distinguished honor graduate award bullet distinguished honor graduate award bullet

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distinguished honor graduate award bulletPor

May 20, 2023

The Graduate and Professional School and The Association of Former Students have selected 15 Aggies as Distinguished Graduate Students for 2023. Below are examples of both types. SPC Floyd, was instrumental in the expansion of Camp Humpherys' communication infrastructure. He was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers. He supervised three NCOs and seven enlisted Soldiers focused special emphasis on properly employing and utilizing all systems to enhance effectiveness of the brigade combat team airspace users, by providing the commander situational awareness of the brigade combat team airspace by receiving and displaying air tracks. His expertise in the field of automation is far above that expected of a Specialist. Save the Date for the 2024 Distinguished Graduate Award Dinner on August 16, 2024, to honor the 2023 Class. SPC Blank served as the Fire Marshal on the Primary Care Clinic from Jan 2010 to present. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. He logged 2,248 miles over the dangerous Main Supply Routes while servicing fourteen forward operating bases within the Multi National Division Area of Responsibility. SPC Taylor showed great pride and enthusiasm in every task she undertook, producing excellent results throughout the rotation. His expertise and knowledge as a Heavy equipment operator has being instrumental to the company's readiness, while serving as a drivers training monitor in conjunction with the company Master Driver. SPC K's diligent commitment to professionalism and supply discipline set the bar for HHBN. His versatility of working random tireless hours and days without complaint during this deployment exemplify the qualities of a good leader. While serving as the communications support systems specialist during OEF 10-11SPC Lovatto demonstrated outstanding motivation and dedication in the setup of 526th Brigade Support Battalin's commuications platform. During his time with the section, he trained and certified 10 Soldiers and four NCO's in welding and recovery techniques that included multiple variants of the MRAP prior to the units deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). SPC Walker developed the training schedules. As a result, the company maintained active and fluid communications with senior and subordinate units while participating in 2HBCTs rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center. As the Subject Matter Expert in Mass Casualty Decontamination, SSG Pardon-Varde demonstrated expert technical skills and superior leadership over a period of three days by teaching and mentoring 33 Chemical SOLDIERS with little to no experience in Mass Casualty Decontamination about the various roles and responsibilities of each overlapping section. His exceptional contributions helped foster a cohesive atmosphere among unit members. SPC GRAHAM, DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF BY EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE DURING OPERATION NEW DAWN. . Not only did SPC Walton do this to the best of his ability but he became the best fuel manager we've ever had. She was an integral part of the tech supply section by maintaining parts worth 3,175,00 for 11 ACFT. SGT Doe participated in not only one but two deployments to Iraq in support of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team's mission and the War on Terror. Throughout the deployment to Kosovo, SSG Krumm distinguished herself through her unwavering dedication to the mission. As the newest member of the Platoon, PFC Snuffy has shown a great ability to quickly adapt to new environments and new leadership contributing to the success of his team and the mission. SPC Merriweather set the physical fitness standard for other Signal soliders to follow, consistently scoring over 290 points on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and earning the APFT badge. Stepped up to take on extra shifts, enabling other watch personnel to participate in social functions in order to represent the American contingent to the international community with the highest standards. He personally created all templates, published taskers and conducted training for subordinate companies; ultimately contributing to overall higher award accuracy. SGT Hardin is quick to assist when needed, shares his experience and is always ready to learn and take on further responsibility. His enthusiasm and loyalty to the team inspired other Soldiers, which contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. SPC Siler showed such knowledge and expertise in her field of training that she was tasked to help train the new soldiers coming into the squad. This expertise was further shared with the Brigade Fires cell, creating an enhanced awareness of airspace issues for the Brigade Commander and his staff, allowing them to properly command and control the battlefield. SPC Jon showed his expertise when he gave a H966 Bucket Loader class during Sergeants Time Training. SGT Doe's diligence resulted in zero accidents during eleven months of combat operations while deployed to the Multi National Division area of operations. [deleted] 4 yr. ago SPC Artz expertise and knowledge separated him from his peers and other 8 Soldiers that attended the May Soldier of the Month Board. "The Distinguished Graduate Student . He assumed responsibility for team's Property Book containing over $3.2 million worth of equipment. SPC Ramos always placed the welfare of his soldiers first, always completed the mission, and personally mentored multiple Soldiers in the areas of Transportation and professional development. However, most awards are normally written by a superior NCO or officer in the Soldier's chain of command and then sent up the chain of command for the approval process. He expertly performed duties as a vehicle operator on the Husky GPR, and Dismount. HIS ENTHUSIASM AND DEDICATION INSPIRED HIS PEERS AND SUBORDINATES TO RISE ABOVE THEMSELVES TO ACCOMPLISH ALL MISSIONS. During his time with the XXXnd, XXX Doe was critical in the success of numerous operations. SPC Doe's outstanding performance and dedication to duty was a major factor to the success of the Brigade Tactical Operations Center. SPC HOGNER, IN HIS ROLE AS THE S6 OFFICER, A CAPTAINS SLOT, WAS ABLE TO ACCURATELY AND IN DETAIL BRIEF THE BATTALION COMMANDER DURING ALL BATTLE UPDATE BRIEFS. SSG XXXX successfully served as the ATL for Tactical PSYOP Company (TPC) throughout the deployment to Iraq in 2008, conducting over 60 tactical PSYOP missions in support of COIN. His incomparable performance and cutting edge approach to training has brought prodigious respect and value to the United States Army Reserves, as well as the XXXD EN CO (MRB) (DET 1). Specialist Snuffy inherited duties and responsibilities far above his rank and completed all required tasks with proficiency. Thanks! 1SG Contra volunteered to coordinate the XXX Brigade Support Battalion Non Commissioned Officer Induction Ceremony. Due to a shortage of personnel at the unit, Staff Sergeant Jose Acevedorosario took on additional responsibilities to keep the unit afloat. and the fact that most DHG's are not determined until four or five days before the class graduates, I think it would be difficult, never . SSG Doe was key in supervising, planning and executing the installation, operation and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration for the BN. SGT XXX endlessly pursued strategies aimed at advancing the overall capabilities and readiness of the organization. SSG Snuff was responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of supply during deployments and abroad. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. SGT Doe was a motivated and dedicated Noncommissioned Officer who far exceeded course standards and achieved the Distinguished Honor Graduate recognition. He worked consistently to maintain over 130 manhole cable junction boxes, installed seven miles of fiber optic and copper cable, and installed over 240 landline terminal blocks. SSG Harry set the highest United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) standard across the board for the Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS) Inspection by being the first unit to pass the inspection. SPC Rice technical proficiency assisted in saving the National Training Center and the Army over $300,000 in parts and labor by troubleshooting and repairing components, as opposed to replacing major assemblies. SSG JOE's coordination efforts were completely transparent to the senior command team, thus allowing Task Force Jailbreaker leadership to focus on combat operations in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. She took charge over three peers to ensure communication systems, tactical and automations, were established with 2 Brigade Combat Team. Outstanding Thesis Award. SPC Rue during Annual Training and the DRX continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the 1086th vehicles were fully mission capable. - Received Distinguished Graduate award--best profession of arms, communication, and leadership in PACAF - #2/24 ALS; earned Academic Achievement and Distinguished Graduate Awds--head & shoulders above peers! On short notice and with little assistance, he developed the key intelligence products for the extensive Intelligence Estimate Briefing presented to the senior foreign commander in charge of the exercise. Compiled all of the necessary skills to put together a tracking board for anti-coalition activity that was praised by the BCT Commander and distinguished visitors in the Tactical Operations Center. SPC XXXX has went above and beyond the call of duty by using his personal expertise with Microsoft office, to aid the XXXX G6 maintain a track record of the daily operations here in XXXX. . By doing this Spc Doe had inspired the command of the 69th signal battalion to contact the 2-28 Cco command and announce their appreciation for the classes that were given while also awarding a coin where Spc Doe had given to the company demonstrating his own appreciation for the chances he recieves to adhere to his duties. XXX Doe sacrificed his personal time in order to volunteer to support his local community by becoming a member of the Marquette Area Honor Guard from 11 May 2013 to 11 May 2016. PFC Land diligence in rendering up information to RCP39 patrol leader was instrumental to the 72nd MAC CO. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Afghanistan Government. SPC Smith assisted in conducting Arms Room duties that resulted in zero deficiencies for monthly inventory inspections for a period of 9 months. (b) If the output of the process that sets the resistance is centered on 0.50 . The training teams' expertise and performance were lauded by virtually all that were exposed to it, including numerous flag officers. related tasks and proficiently resolved over 2000 I.T. The S-6 shop completed over 2,500 trouble-tickets and SPC Isbell processed over 1,000 of those communication and automation issues with the majority of them being handled in less than 30 minutes. Daily operation of the battalion did not cease. . The Distinguished Honor Graduate, which was awarded to the candidate with the highest academic percentage, went to Spc. His leadership characteristics, combined with his ability to improve the potential of others, played a vital role in the success of the organization. SGT sonso showed excellent leadership skills and superior technical knowledge, ensuring the battalion readiness rate remained above 95% during his service with the unit. During exercise Courageous Channel 11, he supervised the training of over 50 NEO personnel in CBRN defense and evacuation procedures in the event of an attack. Due to his professionalism and unlimited leadership potential, Soldier was selected to serve as Assembly Area Lugnuts OIC, serving with distinction, honor, and commitment from 20200501 thru 20200717 in support of the State of Michigan's response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. SPC Beaver's extreme attention to detail ensured the Chain of Command was provided with up to date information of Soldiers' status. Commandant's Leadership Award Winner With limited resources and no S1 personnel SSG Acevedo carried out the S1 mission while conducting his S3 duties. SPC DOE was a senior specialist in the fire direction section. His exceptional knowledge and expertise allowed his section to complete 27 recovery missions safely and without incident during training events prior to the deployment. SPC XXXX showed immense leadership qualities and skills throughout the entire deployment. SPC Joe was chosen over 12 of his peers to assist the 412TH ASB motor pool in Shop Office operations. Within eight weeks he transformed a substandard platoon into a cohesive, disciplined team which held the company's highest platoon record for rifle marksmanship, physical fitness testing, and common skills testing for over a one-year period. SPC Floyd and his team was recognized by the 501st Signal Battalion Commander and First Sergeant for efficiency in communication operations. SPC WATSON'S INITIATIVE, HARD WORK, ETHIC, AND "CAN DO" ATTITUDE HAD A DIRECT IMPACT ON THE SUCCESS OF RANGE OPERATIONS. The Honor Graduate award, officially the BG Thomas C. Hamilton Distinguished Honor Graduate and formerly the MG Raymond C. Peters Distinguished Honor Graduate, is the top award of the Texas State Guard Officer Candidate School (OCS). ARCM-PERFORMANCE/SPC HOGNER ASSUMED THE ROLE OF THE BATTALION S6 OFFICER IN CHARGE OF ALL COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING OF INBOUND AND OUTBOUND CONVOYS. Honor grad is meaningless outside of NCOER bullet point if it doesn't come with at least a COA or AAM+. ACHIEVEMENT #3SSG ___ has distinguished himself by unwavering support of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy through tireless efforts in the area of Supervision, Discipline, Commitment to Excellence and support of the 25th ID and USARHA W. SSG _____ has flawlessly served as a member of the Land Navigation, and Graduation Committees for WLC. SPC House's efforts led to the rapid transport, early treatment, and positive outcomes for all 10 patients. SGT SoSo's level of technical and tactical knowledge contributed greatly to the accomplishment of countless missions during his platoon's training cycle. Displaying exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was influential during all phases of planning and preparation. Driving force in developing the exercise concept, intelligence requirements and support plan for the Infantry Division s Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE) and Corps War Fighter Exercise (WFX). PV2 Snuffy's diligence in providing up to the minute information to Warfighters was instrumental to the 105th MP Co. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Iraqi Government. Mobilized into the city of Kalamazoo and augmented with State and local Law Enforcement to assist in maintaining peace and safeguarding the community impacted by nonpeaceful protests. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCOs, coordinating and executing plans. To ensure that the squad was able to properly account for all assigned equipment, SGT Doe devised and implemented a system of marking squad and individual equipment which facilitated easy identification of Basic Issue Items (BII) and other pieces of organizational equipment. Acted as a mentor for the ANA Combat Medic Course in RST-S. She simultaneously led the team through NTC recovery and Change of Command Inspections while integrating her new medic. Demonstrating exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was able execute all tasks inherited in his role as the interim operations sergeant. 2017). SSG Acevedo was the only full-time AGR Soldier with ITRS and RLAS access, though this would normally complicate mission accomplishment for most Soldiers, SSG Acevedo was always on top of all tasks. SPC Kirton-Smith was constantly being tasked for special taskings due to his ability to manage tasks and higher levels of responsibility. SGT Lizyness was adament about motorcycle safety and took it upon himself to mentor younger motorcycle riders on the dangers of operating a motorcycle. Examples can be contributed using the form below. In addition, he was selected over his peers to serve as the NCOIC of seven Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTVS) and the movement of 90 pax over a span of five days. His commendable efforts were singled out by the senior US General officer of the US response cell. Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software. This tracking wall was used daily by the BCT staff to conduct Battle Update Briefs. Honor Graduate. His knowledge and mechanical skills enabled a fast, safe install on over 15 vehicles within a two week time period and minimal loss of combat operations. As an Early Warning System Operator, SPC Doe crew successfully mastered the tactics, techniques, and procedures, of the TCS by never failing a Crew drill, SPEAR, MRE or an ORE. While serving as an augmentee for the 645th RSG housing and billeting section, SPC Randolph displayed a high level of competence and professionalism. related issues. His selfless service, innovation and commitment to mission success has greatly aided the XXXX G6 to remain organized and be more effective and efficient in completing its tasks. SPC C's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist (92F) was a key function for the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC) training exercise from 01 September to 10 October 2015. Concurrent with OIF planning, CPT Doe supported a key NATO Exercise by developing the threat database, Intelligence Estimate, Order of Battle, and the Intel Annex for command and staff participation. SPC Doe provided situational awareness that informed all units of current route status, medical evacuation status, and ongoing operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08. Honor Graduate, Pathfinder Course. During the period in question, SGT XXX provided selfless service as the principal training NCO responsible for the performance of a variety of technical, advisory and coordinating duties for the 642d Regional Support Group (RSG) command and the overall success of the first ever Virtual Battle Assembly. Chelsea Baker) We need more examples. His enthusiasm and dedication to the section greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the "Bulldog" battery. As a Senior Information Systems Specialist SGT _______ performed the duties of the Group Support BN S6, Senior IT Specialist. He delivered 428 tons of critical Class I-IX cargo over the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq servicing fourteen forward operating bases. SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. PFC Sotelo PMCS, Diagnosed, and Repaired communications in 40 vehicles and 20 radios over a 4 day time period. Yes, this is because the ropes are a tech school-specific position that has no bearing on the rest of the Air Force. Her extensive interaction within Camp Bondsteel and 21st TSC ensured aircraft parts were ordered and tracked in a timely and efficient manner.

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distinguished honor graduate award bullet