petition to make on these subject, is these any way to get it to put the gear back on by on itself???? When used for the second time, and your Focused target, i.e. For most recent news you have to pay a quick visit world-wide-web and /cast [nopet,nomod] Call Pet 5 i would personally also save rapid fire for when low on focus to get triple cobra shots in fast, Why would you want to use kill command and THEN TRINKET do this If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. But I tried a couple of your basic macros. Please let me know, if you get positive results as well. martin county mn sheriff's office staff directory; adam carlyle taylor motorcycle accident /cast dismiss pet I think this macro is work but i dont know how i used to and which abilities could i use. Btw Blizz made really hard to reach the weapon. /cast !Aspect of the Hawk Q: Why use macros? thnx for ur hunter appreciation . If you really dont want to have to manage your aspects, then youll need to use: #showtooltip Steady Shot /cast [button:2] Hunters Mark, left mouse click to hunters mark it on your current target. Combine it with a frost trap and its even better. /use 14 Ive been using this same macro for a few years now. the second cast doesnt work because the dismiss pet is still casting, If I do targetenemy 1 will select the next closest target to the right, and -1 to the left. /cast [nocombat]Aspect of the Dragonhawk. I also have a Power Aura configured that shows me my pet is in danger once it gets at or below 60% health. i am a mm hunter and i have been destroying all casters in a couple of secs once we start fighting. I use SatrinaBuffFrame to monitor my aspects. can some1 help so i could use all the time tranquil shot all the time on my focused target or to target i just atack, ty. If so, you dont need to worry about that if you have the Talent Improved Tracking. It offers extensive in-game analysis tools compared to Skada, Currently using A Ravager cunning spec..the thing is they usually know what spec i maybe playing And hence go for my pet first Lol..Being a BM thinking about calling my pet back from attack..would be wasting my BESTIAL WRATH cd..and losing my pet anyway..!! That way, the macro works as intended in any situation, without the need of pressing qualifier keys or choosing between different buttons. #showtooltip Misdirection Bweis 80 BE Hunter Strengh in Honor Medivh. The PvP Macros are awesome! This will immediately lay a Freezing Trap down at your feet while moving or standing still. player successfully used. or This macro will target that next enemy, have pet attack, and target last target. with native support for WeakAuras. The list contains macros that are applicable to all builds and play styles, as well as talent-specific, PvP oriented, engineering-only, racial abilities, and other miscellaneous macros. /use 13 On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.0.7. find ?ut more? Unfortunately, you cant macro them together so that they function like our old Freezing Arrow. is there any way to make a macro for casting serpent sting with concusion shot and casting arcane shot with mend pet. /cast !Kill Command Since in pvp the crap is flinging, Id rather not have to remember to hit the spacebar before using the macro. You can replace frostbolt with any other spell you use alot and it makes the water elemental attack faster. Sometimes sound might disable itself (I found it has due to binding it to a mouse wheel and casting a sequence) but you may want it to play sound, if you put in: This obviously is less than optimal, but I did it this way solely on the notion that if the trinket was on cooldown itd end the macro before the shot, and I cant really remember if I tested this out or if its just one of those assumptions you look back on and think, why didnt I test it?. but it doesnt work, and Im new at macros, can you help me? Damage meters display a variety of helpful data about what is taking place little experience in a raid environment. I would have thought [harm,nodead] would be the conditional to use. /cast volley. Never have to switch target in the middle of the boss fight again! Is there a way to bringt that all in one macro with that timings and auto shot !? /cast Hunters Mark I got all things covered in one macro (bestial wrath+rapid fire+Kill command+Any other use trinkys) like pulling my pet out after using this..would wasting everything :X Can a macro be built that will put down trap,slow opponent and give time to escape? #showtooltip Mend Pet Watch your focus bar next time you go to use it, then use Trap Launcher separately youll see what I mean. Q: Can I write my own macros? The following are a few other macros that I use not necessarily hunter-specific that make little tasks in WoW just a bit easier. and our When I found your website and the hunter macros, it was one of the best things Ive seen yet to help with combat. (insert wich ever instant shot you like) /cast [target=targettarget, help] Misdirection buffs and debuffs, and much more. /castsequence reset=14 !Trap Launcher,!Freezing Trap(Frost). I do appreciate your macros. Is there anything I can put n my macro that will make him not use froststorm if hes already using it? /cast [pettarget,exists] Kill Command /cast hunters mark, Looking to cast Hunters Mark and have pet attack unless shift is held down then just cast Hunters Mark, This is the best Macro Collection I have found PERIOD! /cast [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; Hunters are often early targets and its good to have protection as often as its up. /stopcasting When macroing Kill Command in your shots, I prefer to use /cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command , so you dont cast it if yout pet is on passive or if u accidentaly hit the macro while out of combat. Unfortunately, this method causes Fox to emote every single time you start to cast the shot. The down-side to this is that I have a ton of macros to manage; one for each shot I conditionally want to /cast to hawk or fox for and another for which I want to leave that out to keep my aspect switching off cooldown but still want to macro other things to. #showtooltip Aimed Shot /petattack [@focus] You pet will attack your focus target (Refer to the Compatibility Notes ). Looking for anything that will help me in PVP, I am really bad. /cast [spec:1] Call Pet 5; [spec:2] Call Pet 3 did someone say single button trap launcher?? Also, take on consideration that Lock/Mage pet cast from range so i located my pet near to the area on which rune spawn and then used that macro in order to move the pet to the center of the rune. hea great marcos gar, great site, keep up the good work. But oh well. Skada is a lightweight damage meter that is exceptionally accurate. Can anyone tell me why this doesnt work? /cast Claw</code>. If your pet is alive this macro will cast Dark Transform. Anyway to fix this? /cast Explosive trap Im not sure if you can get this to work how you want. /petattack. /cast Silencing Shot /petfollow, thnks, have been slowly blending ur macros and they are awesome. 14 = trinket 2 ", Targets your mouseover target. /cast Rapid Fire However, I guess if you feel like you should be doing more given your gear, then wait for my next post(s). Well, hopefully theyre gone now. I design WeakAuras and create guides for the World of Warcraft Community over on Twitch and YouTube. /cast Hunters Mark I am a Survival hunter and a clicker, I use no Macros at all, but really want to. imagine, as it is a LUA scripting tool (essentially an AddOn that creates Its frustrating being the only ranged class where our ranged abilities are useless in melee. Im still pretty new to the game, but Ive wanted for a long time to get better at PvP because people are really mean to me in Battlegrounds. #showtooltip Mend Pet That macro still works just fine for PvP, but I found it not working for me anymore vs NPC targets. Youre not using shift or alt in there so Id advise using one of those in front of Call Pet 5. For more information, please see our Justa heads up . Ive searched for this a long time. Okay i couldnt find anything on it, if there is in fact anything. Its fun being a hunter, I heard of a complex way to do macro especially for what im trying to macro your raid data to WarcraftLogs. /cast [@focus,harm][mod:shift] Scatter Shot; [@focus,harm] Silencing Shot. Silencing Shot is the only DPS shot that can be combined with other shots because its not on the global cooldown. If no target exists target Shyuri (me) If possible, help would be appreciated. -=DragonBeard=-, Note: While it does make your hunter simple to use, the above macro would be unsuitable for raiding. /cast Arcane Shot Focus & Mouseover Spells #showtooltip Curse of Agony /cast [@focus,mod:alt][@mouseover,mod:ctrl][@target] Curse of Agony. Ive also tried /petstay. Now im on to spirit beasts in NR. In your case I think you have to already be targeting (whoever) and then cast the macro. I dont know if this is the auto-targeting you were talking about but it definitely works for me. /sequencecast reset=1 Concussive Shot, [@mouseover] Frostbreath _____________________________________________________, #showtooltip Cobra Shot Now I use them all the time. This is a handy macro for fearing pesky Feral Druids, as well as hunter pets. Is there a way to use the target function like tab targeting and combine it with hunters mark(HM)? Is there a way to get the macro icons to have this same UI, so I know when it is ready to use? I hope some1 understands what i mean is for PVE if anyone can make this macro pls post iti will be very gratefull THX, Some call me a heretic well, myself mostly, #showtooltip Where else could anyone get that kind of info in such a perfect manner of writing? 20% from RS Glyph and %4 from Survival Instincts if youre specced survival, You Should try it out! First off, the macro operates mainly off of mouseover targets; however, it will use your current target if you do not have a mouseover selected. /cast [modifier:shift][target=shamansnamehere,help] Masters Call Im always eager to discover new and useful ways to combine abilities, so if you have any to share please do so. Click the "Save" button, and drag your macro icon onto your bars, which will allow it to be used just like any other spell from your spellbook. Is this right? First of, great job youre doing here, secondly i tried the Masters call macro you meantioned above for 3s: /cast [target=player] Masters Call Spam that when your hear the whir of a stealthy nearby. Garwulf states in his introduction to the macros: /cast [modifier:alt] Feed Pet; Mend Pet /cast [mod:shift] Shot 2 Chimera shot I use that and IceHUD (with clean curves) for unit frames. Just learn your priority and practice it. Looking for a way to incorpatre On the other hand, [noharm] = if current target is not hostile. /cast [nostance:3] Cat Form; [nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Pounce; Feral Charge Cat. There are no restraining orders in Azeroth, are there . /castsequence [flyable] Albino Drake, Bronze Drake, Green Proto-Drake, Argent Hippogryph, Turbo-Charged Flying Machine; [noflyable] Venomhide Ravasaur, Black War Bear, White War Talbuk, Cobalt Riding Talbuk, Swift Zhevra. /cast tame beast, guys can any1 help me out?? Use this macro instead for anything outside of PvP: /targetenemy This is avery handyHunter macro. Best to get used to managing each of your shots so you can use them optimally and when needed. I PvP as a MM hunter, i was wondering what would be a good burst macro to use.

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mouseover pet attack macro