armchair expert transcript armchair expert transcript

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armchair expert transcriptPor

May 20, 2023

Just sign up, select your box in the ship it right to your door every month and when you sign up now, you get their stake. What I'm gonna do. but I like your voice or go no. I know I know, but I don't want her to feel like that. Why I went oh yeah. Because everything's gonna be fine, is vulnerable yeah. Is it all kind of culminated for me? I guess for billboard. Are you good? your book, so you you've sold a million albums, which is incredible in this current age of album sales. You said hey: these are my Mugsy jeans. No one, you know, is awake, you're, sitting alone on your phone scrolling through social media. fuckin asshole and then I don't feel bad for that was just like fuck. It's. So I think you- and I maybe share this- I moved to probably a dozen houses before, I graduated high school and now I'm neurotic. worked out the Vienna, so that's important if you ever read fear of flying. It is once I started to find more professional success, my desire to be sexually empowered kind of just disappeared because being professionally success, is far more fulfilling than being sexually successful. I also wanted to sell him. Accuracy is not guaranteed. You should always plaster, but also you need to brush your gums, not like. I have some all sure why codes which right hundred hundred pounds. Yes, how fucked were you when people cut an uber? Oh I'll find it right now it won't be hard. I see I did I'm Herman's. So what an appropriate time to update my native collection with their candy cane holiday, sent you get candy cane. I envision my future is, like I'm, a male rang, a town in your bed on the first floor, wistfully stodgy, firm, better knees, figure, biology, square footage, Christians in up their here now, here's another thing that we share and come like. that's why I wrote a book well what it forces you to do. She was tempted to get the cookies, but instead she got the call and she felt right so, everything is good and she's going to go home and then drive ten fifteen. I think as I'm twenty six, so you know once I kind of garden to the point of like having. Does it say that does not. I took three days to write about it and when I read it I was like hey I connected to all the emotions I was not connecting connecting to and then be understood it for the first time. Teen movie like make our contacts are straining my hair body changed. I would pick far I think I'll pick farts tell here. You now like something must be deeply wrong with you inside. There was a male man, I loved ass, a little girl. David Farrier exposes Monica and Dax to a new conspiracy theory each month. Welcome! I've seen it you're welcome, but it's good. Oh, my god, my age range cannot not include Brad Pitt, so I had to raise it to that and then we had built, Okay, and I have to sometimes a big tipping point. They provide access to online consultations with licensed medical providers who, if appropriate, can prescribe customizable skincare treatment made to target specific adult acne concerns. Isn't it I believe me. The zip was thought that was the praise. . Other things, to live with it, so I've been like ok cool, like what is it going to be for me when the world has this, I'm making a sound so dramatic, like I'm about to put its it's a fucking, it's a poetry, book of stuff like it's, I'm not putting up. They've got a cake. I can't all ok, some people can. Her station was Halsey that she got off of it and I think he lived on Halsey Street as well, but I know there was a station and I think there was a street and that's where she took her inspiration. I can go live in a crack den in Brooklyn. It's like a phantom limb yeah. We impossibility. Oh my god! either has oh, my god. This is in. Did you like him when he was a baby yeah? How can you because, when the quite often when I'm interacting with severe held a toast there talking the closest to my nose, anybody, like your breath, smells great you're. yeah and so have you ever considered? Jane explains how similar the gender roles are between chimps and humans, her trajectory of going deep into the jungle and coming out a world icon, and how the Jane Goodall Institute has grown to 24 institutes in 24 separate countries. John and Dax talk about their shared love of Howard Stern, what . I do, and this is my life and people care about what I have to say and they can then they impostor syndrome creeps just waiting to be exposed, economic staring in the mirror. I love Halsey too, and I really like her as a person. Let them go and you dont want to send them back out into the dangerous world. I've been doing it every day. It was in her new book is called. I think my elementary school, copy line. Yeah you couldn't help, her like a little baby. and now my favorite part of the show the fact check. I talk about a lot of stuff, a lot of it's like hyper sexual and people like, and have an opinion of what it's like to fuck me, because I talk about what it's like to fuck me and, like you know, they're gonna be like I would like, evidence of it, which is crazy, not just scrolling through my instagram pictures at two in the morning, yeah I'm kind of terrified a little bit mostly because I'm afraid of what's going to end up happening, which is like something is going to be taken out of con, sure. Remember. Oh Christ, you're just getting us on the legal battle after legal, She said it's not like you can address as a real axe to grind, She saying it's not like you, can not brush your teeth or not do other things disposed to do not exploit your guns and then just, useless drain and expanding around the companion, the category and oral healthcare yeah. Most people, don't they focus on their tongue which, as we all know, you just said, Andrea. For Christmas, that's native d, o dot com slashed. You need that's enough as a huge mistake that young women make to assume that. I've noticed and by the way you're the first person. Lamorne joins the Armchair Expert to discuss growing up on the southside of Chicago, how he knew he wanted to get into comedy at a young age and his relationship with his father. Okay, like can you think of anything that this might write? George joins the Armchair Expert to discuss the mental phenomena of life, farting in an elevator, and romanticizing everything as a writer. Hers was extremely men up a a bit dangerous, slash, nine healthy, Okay. George explains how he learned that being a writer wasnt about your adventure resume, how to trust your own mind and bless your reactions, and how he finds inspiration by revisiting great works. It can be really really tough, but by the same token, if I didn't do it, I would have probably fucking killed myself by now. So I really relate to you on that, This is just a curiosity of mine. I really started to understand those relationships and also you know what I think had a lot to do with. I do I do okay. It lived on a street that had a cool name that I like that still like it. Oh all right. I think it sounded like. Tracy joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how anxiety can be a tool for people to deal with stress, how it shouldn't always be treated with medication, and that anxiety is a feature of being human and not a malfunction. Sampler with six grass FED grass finnish state, now here's how it works. Now it's called like blue blue velvet fact. The thing you're in love the most about it is the touch to all, because you can walk up with your hands completely full and Intel the the force it to start running with voice. Okay. It would be so nice or as if you had real chronic halitosis halitosis, and then you are also the phased of hell, but toes everywhere you at the airport, people public stay away from that person and then they be right to buy. I talk about abuse to talk about drugs. Was it absolutely terrible to, oh yeah once a bare arm, Barrack Storm, I'm a control free. Why? I was ugly until last year and then the year after that I'll go who let me shave my head. It was. Older people have you now: people are stuck in their ways: ya, like Rihanna, better than Rihanna. I mean it was, just one afternoon like you're, going to be a bad purchaser of something, if you're in love with it. Where were you, think, you're doing really think you're, just like brushing where the gum hits the tooth, like even below that point, yeah exactly below that or above that you need to edicts the eight the dumb. I said: there's some good in that, but there's some bad two by the time I was like nineteen or twenty I had felt nineteen or twenty for like ten years when you were seventeen, you had a twenty four year old boyfriend, what's like on the surface you're a little for me, I'm a little bit like who okay is a little dicey, yeah, but I imagine you maybe felt like that was the level of, mature, immaturity Unita. This holiday season native deodorants, don't just block order. Just like all. You know a lack of reliable friends to kind of go through the process of transformation. I desperately need, desperately need control, and so you know figuring out what that means for you and you're not completely indebted to this routine, and I don't know it's really really strange thing and it's comforting for me talking to other people who live, in the same way as I dont have a lot of friends who do any of the same or similar, things, stimuli yeah, it's hard for someone to go and big deal, and you have a nice house. What do you think- and I said a plus double thumbs up? Now, I've looked just like it. Hello, hello. I q or you can just tap it with your elbow, turn it on, and then you don't have to sit on the plates would messy hands in turn on and get the false messy and then have to be worked on the vast. And it's on me to figure that out so it just you gives you a different set of glasses, just very just very probably, and probably not, and I don't, of course, at the time didn't realize that transformation had happened. I think a lot of these things are just indulging. sheer manic, hopeless, found a kingdom into those seventeen bad lands and room. Well now I know so it's like not to live vicariously through someone's death, which is like a weird, paradoxical statement, but you know it kind of gave me that perspective. His podcast Armchair Expert, where he and Monica Padman explore the messiness of being human, is one of my favorite things to listen to. I dont want one of those yeah, so maybe what I'll do to recapture that time is all start really gettin neurotic, my oral health care. Look at you! then me right, it's no! I'm selling organic matter. Do you have that look back and I every single year my perspective goes. The idea- and I never will, all the way, but I teetered with with some really dangerous situations all for the sake of this, like crazy, hot relationship in the nose like ok, cool being hard is gonna, get everyone, hell, no, I should be heart. God bless them. Some lovers. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary is an author and researcher. I got a follow up question about that. Robin opens up about losing himself after the death of his father, how he was still searching for his dads attention and approval, and how important focusing on balance in his life is. I would love that Monica and I obsessed with getting a Trex skeleton cool and that's not enough, for us, and what we want to do is rent out the rib cage and the mouth as an area to fuck in, the enormous cost of one of these skeletons because they're, like thirty million dollars, yeah cabbages support, Fucking will handle that don't there's gonna be some kind of mattress, yeah in the root case there'll be a mattress. responsibility, I think he was really really good at that yeah me too, he really was letting you in on the it's not a great struggle. Here now I did a science project chemistry project in tenth grade, where I investigated what was the best aunt acid? to leave. I think than this I'm just being ompleted candid here, there's a better feeling when you can walk into a room and think to yourself like I am a very, very successful person and there's a lot of things that people in this room would want to talk to me about and a lot of you know cool things. The guy talk about being molested. well. So sorry, I'm using my assistance lab top and she had a notification on. So we're not doing it, you know yeah yeah, no one's complaining, it's just being honest about the experience, so I, yeah pressure, for I mean I always think that because I think the weirdest thing a bow and I am sure that you, can a bad Gillian per cent relate to this. It's weird that when the medical versions dirtier than, now, because it's always get the word halibut in it? I get the stairs in, those then I'm gonna have to climb a flight of stairs. Sure can we define sexually successful, like many people are attracted to, want to be with you at totally really, like you know, when I was like nineteen eight. Are you know, teaching me new techniques for brushing cause they're. Until three four five in the morning, you finally fall asleep. Firstly, are like a lack of stability. he's in whenever he speaks car salesman talk, he sounds like Mister Roger. Armchair Expert Umbrella with Dax Shepard on Apple Podcasts 85 episodes Armchair Expert Umbrella is a media/podcast network comprised of all shows produced by Armchair Expert. Are you not supposed to say Hamlet out loud? It's just easier to access at an arm's length now in a way where it's not setting my whole life on fight or because I'm living in the dark stuff all the time. My whole life does your dad and carbon, Yes, I always tell stories about how, when I was growing up, out with him with such a headache, because we never got home from anywhere quickly, because he would always run into someone he sold a car to defend, we'd be in the grocery store and, unlike thirteen, you know just a complete brat and don't want to be there and then I'm going to get there, I Toyota, the joy or and I'll be like I'll who the hell is this woman and this be enabling a solar, Chevy, suburban. Amy joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how much she likes to identify as an outsider that worked her way in, how control is the dream state, and how important it was for Dax to do car stuff in Baby Mama. I build these key. Transcripts may contain a few typos. I was lucky enough to be in a position where I was like: okay cool, I'm not ruining my life, but I never would have expected some of the people that I know and loved and lost to see them go to. What a pleasure. Well, if I can have control over anything, then forget ordered the other departure, which is now I'm going to new, radically attempt to control everything, everything in my life becomes a potential danger to me? You know what I mean multi hyphen, yeah, I got it. I saw like we're kind of posting. Now I can customize my box or go with one of theirs either way. Thank you. This is not that big of a deal to me. I don't feel too, because I didn't seem like me. This is our theater. Aaron looks great in a beard, Monica tells Charlie that his arms look smaller, and Dax reminisces about a time when he thought hed never be able to have sex again. Well Holly. every year, bipolar, so deeply. You, because you're, a loser, kazoo like me, can literally then you're fucked insisted cycle not to shift gears to dramatically, but I do think it's interesting that you say at seventeen is when you kind of had this budding into womanhood and feeling attractive. The simulation time this song here, that's that's right. We code dot com, that's fifty percent! Dax admits that if he met Jane, he would try to groom her. I think I don't like yeah it's like forty five. you're very favorite movie is carried out, I will hunt this fucking sullen is called, saw me and it samples goodwill. There is a quote from the Jared Cohen episode I want to share with someone and I am losing patience on trying to find it again. Look. Because that's other thing is, I don't want it to become, this thing where everyone psych policies, are: twenty: six year old, female publish author, like. Stephen sits down with the Armchair Expert to discuss being drawn to counterintuitive thinking, his journey to Judaism and looking at politics through an objective lens. Jamil Zaki (The War for Kindness) is a professor of psychology at Stanford University and the director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab. While he asked. Anderson's got eight. Now I just like dress, vision, but now I really am. So now I've shaded both sides, with this haircut and I was like that's not who I think I am interesting that I can go with lots of personalities. always felt like will now. And I'm guessing that's the worst year of your life is are among the worst years, your life. We have so. You also like smoke inside the house and listen to Eminem or what's going on, probably more like Bob Seger but yeah. It just in the Eu S alone, you been stream six billion times. I need to use also mention that my dad is like a very huge lovable black man. meaningful and fulfilling relationships with adults and adults closer to my age. John joins the Armchair Expert to discuss his DM to Dax about loving the podcast, his fear of putting himself out there and giving 100%, and the time someone tried to set him up with Kristen. I still get those days where I wake up and I can. What Margaret I agree on this planet, Gunnar both seen is pretty smart were seen as funny. Is there anywhere we can get transcripts of the episodes? I just became that friend. Instead of that, making me feel better about myself. Esther sits down with the Armchair Expert to discuss the true definition of eroticism, the unrealistic expectations we put on our partners and how the status of a couple affects the whole family. Susan explains that theres no place for blame, shame or guilt in ethics, what incentive people have to make ethical decisions, and the need to make ethics accessible to everyone. It didn't feel like it had any substance. I got to be able to talk yeah. We trust him with our business Monica with their bows. When I get coffee. Do it with someone else right, I probably fuck them, and I'm going to take you back anyway, because Switzerland, what we do so yeah no kind of one of those situations, and that was what I was choosing as I was choosing. I wonder if this is ok, atta care. Do your legs a favor and head on. I don't know Pepsi a c. Is I don't think so Antidiarrheal. just imagine, mean and they'll be jaws of a rations mid coitus, it's gotta be exhilarating, and my question of course is: do you think you would run out to Trex? I think it was. I think one of the best things is that I spent most of my life ugly, because I still feel like an ugly person. You look like well care. Always evolving and augury worry us with some tips. One of the rooms on the first floor is nice enough that when I can't climb the stairs I'll have to move down kind of like male orangutans, they end up getting so fat. The male man would look at me and smile he'd, pat me on the cheek and tell me that I was a smart ass. Like I'm obligated, to tell my story- and this is my story- not that song in particular- but just your music also is very honest about having mental health issues and trauma and all this stuff I started noticing it when I became sensitive to it because post that really. In this, The numbers emergencies December love love also exhibit a Bree who lives down the street chief thirteen to her mom. I've talked about this a million times in here which is like yeah. for the person with an undiagnosed mental illness who's just trying to get relief from it yeah, and do you think that was tied into it yeah I mean, I think, a lot of what happens too. Our Shows Armchair Expert Armchaired & Dangerous eff won with DRS Experts on Expert Flightless Bird Monica & Jess Love Boys Nurture vs Nurture Race to 270 We Are Supported By Armchair Anonymous Episodes Events Dax Lists Books Documentaries Podcasts Store. She was showing me. She was three or would you be more comfortable, twelve and five yeah, maybe like thirteen and thirteen and six okay, maybe actually fourteen and open borders of that word. how the hell with it would seem like they just took that clear and they used to have halibut toe assesses the sunset tribe pitfall of acting, but you notice the. I'd also argue that you. Walter Isaacson is an American author, journalist, and professor. I agree. Halsey joins the Armchair Expert and the two bond over vaping, ranch-style homes, and both having car salesman fathers. and even compared to the pain that you are causing yourself. Thing could not be your fault. a lot lately and I thought you'd enjoy it. What I got out of one you can make it you make it on your, it will do you can make it on your worth he's so bad society offers the best, So if anyone is interested and listening to it, it's called time and it's on the free nationals album and it's so good yeah.

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armchair expert transcript