saturn in 1st house karmic debt saturn in 1st house karmic debt

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saturn in 1st house karmic debtPor

May 20, 2023

You may be a caretaker of someone or of your parents, perhaps because of a karmic debt to them. Work may be behind the scenes or it may involve an occupation where you do not come into contact with the general public. FOURTH HOUSE . the soul group is simply a group of souls who have interconnected karma. the 8th house is the natural scorpio, the natural house of mars and the subtle energies are the same. It can delay the results of that house or bring miseries and frustrations related to that house's significance. Because of your emotional restriction, you can appear to be cold, unloving, and unresponsive. You may dislike change because of an unconscious fear of the unknown. An easing of day to day pressure may lull you into a false sense of security, but this planet still means business. Saturn aspects are strong past life indicators in synastry. This difficult position will affect your spiritual practice also, as essentially, spiritual practice is merging with your innermost self, the deepest transformation possible. Can you please help me understand what this aspect on 9th house signify. Allows customers to dismiss the Store Notice. You may find yourself in relationships that will be hard to maintain, whether it is business or marriage. Hi there Going through the Shani Dasha with Moon antardasha. Saturn in this house/sign is difficult but overcoming these challenges can be done. And hard aspects involving Saturn to other planets will affect other areas of your life, which will stem right from the source of the house and sign where Saturn is located. . You need to learn how to express your feelings towards those you love, and not just through the giving of presents and material things. A deep sense of hurt from the past may also be felt. The later part of life can be more rewarding if you learn the lessons life has to teach you in your earlier years. Life Path Karmic Debt number is derived by calculating your Life Path Number. These are all good, but if it is ruling your life, that is dangerous. Contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer. Karmic Debt. Thank you so much for sharing your immense knowledge. 8th house - Debt towards spouse family. If you have Saturn in the 1st House, you are probably reserved, quiet, and serious. The main focus of your life was to help others in any means possible. You will face restriction, trouble and humiliation here, but persevere and work. Going through Saturn Mahadasha and Moon antradasha, this phase has been so difficult for me that I couldnt see light at the end of the tunnel, but since Ive started the Soham jap, my mind has been a bit calm. Catastrophic events leading to self-transformation now restricted by Saturn. Your present path may involve serving mankind in some manner. You are inclined to seek a partner who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you a greater sense of purpose and will to succeed. In this case, you will most definitely have stress in regard to communication and conveying your thoughts. After login, wordpress sets this cookie, which indicates when youre logged in, and who you are, for most interface use. The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. Your possessions are apt to bring worries rather than happiness because you may need to learn to share with others. It came to me at a time when I most needed it and I have always felt close to Shanidev since. i sit with Adi Shankarcharyas books and read sanskrit, others cannot be bothered with it. This is a place of karmic debt and of crystallized energy that does not permit us to go beyond the "Threshold" of our limited consciousness. It is time to face these hidden unlearned lessons and to face them head-on in order to be on the way to peace. Next, you fear intimacy. I have a question regarding the Saturn in 9 house. Could you describe some remedial steps for each house placement? For a woman there may be a subconscious desire to marry a "father figure" and the partner may well feel an urge to organize your life on a more effective basis. Accept the help offered. If you have older siblings you cannot establish good relations with them. But he will ensure that you remain dissatisfied by these things. Those are the areas of your life that you would find to be the most problematic or difficult. There may have been too much emphasis on materialism in past lives. Choose your practice with due diligence (8th house is twelfth from the 9th) as you might get misguided. Clinging to the material due to fear is common, and you could come off as extremely stingy. You may deal with a lack of self-control, overindulgence, and commitment issues. Saturn wants you to learn about power. That was an excellent article on ShaniI could relate to it so well! There will be very few genuine people like this in your life. What is karmic debt in Astrology? If you want to be happy you will have to learn to share. The houses and signs that have the most planets in your charts are indicative of the areas of focus in your life. In this case, you will have a difficult time getting in touch with your creative side, asserting any kind of authority, may have a difficult time finding joy in anything. Just wanted to being this to your attention. Powers the Recent Viewed Products widget. There is no emotional anchor in life and the mindset is complex. Karmik relationship is the bond between two individuals which has been brought into the native's Present life from Past life. It is important for you to forget yourself and to learn to project warmth to others. if more than tht give more weightage to moon chart. The lesson is to find it within yourself to develop a sense of security within your home, get a handle on your emotions, and to fulfill your duty as living up to responsibility in regard to your family. The obstacles that constantly appear in the arena of this house give you a drive and motivation that push you to try harder. Marriage to a widow or widower is possible. Although I have always been a very social person most of my life, I have slowly started craving to live / move to a more isolated distant location. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th. Maybe you may have misused your authority, and in this life, you are having regrets about it to the point of becoming obsessive with developing a good work ethic and reaching positive goals. Unknowingly you are answering my questions. Sometimes you are so busy squirreling away money that you forget to enjoy it. The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. However if he is inauspiciousthen it can get very troublesome as he restricts the positive influence of the 12th house. If you have Saturn in the 8th House, you are a hard worker who is patient and thrifty. In other words you may have wanted to marry someone else but settled on a second choice instead. . This may be a result of an abusive family, broken family, feeling unloved, absence of love, broken heart, coldness, emotional trauma, sexual crime, abuse of the occult, etc in early childhood or past lives. You cannot always expect others to work as hard as you or to grasp details as rapidly as you can. If you have someone in your life whom you love and who loves you in return, try to share yourself with him/her. If you get married young, there is a good risk of divorce. Most common is an intense sense of loneliness. In my late teens ( through some life events) I learnt that gratitude and appreciating whatever I had in life made everything easier and more beautiful( even when things got tough). Take care not to deplete your energy to the point of exhaustion through over-concentration. You may feel like you want to run away from responsibilities in regard to your family. You feel emotionally insecure in society, thus prefer a more secluded life style. Saturn in the first house blocks you from displaying emotions, what is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Saturn is discipline . The FOUR Karmic Debt numbers are 13, 14, 16, and 19. Perhaps taking vitamins would help in this regard. Maybe you and your friends can take up some common cause for the society you live in. in other words, there is a lot of karmic debt they have to pay back. You might face abandonment, isolation, frustration, sorrow. You have a desire for others to look up to you. Saturn takes about 29 years before it will return to that same house or department of your life. Chronic health problems can be experienced if subconscious fears are not brought out into the open. That is the planet of karma. Enter your email address to follow. Money and your possessions may have meant everything to you and you had forgotten what was truly important. 9th house - Debt with guru/father/elders. Yes, and read tht post on prosperity. You take these beliefs very seriously. Necessary for the shopping cart functionality on the website. But as a remedy fr all marriage related problems stick to Shri Sukta. Your friendships and your hopes and wishes will be a huge area of strain for you. Please advise what are my karmas (professional or personal) in this life and how can i make it better? His position in the Navamsha will give you his innermost potential and hidden results which will be more evident after you start your relationship with your loved one/ most significant partner. Family problems almost always exist with this position but try to learn to resolve them. Diet may need to be watched and improved as your body may not assimilate everything it needs from the food you eat. The auspicious benefits from your past lives are restricted. In order to get in touch with your deep emotions, you will have to find it within yourself to get a lot of psychological counseling or coaching and to utilize it. In a previous life, you may have been assaulted or killed. In that case, perhaps the worst case listed in the signs/houses descriptions were the cause. Be cautious, humble, yet stand up for yourself, eventually you will get the recognition you desire. Namaste Madam, Unless we have repaid this debt we. Transform this desire into seeking soul growth through understanding and wisdom, which can perhaps best be obtained through relating to others in partnership relationships. FIRST HOUSE . The exchange might be karmic. There may be a very self-controlled and sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of partnership. You fear being alone yet cannot bring yourself to open up. In the same way, these karmic debt numbers have its pros and cons. Saturns karmic work in the 1st house is rather typical. Exercise would certainly be beneficial. The payment of preceding karmic debts occurs through family, possibly by the deprivation of one or both parents or even by a bad . Whichever house in your chart is influenced by him, be prepared to work hard in these aspects of life. 40 years spent with suffering only, wonder when my life will become better. This is the House where you seek responsibility. I hope you would be kind enough to address those , One request is that i may have some personal details that you may want to hide/delete when/if you post it publicly, Looking forward to having some guidance & insights Tejaswini ji, Hi there Karmic debt numbers are the number of lessons you have to learn, or the number of issues you are meant to overcome in this life . Thanks again, Hi there I have saturn in seventh house and added to that rahu and ketu in.5th and 11th house. Saturn is known as the stern teacher and that is the planet that represents the lessons that need to be learned. Either way, the lesson is for you to learn the value of maintaining a good relationship and to value it. Ultimately, this is the same energy often present when undergoing karmic debt and cycles. Restrictions on self-love, personal genius, creativity, conscious link to the divine, expression of individuality, enthusiasm etc are all there, especially when younger. naturally it will, If you have Saturn in the 6th House, obstructions of health, or limitations in health, can come into play with this position. Saturn is our Karmic debt from life. If Saturn is auspicious then you will also have servants working for you, but you will be sympathetic towards them and treat them humanely. Saturn represents Construction. one of the sibling has exact in 1st house of Virgo (Ketu with ascendant lord in 6th and a heavy 12th house ( Rahu/Mars/Jupiter) & Venus in 7th and as per your consistent guidance they are interested in meditation in its purest form but not in any other spiritual practices (in fact they pleasantly surprised me recently when they mentioned they are long term practitioner of SoHam when I only recently learn this from you!). Feelings of being unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated occur with this position. In a previous life, you may have been a bully, and robbing someone else of their hopes and dreams. . How to interpret transit for the charts having moon in dushma sthan? In some cases the spouse may be much loved, but prone to ill health. Saturn in the First House: A very strong need to express the responsibility of one's Soul Purpose. Your karma is to develop self-discipline and vulnerability with other people. Misuse or abuse of the power you had on others. Namaste Madam, The way you have predicted for both analysis are perfect. The house placement of Saturn and any difficult aspects of other planets should be studied to determine the impact. Self-controlled and disciplined are how others see you. Hi there You may even feel that area as a burden. The position of Saturn is also one of opportunity. And when Saturn is in retrograde, that can be seen as double karma. Saturn in these houses will help you do this in a systematic manner. these decisions are made before taking birth, Often what happens is that Saturn will give you the first option for a limited time depending on the Dasha/transit. It is the relationship between two souls that may have some kind of . also have written a lot on the 6th 8th 12th houses, use the index page. Dr yugal tak, Hi there There might be problems in hearing or speech. Saturn is lord of the 7th And 8th house. Only tip is to be true to yourself, shun hypocrisy and try to be as genuine as possible. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Act with love: towards everyone no matter what they've done. There may be an unconscious desire to make restitution for wrongs committed in previous lives. You will gain power in your profession/ society steadily and are expected to exercise it carefully. You may question absolutes, God and religion in general. The position of Saturn in the first House shows how difficult it is to achieve full autonomy because of continual and numerous external interferences (family, job, and so on). What Are the Karmic Reasons for the Social Planets and the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is a person who you would normally find working in closed spaces such as prisons, or rehab centers or even captured and locked down against his or her will away from . He grants solitude, fear, dissociation, sorrow, insecurity, pain, loss and facelessness. You may find yourself having to work extremely hard for your wishes to come true, and even then, having it blow up in your face. You may find yourself to have difficulty in work situations, obsessed with health, or even suffering from poor health often. . Poverty is possible with this placement due to a lack of understanding of the true value of money and possessions. If you have Saturn in the 3rd from the ascendant or the Moon you will see these sort of results. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. To read what Saturn represents in astrology, go to Lesson 5: The Planets. If you have Saturn in the 1st House, you are probably reserved, quiet, and serious. The later part of life can be more rewarding if you learn the lessons life has to teach you in your earlier . Material successes will come slowly, some help may be received but there will also be setbacks. You are capable of studying systematically and might take up subjects like theology, law, where deep introspection, cross-referencing etc is necessary to arrive at a suitable conclusion. Money is necessary but these other things which make Life valuable are important. This is also a water hose and a water sign. "For what does it profit a man to gain the entire world and lose his own soul?". But now Saturn will give you the opportunity to rectify things. I just love the way you show a positive way of dealing with planetary issues I have been reading and learning from your articles for self development and they are all awesome. This could lead you to choose the wrong people, play "victim saviour". But Saturn always rewards hard work so once you do this you gain a lot of skills, fame, respect etc. by sign and house. In any case there may be issues regarding feeling different from others. You prefer to not travel. Whatever may have been your past life experiences of poverty or deprivations, this time try to learn the lesson of Value. The Natal Moon in the 12th house. With a well placed and well aspected natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be a person of integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and economical, perhaps not over-demonstrative and preferring deeds to words, and providing a real anchor for the partnership. You have the capacity for self-discipline and this strong discipline can cause you to deny yourself a social and/or sexual life in your quest for financial security. Also strictly follow morals and ethics in life so that Saturn remains satisfied with your behaviour. Taurus asc, Yogkarak shani in 5th, 9th lord in 5th.. Be careful of bridges you burn you may need to cross back over them. Accept the help offered. My apologies for my mistake that I made as a beginner. You must learn to take your jobs seriously, or not allow yourself to fall into bad working situations. Marriage may be an obsession that you have. Saturn in Ashwini Nakshatra. A strong sensual nature requires restraint. Used by the content network, Cloudflare, to identify trusted web traffic. I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium that enjoys traveling loves to unravel mysteries and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. You feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility to the groups you become involved in. Remember, once you are able to fulfill your duties, you will appreciate your freedom a lot more and you will have earned it. Your karma is to hold yourself accountable. Do not let your romantic partners dominate you. There is the higher law of Karma operating for all. Very well described the impact of hard task master in all houses. You need emotional support but it is denied or you might be scared to open yourself to your loved ones. Best regards. Quite possibly you had difficulty in primary school with subjects. If your Life Path number happens to be 1, 4, 5, or 7, there is a chance that the double digit number from which your Life Path is derived has a Karmic Debt associated with it. There is a love of solitude. We meet him when a big problem is also occurring. Saturn is a separative force. Saturn in this house will have a significant effect on you. You may marry for security rather than love. Much love and gratitude. So now you are restricted from emotional comfort, security, rest etc that a home means, alienated. It is amazing, I was reading about the 3rd house as part of my study , and your post really came at the right time. There may be many responsibilities and problems in your home or family life. Having Saturn retrograde transiting the 1st house can feel a bit like an astrological vacation. Do not use immoral or unethical means to get ahead in the profession else humiliation and public disgrace can happen for sure. these posts r of a generic nature, but i have writen a post on how to learn it systematically. Even though my Saturn has a few more years to go before it matures, through its lessons, I believe its helped shape my personality today which I would not trade for anything. (Dreamstime) We often get fearful on hearing few numbers such as 13, 14, 16 and 19. Inner worries may cause ulcers. If you resolve these in time, only then will their positives increase with time. This could result from a misuse of power in your past lives. After mid-life, money etc should be comfortable. Eg one of my brothers has an exalted Yogkarak Saturn in the 1st house. Nice article. Since Saturn is the 8th lord, health will be a serious concern in the Sade Sati period, Maha Dasha & Antar Dasha, it will give diseases to Kapha & Vaatha(windy). Saturns lesson having to do with anything materialistic is there to teach you that there is more to life than money and your possessions. Appreciate your children and focus on their development if that is what Saturns lesson is presenting to you. Also the 7th house is not just material stuff, it is the spiritual too. You may be intolerant and critical of others and their beliefs. 14: A 14 karmic debt number is all about abuse of freedom, whether through indulgence or dominating others. It is not about money, you have to learn to share happiness, say kind words to your family/ friends, offer respect, also sing aloud in the bathroom and go for walks in nature and try to elevate your soul. The different planets in your chart represent different roles and lessons. . Your karma is especially heavy if you have Saturn in your 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 12th house. The early childhood can be typical (post here). Uranus in the 12 th House indicates a person who had a free spirit, who was rebel and never really followed the rules. Or if someone is emotionally upset you feel guilty for no reason. As you can see, the house ruled by Capricorn will be affected the same way. Try to stay optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. You were a selfless person in the past, and your mind was spiritually awakened. Later in life you might become a teacher of these same subjects. You will be glad you did in the end. . Always try to bring kindness, gentleness, spirituality and acceptance into these things represented by Saturn, however difficult it may seem. and no it does not work like that, every position has different shades of meanings You can learn energy healing modalities if you feel like it or take up come profession related to medicine or counselling. When it comes to Karmic insight, since Saturn represents weaknesses and fears from your past life, you will have . The lesson is to, yes fulfill your goals but if you have become a work-a-holic, the one thing you will be responsible for is to find a 12-step program for it. Frm asc fr physical stuff, The sign of Saturn is the environment he is working in . Having money set aside for a rainy day is fine, but you probably don't need as much as you tend to want to have set aside. It is people of Authority, like Boss at your Work Place or Father-Figure at Home. You may also be obsessed with humanity and donating to organizations that are important to you that it literally could take over your life. You will value yourself, self-validation is the most important asset. You may experience a sense of never fitting in with the people or groups around you because of some perceived uniqueness. Although a Karmic Debt number can apply . He is extremely competent, well-adjusted, intelligent, hard working, spiritually inclined, materially well-off etc and most importantly willing to be happy in . The 10th aspect of Saturn: Here Saturn will make you do your pending Karma. If this Saturn is in a good sign or auspicious you can even be a leader in your community and gain a lot. eg i have numerous brothers and sisters (i am an only child and I dont like refering to them as cousins) If you have Saturn in the 4th House, you are probably conservative and perhaps find security in land or real estate or in old, traditional ways, beliefs, things or antiques. This is a karmic duty on you to rebalance some misuse of the powers of the 5th house by you in the past. It is not an easy life for a Scorpio ascendant. Saturn is our Karmic Debt from past-life. Since Saturn is in the 1st house and this house represents our overall health. Saturn's karmic work in the 1 st house is rather typical. 10th house - Will need to do menial jobs even if one is at high positions, to be . if you are a genuine student, how many study charts have you collected? You need to control your ambitions. Overall an auspicious Saturn here can give social recognition and success. This is called a Saturn return. To understand the role of Saturn better, look to its sign, house, aspects. (Googleanalytics). If the rest of the horoscope supports, ie powerful ascendant sign/lord and birth Moon, then you can learn his lesson more easily. . You fear the love you feel for your loved one. This may be a result of an abusive family, broken family, feeling unloved, absence of love, broken heart, coldness, emotional trauma, sexual crime, abuse of the occult, etc in early childhood or past lives. You may have had strict parents, and your emotions, in general, maybe ruled by fear! This phase has been so difficult for me that I couldnt see light at the end of the tunnel. I have debilitated Saturn in the 8th house -Virgo ascendant. Frm moon fr emotional context By divine Grace I was guided to Hanuman Chalisa by a great friend who is also a good Hanuman bhakt. Intimacy is not just physical intimacy, it is also emotional. Now that you have a better understanding of Saturn, and why it is the karmic planet- how does it affect you and what major lessons must you learn? 7th house - Debt towards spouse. You owe a debt to your loved one, resolve it else you will be repeating this same painful lesson again and again. Helps WooCommerce determine when cart contents/data changes. Saturn is always karmic duty, fear, restrictions, constrictions, budgeting yourself, making full use of what you have, etc. You must learn to eat well and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Does listening to or reciting the Shri Sukta help unmarried people (who are having trouble getting married) get married? This post is regarding the position of your birth Saturnand how it affects you on the inner levels. You have been learning that your natal chart is indicative of past life lessons you need to learn. Saturn is the bitter enemy of the Lagna lord Moon & placement of Saturn in the watery sign will be considered to bring inauspicious results. In a previous life, you may have treated your body poorly by overeating or drinking too much. i have written a lot on 6th 8th 12th houses, do use the index page. The partner evolves and so do you, relationships change with time, accept this. Pisces is the last sign, and the 12th house is the last house on the chart. Inauspicious Saturn in this critical house can give a lot of trouble as the entire personality and environment suffers under his constrictive influence. Inner worries may cause ulcers. You have to learn this balance in this life. You cannot actively use the auspicious benefits of your past lives so feel helpless internally. Attitudes toward sex may cause difficulties. Perhaps the environment is not conducive to your best efforts or perhaps your fellow employees make life miserable for you. Your concentration upon deep subjects is probably quite good. Answer (1 of 6): On karmic debt theory, on the other hand Saturn in the 10th house (for Taurus ascendant also)needs to work hard to attain and maintain their social status and it often brings obstacles, delays, disappointments or a lack of opportunity in the career. You may have been condescending or was the type that just talked and never cared to listen to what others said or thought. Karmic tension is felt in the relationship. Attitudes of possessiveness toward others must be changed. Limitations, obstructions and problems may be experienced with inheritances, other people's money, one's sex life, taxes and insurance. You feel vulnerable when your loved one tells you that he/she loves you. Generally labor intensive jobs are indicated with this position, which might be boring, repetitive or unsatisfying to your mind. Regards Deep emotions will be hard for you to handle, and you may have difficulty with intimacy, have sexual hang-ups usually resulting in celibacy, and may have a difficult time finding love to give (and will have a hard time receiving it). You will often go out of your way to heal/ help them. Saturn - It is all that which we don't like in our life. You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. However with due caution, disc. Learn to be humble, helpful but at the same time try to assert your opinion, express your will. Saturn is old-age, teeth in human body, diseases, transformation etc. Saturn in the 3rd house the third house is the house of boldness, choices, brothers/sisters, extended family, neighbourhood, skills, trade, short distance travel, teammates etc. Identification of the visitor by a security plugin to prevent attacks on the web. There can also be issues concerning abuse, sex and power. So in this you are being taught this lesson of frustration and delay. Hello Maam, Either you went through these issues or perpetrated them on others. You might face abandonment, isolation, frustration, sorrow. Perhaps there was illness that kept you on the sidelines. Time consuming projects do not bother you. Pessimism and depression may come upon you because everything looks like such a struggle for you. You have to learn to recognise what makes life beautiful. Sensitivity in general is going to be an issue. I have Saturn in my ascendent in Sagittarius and a lot of what you mentioned holds true at some point or the other in life.

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saturn in 1st house karmic debt