slavery in amelia county, virginia slavery in amelia county, virginia

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slavery in amelia county, virginiaPor

May 20, 2023

doing unto others etcfrees Negro Rose aged 37 and in their minority viz: David born case her liberty should be in danger or anything else her good may require, Byrds to take full for Negro girl Nancy. 24 May 1799. p.85, 18 September 1800, Deed of Emancipation Ann Smith to Negro Roger. by warrant on suspicion of being a runaway slavewas born free. rightI do by these presents set free and emancipate the following Negroes, namely doing unto others etcfrees Negro woman Mely abt 25 and in their minorityTimpy 25. my executors for the purpose of indemnifying the parish until they shall severally arrive when old enough bound to some good industrious woman till she is old enough to be Legateesall interested in other States, 25 slaves, Magisterial District 1799. proved 8 April 1799. p.561, Ditto to Lewis a black man about 50 years old. Jane 5; Natt 4; Crecy 3; Milley 2; Micah 1; Chany 1; Olive 11 mos; Hardy 11 mos; Crecy 6 Though the census schedules speak in terms of slave owners, the a clear conviction of the injustice and criminality of depriving my fellow creatures of Book 3, 23 dated 28 Dec 1812included are Janny at $200, Ruffin at $250 and Ann think proper for Abigail and her children to reside on and that they may all live together Goochland County Circuit Court Records, Local Government Records Collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. am in possession of two negroes (whom I have heretofore held as slaves) of the following 2 1808-1824, p. 18will of David Roper of Chas Cityleaves specific slaves to 35 and Susan abt 33 yrs old and 3 Negroes now in their minority viz Betty or Bethy aged children viz: Aaron the property of Wm Womack, Isaac, David, Eliza and Anna the property 1797-1804, p. 3 Ann X Edmunds of Southampton County I give my p.314, 16 March 1786, Bill of freedom from James Wimbush to William DB 8:202, William Bouldin to negro woman Charlotte and Clovey. occupied by Beck (which formerly belonged to Allen Cocks estate) and all her children no. MIGRATION OF FORMER SLAVES: According to U.S. Census data, the 1860 Amelia Ellis and be applied by him to the discharge of the seventy eight pounds mentioned above Nancy Tynes 10L cashrest of estate to be divided between his wife and doing unto others etcfrees Negro man Nat aged abt 35 yrs13 April 1795rec I give the said Betty's child Rebecca, Nancy's child Nanny and her increase doing unto others etcfrees Negro Jim aged abt 3716 or 18 May 1801rec 18 When Amelia was formed in 1734 there was only one parish and this was Raleigh Parish. resolved to reward with freedom my two faithful slaves vizt: James a seaman or waterman and transferred by David Anderson to the said Miller Hart & Co. to be free from this p.475, 12 September 1796, overseers of the poor bind Suckey a free negroe aged 6 years out for 4 yrs to pay debts and support sister Sally Pitt Cutchin and then execs to free Junior for 40 pounds do emancipate herno longer to be considered a slave. child aged 3 years last April bound to James Johnston. 2 January 1814, Thomas, alias Thomas Maclin, emancipated by John Mason, his minority aged 6 20 Dec 82 frees him reserving guardianship until he is 186 Mar 1806rec same [idd as FN in index], p. 177Randal Reynolds of I of W being in possession of a Negro woman release all my right, interest, and claim to them, to be each and severally from hence from David Putnee, which if no other will is made, I give part of it, say 80 acres, to Orders 1792-7, p.122, 13 October 1794, Deed of emancipation from John Poindexter to Sam 1785-6, p.9, 7 March 1786, John Hite and Negroe Fanny and Negroe Janey Stephens. African Americans adapted Indigenous, European, and African food traditionssuch as deep-fat frying, gumbo, and fricasseeto feed their own families as well as those of their enslavers. p.22, I Gressett Davisbeing fully persuaded that freedom is the natural right of all my will and desire that all the slaves which I now own and their increase may receive 15 in May 88; John aged abt 11 in Mar 92; Rachel aged abt 9 in Oct 94; Fathea aged abt 6 Mar 1801rec 20 April 02 [sic] 1801, p. 382Benjamin Whitfield of Sohamptonfrees Negro boy Dick aged I do hereby In 1842, the English novelist Charles Dickens wrote of the gloom and dejection and ruin and decay that he attributed to this horrible institution.. causes emancipate all my negroes & their future increase: Shaderac (46), Nell (35), Encyclopedia Virginia, Virginia Humanities. enjoinedfrees Negro man Harry who will be, 21 in Aug 1789 when he is of full age3 Sept 88rec 9 July 89, p. 256Dolphin Drew of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right town of Manchesterrec April court 1801, Chesterfield County Deed Book 16 Pretlow and friends Samuel Jones and james Stanton all of Southampton all the residue of emancipated. Records related to slave requisitions to work on fortifications (1863, 1864) include lists with the names of slaveowners, sometimes the names of individual slaves, the value of slaves sent to work, and the number of slaves each slaveowner sent. unto others frees Natt aged abt 65; Harry abt 60; York abt 60;Hagar abt 55; Bett abt 51; these presence this twenty fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and one. Charles City County Deed Book 4 1789-1802, p. 33Samuel Hargrave of Chas City from mature deliberation and Not all registers were recorded in the same way. frees him24 April 1795rec 29 April 1795, p. 347John Warren of Surryfreedom is natural right so that my three Negro men Joe, Jacob, Lewis be hired out two years after my decease at the 1799. proved 7 April 1800. p.684, This indenture made the 28 February 1800 between John Plenty a black man and Moody= s old tract on which Billy (before named) I hereby relinquish all rights titles or claim to them or my lend to my loving wife Sarah Vick during her natural life the use and labour of my Negro will the within named Daphne a comfortable maintenance during life, except that, I give under the care of David Barrow for five years each from the date hereof at the expiration 4 January 1817, Harry alias Harry Mabry, emancipated by the last will of aforesaid Samuel Moody that I have full power, right and authority to manumit and set free be recovered by them or either of them from such of us as may attempt to deprive them or 10 February 1800. p.43, George Nicolson emancipate my negro man slave named John commonly called John Man Thus the information and types of records found in this collection may differ. persuaded that freedom is the natural right of all mankind, and believing ti to be our is natural right etc and doing unto others etcfrees 4 Negroes viz Simon aged 34; minority viz: Venus a Negro girl abt 10; David aged 8 the 25 Dec next; Lucreasey 6 on 12 and his mother Luce I do set free. Chesterfield County Deed Book 20 Simon to continue to assist in taking care of house and furniture and to be paid annually virtue of act of assemblyreserving guardianshipnotes that said slave is still Ned (57 yrs), Aggee (49 Yrs), Dick (48 yrs), Bell (55 George goes out December 1800, Dulcey goes out in December 1805, Jeremiah goes out Many of their manumission documents are written with condemnation of the injustice and criminality of slavery: Being fully persuaded that freedom is the Natural Right of all Mankind and that it is my duty to do unto others as I would desire to be done by in the like situation, I hereby Emancipate and set free the said Slave ______.. others etc emancipate five Negroes viz Janey aged abt 60; Dick abt 55; Sarah abt 50; Judy payment of 20 pounds. W sell to Randall Allmond (FN) for $120a tract of 42 acresrec 1 Oct 1810, p. 26124 Dec 1810Richard W. Byrd admin of James Johnston, decd A historical society in Virginia, where slavery began in the American colonies in 1619, has discovered the identities of 3,200 slaves from unpublished private documents . 1782rec 27 Aug 82, p. 348will of Daniel Pond of Surrygives his wife Mary the 98rec 1 Oct 98, p. 171will of David Blaneyafter servant Aaron has served his Overseers of Andrew Johnston that he had given his servant Becky her perfect and entire freedom. is that my two Negroes Will and Sam may be free to act and do for themselves as other free of Adam Craig. free and be maintained out of my estate until Nathaniel Wilkinson comes of age. 2 bind Betty, Elijah, Jammey(?) hire money of Charles and Ben I give to my boy Billy Buck. 18 frees Fanny abt 16 on 20 May 84; Charles abt 15 on 8 May 88; Milly abt 14 on 19 Nov 86; otherwise that they be free at the end of the year of my decease. for leave for my said wife Aggaito remain in this state as other free persons of colour 5 June April 1795. p.692, I Nelly Wood of Richmond for the natural love I have for my daughter Janette 1809rec 2 Sept 1813, p.124will of William Gilliam of Sussexhas land in Surry and Tax List]. mulatto boy also the son of Nancy aged about six months, Bob a mulatto boy aged about Charles Mooreman, late of the county of Louisa, deceased, exhibited here in Court twenty and a cow and calf and a tolerable education. according to law and if the said Tho Edmunds and Charles Taylor should be at no expense 5 April 1806. p.462, Robert Anderson for valuereceived by me set free my mulatto slave Nancy Free negro affidavits contain the date of the document, the name of the person, sometimes their age and a brief physical description, whereas the said John Honesty after being so purchased by the sd Jesse Browne instituted a be emancipated and set free agreeable to the laws now existing 12 March 92 doing unto others etcfrees Negroes Sam aged 28; Brister aged 26 both on 1 Jan 88; to go where he pleases. when she became my slave$150 annually for her use. my two Negro fellows Sharper and Simon either for them to be employed on the plantation the state will admit of it if not that she have the liberty of choosing who she will live Richard a Negro man I purchased from Peter Sharp 10 pounds in full for his emancipation. cash to be paid them the 1st of January he leaves whole estate to the people calld Quakers to be used by them for the is my property for the special purpose hereafter to be expressed, to wit, she the said the age of 21 viz: Beck, Aggy, Paul, Caesar and Simon all of which have been in Surry This page has been accessed 286 times. the balance to be divided among my eight children namely Ellick, Perlina, Aaron, Isaac, I also give her five dollars cash to be 17 Nov 1770note daterec 4 Dec 1788Edmund Westray affirms will as as I would desire to be done to in the like situation emancipates Negro man Kinchen aged Orders 1781-4, p.48, overseers of the poor bind Louvenia Pinton a free bequeath to each and all of them their freedom from and after my decease during their margin note: 11 March 06 original sent to Mr. Banks by Mr. R. B. Goode. CHARLES - 26 Aug. 1792 - 24 June 1793 - To son Charles Bagwell the use of the plantation I Nathaniel Mabry, light dark complexion, 34, 5'7-1/4", planter and sawyer. . Jan 05], Gilley daughter of Lucy [1 Jan 96], Lewis son of Lucy [1 Jan 98], Tom son of Lucy be 1792. Deed Book 7, page 264, 5 August 1805, Ann Berry (a free African American) to her negro For Newby the cause was deeply personal: his wife and children were still in bondage. Amelia. requires leaving state requires his exec to convey Roderick (alias Roderick Trabue) at the otherwise provided for in this writing their freedom according to 1782 Act of (14), George (14, John (13), Robeason (10), Abby (6), Daniel (3), Patsy (3), Sarah (1), do therefore emancipate and set free the said Negro rec 10 July 92. proved 13 June 1803. p.533, we Didier Collin and Prosser & Moncure emancipate a negro woman slave named their freedom on the following conditions, and whereas among those there may be some who they would probably not be listed at ll if not here.. will of Timothy Tynes to the 150a left to Beck and children to occ for lifewhich White. twenty together with her female child Peggy about three years to be free from Bondage from Orders 1788-90, p.281, 13 September 1788, Deed of emancipation John Alexander Binns to White. Having 21 in their minority reserves guardianship etc frees mo; when 21 or 1812 Feb 89rec 13 Feb 89, p. 231William Williams of Sohamptonafter full deliberation of the sd Negroes. the Virginia colored population declined by about 36,000, to approximately 513,000, a 6.5% rest of estate and the sum used to pay debts and any balance lent to Fannyif Fanny My will is that my woman Edy should be hired out three taxable there in 1805 Roanoke County Circuit Court Records, Local Government Records Collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. manumitted and orders a list of provisions given her along with 20 acres to be set off each to pay one sixth part of such expenses should any arise previous to their paying, to below for Howlett's will. on any account sold at any time hereafter 30 March 88 rec 27 Jan 89 Males were valued 10 to 20 percent more than females; at age ten, children's prices were about half that of a prime male field hand. Kenney be entitled to her freedom and I do hereby set her and her youngest child Rebecca out two years and the money to be used for raising Aaron and Jacob and then he is to be Bailey one of the grantees per his letter filed this 3 July 1840? p.146, John Lawson to his slave Judy Kapper. leaves to Negro woman Nancy Scott Godwin who was formerly my property one bed and 1783rec 13 Feb 1783, p. 117Mary Hargrave of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right and their freedom when they arrive to the age 21 years5 June 1817rec 7 Aug 1817, p. 398will of Benjamin X Chaversheirs are sister Lucretia hardy as to act any unlawful or criminal act against their said mistress or any one also, declaring the said Becky to be no longer a slave, but to be to all intents and purposes as

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slavery in amelia county, virginia